Aug 13, 2008 21:42
As you can imagine, what with the battle, and other pressing activities, there is a backlog of owls in the post room Those of you who have your own postal arrangements are unaffected, but those who still receive mail via the post room may (or may not) hear back from the senders that the following note was attached to their owl.
To whom it may concern.
Due to the officials of the Hogwarts postal service having been variously employed in Matters of Battle and tending to stupid Vital Agricultural Resources, there has been an inevitable delay in the delivery of your communication. Rest assured that, neither snow, nor rain nor heat, nor gloom of night, nor even Evil Incarnate shall stay us from our duties for very long, and that your message has now been duly delivered.
Yours Sincerely
E. MacMillan
Head Postmaster