Sep 19, 2006 17:18
I found this amusing, so I thought I would post it here ^_^;;;
holicaholic69: i once won a giant teddy bear at an amusement park
sk8erdmg: YA GO ON
sk8erdmg: =-O
holicaholic69: um....thats all there is to the story...
sk8erdmg: NOOOOOOOO :-[
holicaholic69: i could make it more interesting
holicaholic69: so i was jsut walking along in the park
holicaholic69: minding my own businiess
sk8erdmg: YA
holicaholic69: eating my cotton candy
holicaholic69: when all of a sudden
holicaholic69: out of the corner of my eye
holicaholic69: i saw
holicaholic69: A GIANT TEDDY BEAR
holicaholic69: and of course
sk8erdmg: OOH
holicaholic69: i had to have it
sk8erdmg: OF COURSE
holicaholic69: but the people in the amusment park are mean
holicaholic69: they make you do stuff that makes them laugh in order to get prizes
sk8erdmg: OH NO
holicaholic69: you cant just buy the prizes
holicaholic69: you have to earn them
sk8erdmg: THOES ASSES
holicaholic69: so i did the proverbial dance for them
sk8erdmg: O YEAH
holicaholic69: i picked up that softball
holicaholic69: held it tight
sk8erdmg: YA HUH
holicaholic69: flexed my arm in a thrwing motion
holicaholic69: and BAM
sk8erdmg: FOLLOWING
sk8erdmg: OH
holicaholic69: missed the basket
sk8erdmg: NOOOOO
holicaholic69: BUT
sk8erdmg: OH
sk8erdmg: WHAT
holicaholic69: even though they dont want you to win
holicaholic69: they give you
holicaholic69: 3 shots!!!
holicaholic69: not jus one
sk8erdmg: OMG
holicaholic69: so my hopes were restored
holicaholic69: i picked up that second ball
sk8erdmg: OH YEAHH!!
sk8erdmg: PICK IT UP
holicaholic69: and did the same thing
sk8erdmg: OMG
holicaholic69: only with more grace
holicaholic69: and precision
holicaholic69: and BAM
sk8erdmg: YEAH
holicaholic69: IT WENT IN
sk8erdmg: OHOH
holicaholic69: but
sk8erdmg: YEAH!!!!|
sk8erdmg: OH
holicaholic69: in order to get the bear
sk8erdmg: YEAH
holicaholic69: you had to get TWO BALLS IN
sk8erdmg: OMG
holicaholic69: not just one
holicaholic69: so
holicaholic69: with my hand shaking
sk8erdmg: THOES ASSES
holicaholic69: i picked up my last softball
sk8erdmg: OK
holicaholic69: i knew this one had to go straight and true otherwise i wouldnt get my prized bear
holicaholic69: so i took it in my hand
sk8erdmg: OH YEAH
sk8erdmg: OK
holicaholic69: palm sweating from the pressure
sk8erdmg: OH NO
sk8erdmg: NO SWEATY
holicaholic69: flexed my arm one last time
holicaholic69: threw that ball
sk8erdmg: LAST TIME
sk8erdmg: OK
holicaholic69: and PLUNK
sk8erdmg: PLUNK
holicaholic69: IT WENT IN!!1
sk8erdmg: FDSNF
holicaholic69: i felt so happy
sk8erdmg: ME TOO
holicaholic69: i got my prized bear
sk8erdmg: THAT BEAR
sk8erdmg: OH
holicaholic69: and said
sk8erdmg: YEAH
sk8erdmg: I R HAPY
holicaholic69: "screw you amusement park, I WON THIS ROUND, muahaha"
holicaholic69: then proceeded to ride rollercoasters
I am amused to easily, its sad XD
on a side note, since when is the post-to-my-livejournal button now "update captain's log". Is that part of talk like a pirate day?