This game is a practice in being concise:
- Reply to this post if you'd like some ego boosting. Or send me a message on AIM/MSN/Yahoo. Or email me! It all counts. Not that it matters, since I'm linking your journal, anyhow, you anonymous "I Can't Let Anyone Read My Journal But I'm Too Lazy To Go Friends Only" people.
- Watch my journal over the next few days weeks for a post just about you, only you, and why I think whatever I do about you. 100% positive, honest complimenting. And you're only allowed to say, "Thank you!" And not compliment me back unless I ask you to. Denial of compliments is also strictly forbidden.
- Post these instructions in your journal and pass it on. Because ego boosting kicks ass.
The Brown Moogle (
Mark is probably the best person ever at first impressions. For starters, Mark is the only person I've met who, upon our very first meeting, made a video game reference. To Chrono Cross no less! Staaarky. It just shows that in the same way that Gilly redefines the hotness scale, Mark redefines the coolness scale. Eventhough he doesn't play as many console RPGs as Sumisu-san or Randy, and we hardly (if ever) discuss them, he nevertheless ranks with them in terms of gamer-aura coolness.
Mark doesn't stomp on you when you're down, or nitpick at your faults, or even bring out your faults to tease. He'll just say outright, "You bitch." Direct, to the point, he's a no-hesitation, you-know-you-love-me-anyway sort of guy. He doesn't hold back compliments, either; if he has one to give, he gives one. You know those stories about how perfect friends and perfect fathers react to your successes and your failures? Mark has exactly those reactions by default. If I ever have children, they will meet Mark, and Mark will be their honorary uncle because every child needs to have that kind of role-model.
Mark doesn't sulk or mull over unnecessary things, although he'll use the infamous ;_; in a way so skillful, it puts all female pouters to shame. His spontaneity gives this laid-backness impression, too, so you never feel like Mark's expecting anything from you. He's the kind of person who, if you gave a compliment to, he'd say, "Thank you," without fishing for one to return. And that kind of person puts everyone at ease.
Mark's not laid-back in that indecisive, "I don't care," way, either. When he sets his mind to something, either it's in a "Done" state, or an "It's started" state. Sometimes you'll encounter him in a "plotting" stage, but for everything that I've encountered, there's work already being done in the "plotting" stage; he's not ever just plotting. They're like his puns; always ready, and always acting and never waiting for a response. He tangents more often and faster than me! And I don't say that about just anyone.
Even with all of his decisiveness, Mark maintains a very dynamic personality. Whenever you talk to Mark, you never get the feeling that it's the same Mark two times in a row. He's growing, he's changing - there's always something different about him that's easier to pick out than women using a slightly different shade of lipstick. His constantly-changing signature almost reflects his personality: it follows the same pattern, but it never ceases to confuse, disorient or amuse because there's always something different to experience. In a sense, it's like Mark always has a brand-new story to tell, and you're experiencing it right there.
Mark gives you the feeling that you're a part of his life in everything that he does. You know that saying about friends and footprints? Talking to Mark or even just reading his journal entries or his story writing makes it feel like you've left footprints in his life. It's a feeling of significance that can pick you up from any bad day, and the fact that Mark can do it without even trying makes him super-kickass and allows him to break all standard coolness scales.