Sep 04, 2008 12:44
I've decided that with these huge gaps I have i'm my schedule for school that I would spend it updating this livejournal because its been a while since you've all heard from me, and i'm sure some of you would like to know what's been going on in life.
I'm currently at the computer lab in the library building at school. My next class is at 230pm. It is my Financial Accounting Class. Its going to be a real challenge for me because normally I can tolerate someone's accent when they're talking, but my Professor has the thickest chinese accent I've ever heard when she speaks english and it makes it a challege to really follow what she's trying to say. On tuesday i didn't go over the second half of our lecture because people kept raising their hands to figure out what she had previously said. I would love to replace the class with any other professor, but it's not an option since registration's over and even before then all of the other sections were closed. I don't think the materials hard, I think figuring out what she's saying will be more of a challenge. I shouldn't be bashing on her accent though. She's pretty successful with her accounting job at her firm and she's just teaching on the side, something I hope I can do as well after I get my degree.
So for those who don't know, I'm currently going to Baruch College, majoring in Accountancy. This FALL2008 term's courses that I am attending are:
ACC3202 (Accounting Information Systems)
ACC3000 (Financial Accounting 1 or Intermediate Accounting 1)
ENG4300 (Romanticism) (English will be my minor and his is my capstone)
LAW3102 (Law of Business Organization)
MKT3000 (Marketing Foundations)
I have definitely noticed that when you take courses revolving around your major, the workload tends to increase twofolds. I thought I could just be half ass like last semester and get good grades, but these professors are really working my ass off. I have a project due in 4 out of the 5 classes, have to give presentations in 2 of the 5, write papers for 4 of the 5, and all classes have adopted the 3 "midterm" plan in which i'll be tests 3 times rather then small tests, midterm and final. I really need to step up this semester because I need to have a good GPA in order to get into Graduate School here. All the best to myself!
With this hectic schedule that I have, I barely have time to really eat. You'd think I would lose weight from all this starvation, but I think my body's tricked itself into storing energy from the meals I have so I can blow steam and run through a day. I would really like to at least eat Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, but that I can't even do. Here's the run down:
Monday: Wake up, Do the hygiene thing, take a shower, go to first class, class ends with 25 minutes to get to second class 3 floors down, go to cafeteria to get coffee black no sugar, go to second class, get out of second class, go down to cafeteria to buy a snack (sometimes not done due to time constraints of academic faults aka I need to read or study) go to 3rd class which is 1hr15min apart from 2nd, get out at 5pm, get home at about 6pm, do some HW, browsing internet, eat dinner around 8, watch tv, play with computer, do some reading for the next day, hygiene, then sleep.
Tuesday: Wake Up earlier, Hygiene, take shower, go to first class, class ends at noon, kill sometime because second class is at 230 (to which i will either walk around manhattan area, most likely walk down to the union square area), get a drink because finger food should only be reserves to ice cream and snack bars which i have neither, or i'll stay around campus and do things like go to the computer lab or study in the library), go to 2nd class, get out around 4, get home around 5, some free time until 8 when dinner is ready so i will play with computer or read some books (manga or school related), eat dinner, watch tv (sometimes while eating dinner =D), some more playing around on computer, read for tomorrow, hygiene, go to sleep.
Wednesday: Repeat Monday
Thursday: Repeat Tuesday
Friday-Sunday: Bull Shit around.
I suppose I could substitute any gap that is larger then an hour with a meal, but the food around here is terrible. I do like halal food, but I don't want to eat that every day, plus it leaves an odor after you eat that isn't that pleasant to smell while your sitting in a class full of students.
Hrm, I think I'll end my woes here and continue the next time I come to the computer lab. I need to study now.