I have this absolutely fantastic habit of finding myself whipped away in a whirlwind of activity only to find when I can breathe again and make it back to LJ I have absolutely too much to say.
That's not to say I couldn't write about it all but I'm not delusional enough to believe that perhaps more than 2 people would wade through the bog of information all the way to the end. And probably that even is a gross overestimate.
So, let's try to condense, shall we?
At the forefront of things, employment still remains an elusive beast. Though I have the will and desire to work, most of the places I've sent my resume to have snubbed their nose at this recent college graduate. I've tried many businesses in New Paltz since that will save me much in gas money, with two that seemed promising -- Starbucks and Chase Bank. Neither obviously is my dream job but health benefits, good pay and avoiding ever booming gas prices is always appealing.
However, Starbucks decided that though they liked me I should work in Kingston...which is much too far of a commute. As for Chase, I made it through all the stages until the end only for the other, final candidate to snatch it out from under me. The manager there seemed to love me and offered me two other positions but since none of the names of the cities those branches were in rang a bell I figured, again, the commute was too far.
All of this leaves me with one, pressing question: Why haven't I invented a teleporter yet?
However, on the bright side, I have two one time gigs. The first is in September and involves photographing a wedding. I'll walk away with a cool $200 in my pocket, essentially $33 a hour, and some delicious catered food in my belly.
The other is a freelance assignment for some newsletter in Pennsylvania. All I have to do is go to Rhinebeck tomorrow, interview a vendor, take a photo and I'll make $75. And since its for a newsletter it will just be a short blurb. Not too shabby I must say...considering I did much more for absolutely nothing at the Poughkeepsie Journal.
Speaking of which, one of the editors called me the week before my graduation...asking if I'd write a first person piece on my graduation. Sucker I am, I agreed...mostly hoping it would mean they'd keep me in mind for freelance positions. It was also quite fun since I essentially got to write a glorified LJ post about how I wasn't walking for my graduation.
Yes, ladies and gents, I did not bother with that age old tradition of wandering across a stage decked out in cap and gown to fetch my fake diploma. I never wanted to but I felt my mom pressuring me...then suddenly she was fine with my stance. I only wish she had said something sooner so I might have sold some of my tickets..which at one point were netting an upwards of $50 a piece.
However, my Aunt and Uncle both gave me checks for $100 and a brand new digital camera awaits me in the future from my parents so I certainly will not complain.
Otherwise, since graduation I've been spending my time in Gallatin...or Gelatin as I prefer to call it. Though the transformation to the house has been amazing a comfy sleigh bed, my own air conditioner and a mirrored vanity do not change the fact that I'm in Bumblefuck, USA. There's nothing to see and nothing to do and contracting the black plague the second I came home hasnt helped matters any.
For some odd reason, I have this magical ability to fall apart the second I return home for a break. I have no idea what it is but I'm not ruling out
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy I'm just saying.
Thankfully, I'll be back in New Paltz in less than a weak and my germs can return from whenst they came. In the meantime, I'm doing my best to catch up on sleep and food...all while questing for that ever elusive job.