I'm baaaack

Jul 29, 2007 21:15

So, I have just returned from a wonderful weekend in Chicago.. it was tons o' fun.

For those who don't know.. Pat took me to Chicago for our one year... he kinda went all out. He got us this four star hotel for the weekend.. which was soooooo nice. The bed was like 'ahhhhhhh'... and the bath robes were THE best. lol. It was right in the heart of the city too.. so it was close to pretty much everything.

We took the train... which left at ass oclock in the am on friday and we got to chicago around 1.. we walked almost all the way to the hotel.. which is almost a mile and a half.. but it was so nice to just see the city. We didn't do a whole lot on Friday but just look around.. then I fell asleep real early and didn't wake up until ass oclock on sat morning. We left real early and got breakfast then went to museum campus.. walked there of course.. lol. We didn't get to do the CSI thing because it was sold out but we'll do it next time.. we spent almost all day at the museums and walking around.. then we went back to the hotel to get ready for WICKED!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEK! On our way there we had dinner at this expensive authentic italian restaurant... SOOOOOOOOOOOOO nice... and then we got to the theatre... which was also super nice.. but the show was sold out.. so good thing we got our tickets ahead of time.. pat was worried that we would have bad seats but they were realllllly good. It was great.. of course. Although.. side note for Eric and Laurie and LC... the guy that played Dr. Dillamond... was the same one from Detroit from last year... the same guy that played Mr. Trick in Buffy... AWESOME. Our Glinda was realllllly good.. I liked our Elphie in Detroit better.. but she was still really good. Pat didn't know the ending.. so it was awesome to see his face all shocked.. he was really pleased. I was so excited for him to see it! YAY!!!!!!! After that we were gonna go out but he's two weeks to young.. *sigh* but it was cool cause we had fun anyways.

We didn't get to go to Navy Pier because we didn't have time.. but it was a fun trip none-the-less... although it sucked when we got home to find Pat's car window busted out and his car filled with glass... they were clearly looking for drugs and money.. they left everything but the ashtray and a tool box from his trunk... strange people. I think they really just wanted to bust some stuff up... assholes.

Other than that it was awesome.

My boyfriend is the best... not only did he treat me to a trip to Chicago.... he also got me a TIGERS JERSEY!!!!!! WOOT WOOT HOLLERRRRRR! He got me three CD's too... Avril, RF, and Hairspray... he is the best.. especially since he put up with my bad habits and bitchiness sometimes this weekend.... sorry!

But I'm somewhat glad to be home... now it's time to get my truck fixed.. since it won't start.. I find that ironic but whatever... and then go to work and try and pay some bills... but on the plus side.. I'm going out with Leah and Jaclyn this weekend... WOOOT!

And now I'm gonna go watch some moooooooovies and hopefully see Stephie in a lil bit. It's nice to have real friends.

Hope all is well. LATER
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