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Re: Return raven nopower_overme September 26 2006, 09:16:51 UTC

Is the person you've hexed that person you told me about on WART one time, the popcorned one? As for scheduling one every week, I suppose you could find the people who would challenge someone else to a duel and get others to set them off. Or maybe it could be more like WWF wrestling on TV, the ones with costumes and such where people compete just to win a prize like the big flashy wrestling belts (I think they get paid too). Wait, you probably haven't seen that before, have you? Well, it would be that concept, dueling in stupid interesting ways to win something.

I'm sure he'd still prefer not to lose you, so he... always has a Jenga partner? I actually have no idea what Jenga is, but he seems to really like board games - Scrabble was fun that night though being sober would probably be good the next time I play board games.

I think regular bottles and shot glasses would be best for this, yes. And while it would take the fun out of drinking, do you think you could teach me before the duel anyhow? I'm a bit weird like that, I like to learn all the magic I can and I think it would be useful. Never know when it would come in handy, at least one to sober up quickly after drinking too much. Also, those were really specific examples, so I'm guessing someone you know must have had some very interesting teenage years?

I really have no idea, but I do think I'm going to ask someone about the trouser choices - damn my curiosity.

Not a tutu - remember, while you want to mortify Dr. Cox, I don't happen to really want to upset Stephen by coming up with something that ridiculous. I actually really like the shirts idea! What about shirts and really silly hats together? Maybe the shirts could have some kind of slogan as well as a picture?

Also... you genderswitched? Was it that evil Queen Mari-something that made you want to do it?

- Sarah


Re: Return raven toujours_sirius September 28 2006, 22:32:04 UTC

That would indeed be the wanker. And, unfortunately, he is no longer popcorn. So, if you see a pasty, hook-nosed, greasy-haired git skulking the halls like an overgrown bat, I highly recommend a one-two punch of a Jelly-Legs Jinx followed by a Self-Punching Charm. I mean, why do the work when he can do it for you?

This WWF thing sounds brilliant. You think anyone would want to do it? I think a belt is a stupid prize, though. If I had to wear a weird costume and duel someone in some sort of bizarre fashion, I'd want something worthwhile, like...hell, I have no idea what I'd want, but definitely not a belt.

Jenga's...hard to explain. It involves wooden blocks, dexterity, and extreme sexual pleasure.

Sure, I'd be glad to teach you some sobering charms. The main one is Siccosobrium, and it's a cinch to do. And, yeah, 'interesting' is probably a good word for my teenage years. Best years of my life, they were. What about you? One of the few things I learnt when I was in the loony bin in Reno was that our teenage years often form the basis for much of our lives. Not quite sure what that says about me, but there you go.

If the trousers I already suggested don't work out, we could always go with spandex. Nothing goes with a drinking context like a couple of bulges, right?

Shirts and silly hats sound fantastic. Possibilities for a slogan for Cox's shirt include the following:

- You and me, baby, ain't nothing but mammals, so let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel
- I got humped by Sirius, and all I got was this lousy T-shirt

Any suggestions for Stephen's shirt?

And yeah, I was a living, breathing, breast-having woman for quite a while! I haven't got a clue what queen you're talking about, but if she was evil, I don't see why she'd inspire me to be a woman. No, it was simply hexed chocolate. I might have to eat one again sometime. I sort of miss my breasts.

- Sirius


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