Play Dates

Apr 20, 2011 17:43

Title:  Play Dates
Author:  mee_eep
Fandom:  Original
Wordcount:  1118
Warnings:  Smut

‘Let your children be exactly like you’ it was a mothers curse.  Jackson’s didn’t think his mother had ever really liked him.  He could picture her knowing mother’s smile in his head as he watched his son run directly to the smaller boy, hug him and drag him to the climbing frame.  Justin never hugged anyone, this was clearly his special, special friend who’d he’d been rabbiting on about.  Eliah’s amazing, Eliah has a big yellow truck, Eliah’s dad is amazing, I bet Eliah’s dad lets him stay up late...

Eliah’s dad was indeed amazing.  Jackson was in a position to know.

Leon stood the other side of the children’s garden charming the young mothers.  Cynthia - nice girl, divorced.  Husband ran off with the post girl and she’s looking for number two.  Had a hand on his arm, bare and tanned under a short sleeved shirt.  Leon threw his head back as he laughed and Jackson swallowed hard at the sight of strong flexing neck muscles.  He had it bad.

The club had been in full on party mode.  A bachelor party, a birthday and a consolation do, had everyone drinking and bopping to the beats.  Some pretty young thing had jumped on a table, stripped off his shirt and struck a pose.  Jackson was drunk enough to follow.  Between sleepovers, storytelling and homework he didn’t get out much so had been determined to live it up.

Dating with a young child was hard, impossible even, but a nights dalliance would sooth an ache nicely.  A hot mouth and wandering hand to butt.  Refreshingly adult and no passing relation to cartoon time.  His dance got a lot of cheers and hands had reached to help him down off the table, bumping him against a compact well build body.

Justin hooted from the very top of the frame and Jackson managed a wave and cheer, quelling the urge to rush over and drag his offspring down to safer heights.  Eliah helped him down, the two boys toppling over at the last jump to roll over the safety flooring, wrestling, with high pitched giggles.  Leon had caught him when he stumbled too, holding him firm and grinning when he giggled.

Several drinks later, a fast and slow dance and the two were firm friends, Jackson fancied himself in love.  Leon was sweet and funny, sexy as hell.  They talked easy and found a lot in common, including wild attraction and need to touch.  It felt strange to be chatting about everything under the sun except a little five year reflection of himself.  Leon’s mouth was very hot and totally delicious on his.  Amazing.

His shirt was still open from his table dance and he’d lost track of the friends he’d come with.  The hand reaching to hold the loose shirt seam was welcomed, the sly touch to flesh beneath tantalising.  Everything narrowed in, the push and shove of the crowd, the loud bouncy music, the flashing lights.  Strobe lights seemed directed just on them.  A bubble of hot lust.  Forgetting everything they tangled, kissing deep, tongues thrusting to explore wet caverns, eyes locked on each others.

Deciding together without wasted verbal’s, mouths so better used for kissing, they left the club.  Shrugging on coats and blinking at the rush of air.  It sobered their heads but fed the passion.  They made it too the park, hands sneaking under clothing, pauses for fumbled kisses.  Jackson knew people got together here but never him.  A responsible father figure he never sought the leafy shadows.

Leon seemed a little lost, they shared a sheepish grin before falling on each other, finding a trees shade by accident as they delved through clothing.  Hands found bare flesh, gripping his butt hard as he stroked smooth skin and scratched at ribs.  Leon fell to his knees with a needy groan Jackson could still hear now, peering up at Jackson through his fringe before latching on, swallowing deep and sudden without hesitation.  He’d chocked a little, more eagerness than skill.  Lovely.  Fisting hands in his hair Jackson had watched the busy mouth until his eyes crossed, admired the strong column of throat flexing.

Dragging Leon up, he’d tasted of the release.  Addictive.  Jackson had wanted more, had jacked the cock rubbing on his hip bone to bring about Leon’s release.  Licking his fingers to get the taste.  Neither had hurried off, they swayed and kissed, cradling each other until it was time to part.  Numbers were exchanged with promises not kept, Jackson hadn’t mentioned his child and savoured the memory to much to dim it with rejection.  Leon had kept his own secret.  A tousled headed child with matching bright blue eyes and bewitching grin, who ran to him now dragging Justin, calling how Justin’s daddy was so amazing, how Justin had his own swing and was allowed to stay up late!

Leon swung his son around in a whirlwind swing getting delighted cheers, strolling over with the sun playing strobe as casual as any new acquaintance.  Jackson had pangs of memory, fingers itching to feel and heart shuddering at fear of being forgotten, mocked.

‘Hey there, Jackson’
‘I hear you’re the most amazing daddy there is?’
‘I heard that was you, weekend Pizzas and cartoon times wasn’t it?’

Jackson lightly cuffed his son, shaking the solemnly offered hand of his favouritest friend ever and laughing away tension as he watched the two speed off, sandpits to conquer and girls to chase from roundabouts.

‘You never mentioned your son’ there was a faint air of accusation but Jackson passed it back ‘You never mentioned yours’  the pause between them was heavy and they both shifted wanting to break it.  Leon asked first ‘His mother?’
‘My ex Sadie.  She travels for work so I have full custody, we get together for family days whenever she’s in the country’

Leon’s smile grew, spreading over his face to show how serious he’d been before.  Blatantly eyeing Jackson up he grinned with remembered mischief.  ‘You’re out of the closet then?’
‘With sparkles on!’ Jackson reassured, face asking his own questions.
‘We saw the error of our ways.  She’s married now, to a nice girl named Angie.  We share custody’
Their grins matched.

‘I think my son likes your son’ Jackson laughed, watching the terrors ran rampant.  ‘He has good taste’ Leon winked ‘get’s it from his old man!’

There was at least one outraged gasp when they kissed.  Chaste but nice.  More people cheered, Cynthia letting out a loud joyous whoop.  Little voices whispered from the sandpits ‘I think my dad likes your dad’ and evil grins plotted sleepovers with cartoons, late nights and treats.

Play dates were definitely arranged.


father, kindergarten

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