
Sep 24, 2008 21:12

WHEN: Week 01, 'Big Bang Theory' / Monday, December 4th, 2008 / 8 AM
WHERE: Muggle Studies classroom
WHO: Professor Adams and his Muggle Studies students

Class roster )

week-01, bacchus-donovan, galahad-adams, hisoka-byrd, ellie-sullivan

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godofwines September 25 2008, 05:39:26 UTC
He was late.

The reason he would blame on Madame Pomfrey. She had insisted he stay in bed-- but that was never the way Bacchus liked to do things. First of all, Andy was gone and that had made him incredibly bored. Also nothing personal against Professor Reed, but he was not a big fan of listening to the injured Transfiguration teacher snore, and sometimes cry out in his sleep. It was a little unnerving.

The end result, anyways, was that he had stumped out, given a cane from Madame Pomfrey because his joints still hurt every time he moved, especially his legs, and decided on going to class, for there wasn't much better to do.

Of course, if this were a different time, he might use the cane to increase his sex appeal. He was pretty sure that most anyone, boy or girl, would find a survivor of the Cruciartus curse sexy, especially if they were walking around the next day. However, the news that Lou had been the major casualty and that both her mother and her brother were also missing had been a low blow. And he was not feeling like getting anyone's attention today.

Besides that, Muggle Studies wasn't so bad. The professor was a nice chap-- at least, he had been the few times Bacchus had bothered showing. His mother had originally made him take the class so he would get along better with his new Muggle stepfather when he was in the third year, but that hadn't worked out so well (the class taking-- he was starting to get along better with Jeff now).

And so he stumped in, wobbling a little on the cane, a permanent furrow on his brow. Professor was playing some record-- the sort of thing Bacchus would hear at his crabby old Aunt Abora's house. Religious bull or whatever. He threw himself into a desk in the very front (the only one left) and glared at nothing in particular.

And it was when the music was finally over that he finally figured out what was going on. His eyes turned up to Professor Adams, seeming aghast at this phrasing.

And then he slumped forward and put his head in his hands, vanishing into his arms. It wasn't clear whether or not he was crying, but he looked downright miserable.


lovely_byrd September 27 2008, 02:53:45 UTC
Hisoka watched all of this going on with a slight furrow in his brow. He hadn't been there yesterday when all this had gone on, but had gotten most of the news of it just from listening to the Common Room talking about it all last night. It was the only subject covered whatsoever-- some people were happy it had happened, some people furious, as far as the Slytherin house was concerned. It made Hisoka very upset-- afterall, it HAD been Death Eaters who had killed his parents and now they were here at the school... he didn't feel very safe.

He watched the teacher-- Professor Adams, who he liked-- with a frown, chewing his lip. He never spoke up in this class, but he felt the need to.

And then suddenly that fabulous blonde boy had stumped in with the cane. Hisoka frowned even more when he saw him. This was definitely a dangerous place to be if students were getting hurt like this! It did not seem responsible.

He raised his hand timidly, eyes submissively not allowing themselves to meet with the Professor's, nor anyone who glanced back. They focused hard on the desk.

"Professor...?" he said, in his quiet little voice. "Why do we not go home?"

His mouth fumbled a little over the words, clearly still getting used to the language. A couple of the younger students laughed and he blushed severely and slunk further down into his desk, embarrassed.


ellie_sullivan September 29 2008, 04:59:59 UTC
Ellie stared intently at her hands that were folded neatly atop the table. She was still a little bit stressed about all the events that had happened, but she was still trying to play things calmly. Having class with Professor Galahad made her day less miserable, and she found that even through all of the sadness, this particular teacher found it within his big heart to keep things solemn for the day.

Unlike that prick of a Headmaster. She almost gagged at the thought of that man.

Ellie jumped a bit when Bacchus entered the room, and she glanced at the seat right next to her-- the only one that was open. She had a bad habit of sitting in the front row for this class, but perhaps today was not the best day to pick this seat. Bach probably wanted to be left alone. When the curly-haired Quidditch captain sat next to her, Ellie smiled politely.

"Good morning, Bacchus," she whispered softly to him. She was about to go on when she heard a couple of students laughing at poor Hisoka. She narrowed her eyes and turned around, ready to defend him.

"Oh, shut up, won't you?" she hissed at an idiot Hufflepuff student. The lack of dignity among the Hogwarts students was shocking, to be honest. She wasn't a huge fan of the Slytherin boy, but no one deserved to be picked on that much.

Sighing, Ellie turned back and faced the front of the classroom again, giving a firm nod to Professor Adams. Aside from the solemn tone of the classroom, the man looked rather dashing in black!


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