Ego-boosting: Amberena

Jan 04, 2005 21:32

Amberena (amberbaka):

Amber is really great at leaving lasting impressions. My first impressions of Amber came through the words "partner in crime" and "Amberbaka Chat 39". My impression of her now is still very much the same.

There's nothing quite as cool as Amber going *rofl* at something you say or do. There's something about the way she times it that makes you feel like you're the funniest person who ever lived. From little moments like calling Phil a whoring bastard of a mechaboy to her reaction to the defiling of Suteki da ne? with a spinning Braska x Jecht image in water, I feel like I'm the funniest person alive. And this factors in all of Mark's witty comments and all of Randy's pranks. Many of the jokes I remember, I remember simply because of Amber's reactions to them.

"Got any nails?"

Amber's easily the most positive person I know. Nothing gets her down, and out of all my female friends, she's probably the only one with the invincible sense of humor to be able to crack a joke about the end of the world as it's happening. In my mind, Amber's positive attitude is absolutely invincible. It's like Amber's mental state is a superhero who doesn't have an alterego. And you can be its sidekick, and it will pick you right up and make you feel like you're on top of the world as it's crumbling around you.

Amber is like the super-sticky gum that glues the late night chats together. I can't really imagine a late-night chat without her, and most of the ones that come to mind kinda died off after a few minutes, or got ruled over by mecha specifications. Sometimes, I think Amber's randomness and sense of humor is what kept this oldie clique together for as long as it's been together. That, and her loyalty to her friends.

Amber's sense of dedication to her friends that comes through better than anyone else's dedication. If you're not involved, Amber makes sure you are. Haven't been in chat awhile? You're invited! :D And Amber's probably the single-most potent spreader of memes in my circle of Livejournal friends. In fact, whenever I see a meme that hasn't been LJ-CUT out, I usually think Amber's responsible for it. Although, that could be from Mark's venting. :D

Amber remembers things about her friends in ways I can't. The one example that I remember best is that Amber was responsible for finding out about my beloved's debut performance in America right here in California, and then telling me about it without teasing! :D So few of my friends will do something like that. For that gesture alone, Amber will probably never lose any bonus points, even if she lights my shoes on fire while I'm wearing them and votes for a squirrel in the next presidential election (if she votes at all, that is).
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