Oct 07, 2003 13:55
I am not really a genius.
Nor am I awesome.
I know those are my constant refrains, but we all know it's just talk. I am, like all human beings, helpless to save the things that matter. The important things in life can't be fixed by yelling, or gum chewing, or violence. You can't drink away the tough stuff, or hide out from pain on a golf course. I wish I could offer just one bit of advice to help you kids, to make things a little better for you all, but there's just nothing to say.
I know where Heatly's headed. I'm there. I've been there since I was his age, and I made a mistake even bigger than his, with equally tragic results. I know what it's like, wanting to go on living your life, trying to be happy just like every other person in the world, but always thinking you don't deserve it. Always knowing you would give away everything you've ever had that made you happy in life if you could just go back and change that one moment in time... that one decision... that split second where you could have changed the outcome...
I guess that's all I can offer to you kids. Know that things can change in an instant.
Be good to one another. Take care of those that need taking care of. Tell those you love that you love them (no matter who it is... or what gender). Be nice to everyone. Chances are, you don't know how wonderful most of the people in the world really are. You've been given the greatest gift, the greatest opportunity of all time. Respect that.
I know it's too late for me to take my own advice. I made my mistake decades ago, and there's no going back and changing the guy I was or the guy I am. I hoped I'd never see something like this.
We lost one of our own, kids.
Take care of each other.