HAHA WOW, UPDATING THIS - REALLY GOT AWAY FROM ME. It's been really uneventful lately, I am sorry. /o\ I did finally charge the battery for my camera, so at some point I should really post photos of my beautiful Grif "action" figure and the hedgehog I saw by the sidewalk several days ago...
Oh, and I finished my Sci-Fi Big Bang fic! ... basically! It is technically up in its entirety at
brief-transit, but I wouldn't recommend reading it just yet. The last chapter is really rough and I might add an epilogue. BUT IT'S BASICALLY DONE. And like, at least 40k, I think (the online word count tool I use is not very accurate and tends to over-estimate the actual number of words). So I feel reasonably proud of myself. There's plot and action and everything!
Now to gear up for Yuletide and that Halloween exchange I signed up for... Oh, and bask in the glories of Reverse Bad Bang, which I am quite looking forward to. :D
Crossposted from Dreamwidth - read the original post here:
http://hokuton-punch.dreamwidth.org/1031946.html .