(no subject)

Nov 11, 2008 15:20

Week 05: Another Brick in the Wall
Sunday, January 1st, 2009 - Saturday, Janurary 7th, 2009


Wait. What?

The headline blared first thing on the bright, sunny morning of the first day of the year. It seems as if the darkest dreams of the Wizarding World have finally become true-but at what cost? Many minds filled with terror-those who had married Muggleborns or those Muggleborns who were still single reacted with immediate panic, as did their friends and those who supported a more liberal policy on blood relations. Others were happy about it. There were even some who pretended to  be outraged but on the inside, they were pleased.

But what does it mean? Why do it? What’s the purpose?

The Prophet tried to explain via the press release that the Minister had arranged to be sent out:

The Department of Mysteries within the Ministry of Magic is intent on studying the causes of Magical Blood being passed from person to person. This is, more or less, a simple experiment in a science that Muggles call ‘genetics’ and the Ministry would like to reaffirm the fact that there is no intent to harm those of pure Muggle ancestry, but they may be called on for inquiry in regards to their lineage. A representative from the Department will arrive at Hogwarts on Wednesday to register all Muggleborn students there. All Muggleborns are expected to comply or face persecution.

The news that there would be registrations even at Hogwarts brought outrage from many of the students, and Dumbledore’s Army decided to draw the pickett line. They arranged a massive protest to be held in the Great Hall, where the registrations were taking place. This protest, in turn, was met with opposition from those members of the FUKD-but also, teachers, trying to prevent too much trouble from taking place.

Despite this, Muggleborns, their friends and families are nervous. Could this be the first dangerous step into racial persecution? It seems now that the lines are finally being drawn and all members of the wizarding world must choose a side-do you stand by your friends or by your blood?

Sunday, January 1, 2009

Weather: sunny


Dead (D)/Missing (M)/Found (F): none

Monday, January 2, 2009

Weather:  small chance of snow

Headline: Malfoy Confronts Outrage Over Recent Declaration

Dead (D)/Missing (M)/Found (F): none

Tuesday, January 3, 2009

Weather: grey skies, chance of snow

Headline: Registar from Ministry to Hogwarts Tomorrow

Dead (D)/Missing (M)/Found (F): none

Wednesday, January 4, 2009

Weather: sleet

Headline: Ministry Officials Met with Protests from Students

Dead (D)/Missing (M)/Found (F): none

Thursday, January 5, 2009

Weather: chance of sun

Headline: Several Students Detained from Protests

Dead (D)/Missing (M)/Found (F): none

Friday, January 6, 2009

Weather: snow

Headline: Ministry Decides Against Persecuting Protesters

Dead (D)/Missing (M)/Found(F): none

Saturday, January 7, 2009

Weather: highs in early 40s

Headline: American President Elect Actually a Wizard

Dead (D)/Missing (M)/Found (F): none


-If your character is Muggleborn, they are expected to either register or resist registration J please take note.

-There will probably be a massive group thread posted sometime later today or tomorrow.

-PLEASE if you want to suggest a plot line or offer your characters up for plottage (it doesn’t even have to be -bad- plottage, a la Lou Hawkins!), don’t be afraid to either post on the appropriate thread in Dumbledore’s journal, or message me on AIM at Hippy Took. I would love to harm your characters J And plus, my poor Hawkins Family… they’re so abused.

-The mods have complied a list of places to advertise HTL and we would really like to have one or more people volunteer to write up some ads and be in charge of posting them there routinely! If you’re interested, please post here and let the mods know! If no one does… well, then they’ll end up doing it, on top of all the rest of the work they already do for you… /Good Old Catholic Guilt

-Remember, your mods love you! Thread it up this week!

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