Closed RP: Mel and Brice and Some *Serious* Flirting.

Sep 19, 2006 23:06

((Mel-mun cleared my slight godmodding here.))

Newly Sorted into Gryffindor, Brice was walking aimlessly through the corridors, his hands shoved deep into his jeans pockets. He was trying to make a mental map of the place, but had to give up after five minutes. Hogwarts was huge. A part of him hoped to find Mel, to make things less confusing.

And suddenly there she was. She was sitting on a bench in the corridor, deeply engulfed in the Angel Handbook and obviously not aware that he was there. Brice casually strolled up to her.

"Hey angel girl, how's it going?" he asked, grinning.

mel beeby, brice de winter, rp

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