It was Election Day in Korean today, a public holiday (we worked anyway). There were 10 candidates running for president. I don't know who won, but I know who my favorite was. With my students' help, I spent the morning coming up with slogans for 허경영 (Heo Gyung Young). See if you can spot these:
- Mongolia Misses Us
- Because the Japanese already love kimchi anyway
- So Your Kids Will Get What's Coming to 'em
- If I can't win your vote, I'll BUY it
- Give (UN Secretary General) 반기문 a shorter commute!
- Aren't you worth 15억원?
- He's good enough for Bush, He's good enough for Korea
- I <3 박근혜, don't you?
- Down with 수능
- With an IQ of 438, you can't go wrong!
- Why Not?
- Let's Spend That Money!
I know it's too late for these to have an impact on the election, but with these, I'm pretty sure that 허 would have easily won the election. I think I definitely have a future as a campaign strategist or a spin doctor.