First thing in the morning, I check for shallow happy, then I feel rage

Oct 23, 2009 07:41

So I turned to Jezebel for 'like old Cosmo but so much better' news, and the first headline is this;

Pageant Mom Puts 8-Year-Old Daughter On Crash Diet (On last night's Toddlers & Tiaras, one woman was upset that her 8-year-old daughter no longer fit into her $1,200 custom-made dress, so she put her on a strict, all-fruit diet for the week leading up to the pageant.)

I think I've hurt my throat during my involuntary roaring of "urrrgggh!".

It's an "urrrgggh" extended from when my mother had my ears pierced before I was even ten, and she did it because she was hoping that it would make me More Like A Girl (more settled down), maybe that's one of those many things that Backfired. Keep in mind that a)I was under ten, and I loved climbing on stuff and the earrings could have caught on something and b)relative of ours have vertical slits at the end of her ears, because a really horrid thief snatched away her earrings while she was still wearing them... I Love My Mom, and I think she's still mostly awesome...but sometimes... for that pageant mom who withheld a proper diet from her child (fruit is not the whole of the food groups), where the fuck is the partyvan?


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