"The End of the Depression" medal (1932)

Aug 21, 2011 02:05

The coin, celebrating the end of the depression
- had been produced in 1932
- by Stewart-Warner, a company
- that in its earliest incarnation had produced the speedometers, used in the Ford Model T.
- There are 4 symbols: the Swastika, the Star of David, the Shamrock & the Providence Eye

Bonus: many cases of Swastika and Hexagram:
- http://bardothodol.info
- https://get.google.com/albumarchive/114074044225481390441/album/AF1QipP303baELwTyMdxyp5iO4-KG6AAzTyiEFrhQlh3

The original posting was made at http://hojja-nusreddin.dreamwidth.org/19660.html

звезда, цветок, американа, свастика, медаль, символизм

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