Aug 14, 2008 21:07
If it’s not one thing it’s another. Severus finally returned, thank goodness, and he brought Valerius Visconti in for treatment. Mr. Visconti was bitten on the left foot by a dudgeon. Nasty thing. He’d managed to remove it himself, but its venom has saturated his system, and he was suffering from its strong hallucinogenic effect when he was brought in. It took considerable time simply to persuade him to relinquish his wand. I’m not sure that he would have done it for anyone other than Miss Patil. Her presence has helped greatly in gaining his cooperation.
His left leg has been rather badly mangled. Though it showed remarkable self-awareness for him to realise that the dudgeon was there once its venom began to act on him, he did a great deal of damage to himself in his attempts to get rid of the creature. Nothing that can’t be fixed, but he won’t be doing much walking on that leg for some time.
Purging the venom from his system won’t be terribly difficult, it should dissipate on its own now that the creature itself has been removed, but its effect on him will be lasting. Trace elements of the poison will linger on in his system, sometimes reacting oddly with things he ingests which can bring on a recurrence of the hallucinations without warning.
Most of my other patients are improving steadily with a few worrying exceptions. There is still no change in Mr. Potter’s condition, and I confess that I’m baffled. He might be simply suffering from extreme exhaustion, but the length of time which has passed since the battle and his utter lack of responsiveness makes this seem unlikely to me. The last person to communicate with him, as far as we know, was Voldemort. That alone is highly worrisome. However there seems to be nothing to do but watch and wait for now.
Now that Severus has returned, I’ve ordered him back to bed, but I don’t know how successful I’ll be at keeping him there. His eye was a bit more enflamed when I examined him after his return, but I don’t believe he did any lasting damage to it. Pure luck on his part, for he could have done a great deal of harm, but fate watches over fools they say, and she was apparently watching over Severus this time. Once he’s rested a bit longer, I think I can begin the long task of reconstructing his eye. I hope to be able to restore his sight completely, but I won’t know if that’s possible until I begin the process.
I’m still a bit concerned about Remus Lupin. Most of his physical injuries have healed well, as I’d expect with him. He’ll be strong enough to get up and move around shortly, and I anticipate a complete physical recovery. The exceptions are the wounds to his chest inflicted by the werewolf Greyback. In a normal man such cursed wounds would never completely heal, but since Remus bears the same curse, I believe that once he undergoes his next transformation they’ll cease to be a problem for him.
His memory has not returned, however. I’ve been encouraging him to talk to people, and I know he’s had quite a number of visitors along with short chats with the staff as we tend to things here. I was hoping that something somebody said might trigger a memory for him, but so far that hasn’t been the case.
If he doesn’t remember something soon, I’m afraid that I’ll have to sit down and have a little talk with him about his lycanthropy. I know it’ll come as a shock, but I’ll try to do my best to break it to him gently. However, he must be told sometime before the next full moon. I was really hoping this wouldn’t be necessary.
Then there’s Minerva. I’ve healed her simple, physical injuries, and she does appear to be recovering some of her strength. I consulted with Albus about her condition, and he feels it’s likely the result of her being hexed in mid-transformation. He believes that once she’s regained her strength and rebuilt her store of magical energy she’ll begin to find her natural form on her own, which seems like a logical assumption to me.
She’s still sleeping a lot, and when she is awake, she’s quite confused. The fur on her face is beginning to recede, however, so I’m hopeful that Albus is correct and once she’s recovered her store of magic, she’ll revert to her normal human shape on her own. I only hope that when she does, her confusion will abate, but I’m not convinced it will be that simple.