Closed RP: Daniel and Janet do Hogsmeade (not like that, you sickos)

Oct 19, 2006 17:59

Daniel sat at the bar, jittering gently, waiting for Janet with a bottle of butterbeer in one hand. He hadn't drunk much--he was too nervous. Which was ridiculous, really--it was Janet, for God's sake; he'd known the woman over a decade, and it wasn't as if she hadn't given him countless shots in the ass and innumerable other embarrassing medical procedures.

But still...he wanted this to be nice, to make up for all the time they'd lost, both to various deaths and their own fears. He wanted to make Janet feel special, as trite and cliche as it sounded--neither one had had anyone to make them feel special in years, and hell, if he was going to do this, he might as well do it right.

Lacking any truly nice clothing, he'd dug up a pair of Levis that he'd bought ages ago and never worn, and a clean button-down flannel. He only hoped he wouldn't spill anything on himself, or do anything equally stupid.

daniel jackson, rp, janet fraiser

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