Open RP: A bit of a pub crawl...

Sep 10, 2006 20:36

Rose was, frankly, getting a bit stir-crazy. Certainly Hogwarts had a never-ending supply of hallways and rooms to explore, but the novelty of moving staircases and hallways much longer than they looked had begun to wear off, particularly having the TARDIS as a point of comparison. Freshly radiant blonde thanks to a very useful sorting bribe, ( Read more... )

rp, rose tyler, sarah jane

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lovesthescarf September 11 2006, 01:32:01 UTC
Sarah Jane wasn't actively looking for Rose, though she had been kind of looking around for her. She'd been planning something for a while now. And when Sarah Jane planned things, people had better watch out. Who knew what she was up to.

But she needed a drink. And that's why she was heading into the Hog's Head, wondering if the blonde she spotted going in was Rose. She slipped in after her, smiling as she tapped on the shoulder. "Rose?"


fantastic_rose September 11 2006, 01:36:34 UTC
"Hmm, what?" Rose glanced back over her shoulder, and her slightly uneasy expression at the dim interior of the pub melted into a grin.

"Sarah Jane! Hello! What're you doing here? Want to join me for a drink? I'm here on a mission, y'see."


lovesthescarf September 11 2006, 01:39:10 UTC
Oh good. She was right. She would've hated to have tapped the wrong blonde girl. Sarah Jane smiled right back, "Oh just out looking for some debauchery as usual." looking a tad mischievious, "I'd love to join you for a drink. A mission hm? And what mission is that?"

She was on a mission too, but she wanted to settle in first. Judge the surroundings before she started up her dastardly plan.


fantastic_rose September 11 2006, 01:46:00 UTC
Rose laughed and brushed her hair back from her face. "Debauchery? I dunno if I can help you with that, though I do plan on getting a bit drunk tonight, and you are more than welcome to join me. In fact, another point of view might help." Rose glanced around the small room, and slid over to a small table in a corner, settling down and gesturing for Sarah Jane to do the same.

"I need to taste more magic alcohol. Y'see, I want to make some of my own. Just without the hangover effects. We've had problems with Jack in the past. And, I'll admit, I don't like it either." She snickered and rolled her eyes.

"So I need to taste test." Rose nodded firmly.


lovesthescarf September 11 2006, 01:53:18 UTC
"Oh, come now. I'm sure you can help me. Besides getting drunk is a bit of debauchery. Just depends on what you do afterwards that really counts." She replied a little cheekily, following Rose over to the table and sat down across from her. This was going better then expected.

"Problems with Jack? Oh, my heavens.. I'm so surprised." Sarah giggled sarcastically. "Hangovers are never good. But I heard they have a ... what's that word.. potion for things like that? Anyways. I'm completely okay for taste testing."

"So you're looking to see what tastes good and then trying to make your own and replicate it?" Even about to get drunk she was still asking questions.


fantastic_rose September 11 2006, 02:08:29 UTC
Rose nodded energetically at Sarah Jane's last comment. "Exactly. Well, pretty much. I just need more ideas on my tongue, y'know? Hypervodka is strong stuff, but it's all I've had to drink since we got here. I need to think of some other things to try," she chuckled.

"Y'know, I hardly thought of a potion? I mean, it would be reasonable, but it would be even better if there was no hangover in the first place, worked right into the drink. I mean, hangover-free cider would be brilliant, you have to admit."


lovesthescarf September 11 2006, 02:15:22 UTC
"Hm, well maybe you can somehow put the potion INTO the drink.. you know mix them together and get your result." Sarah Jane hm'd. "Oh but I'm definitely alright with trying out as many different flavors as possible. I bet they have all sorts of wild things over here."

She mm'd a little, licking her lips and waved over the bartender. "Cider actually sounds rather brilliant right about now, I'll have one of those."


fantastic_rose September 11 2006, 02:19:07 UTC
Rose was nodding briskly again and she gestured to the bartender that she'd like one too please thank you very much. Grinning, she leaned back in her chair and tapped her toes under the table, pleased with how this evening was turning out so far, even if it smelled a bit in here.

"So, how're you settling in so far?" Rose rested her chin in her hand and leaned on the table, curious. "It can be a bit weird here at first."


lovesthescarf September 11 2006, 02:24:49 UTC
"Oh I think I'm settling in rather nicely. So far so good as they say. Mostly it's not so much weird as really really big.. it's like the TARDIS. I swear one day I'm going to turn down the wrong corridor and never find my way out again." Sarah sighed, resting back in her chair.

"I met the oddest man the other day, named Franky? He apparently thought I was supposed to know him.. and when I said I didn't, he started to cry. Like full out tears, clingin to my shirt and sobbin. So odd. Poor thing."


fantastic_rose September 11 2006, 02:33:29 UTC
Rose nodded a thanks to the barman as their pints of cider arrived, and she took a careful sip. Mmm, a bit bitter, but nice all the same.

"It's truer than you know. I've gotten lost here more than a few times. And Hogwarts isn't as friendly as the TARDIS. Not quite as aware, anyway." She considered a moment.

"Did he seem to be eating chocolate? Sometimes really weird behavior can be explained by enchanted chocolate. And sometimes it's just a really weird person. I don't know this Franky, though."


lovesthescarf September 11 2006, 02:40:49 UTC
Sarah Jane took her cider and took a large sip. Hm. She liked it enough. There was some kind of flavor there she couldn't put her finger on. "Oh yeah I'd give anything to be back in the TARDIS, no offense. At least then if you got lost she'd let you find your way out."

She pondered, trying to remember and finally shook her head, "I don't think so. You'd think people would stop eating altogether if things are always getting enchanted."


fantastic_rose September 11 2006, 02:49:13 UTC
Rose wondered if the bitterness in the cider might not come from dirt. The pint glass didn't exactly look well-cleaned, but she figured if alien worlds hadn't killed her, a little grime would hardly claim her life.

"Nah, I miss her too. And the Doctor misses her terribly. He gets very sad about it on occasion. I think it drives him a little mad not to have her around, being in one place for so long." She sighed and shook her head.

"It's only chocolate. And it's only happened twice." She took a big gulp of cider. "I turned into a hamster when I ate some of the chocolate. When I turned back human I had been sitting on the Doctor's shoulder." She covered her eyes.

"I wasn't wearing any clothes."


lovesthescarf September 11 2006, 02:53:46 UTC
"I can only imagine." The TARDIS had been the only one with him all the time. She took a deep breath and then took another sip of her cider. Hm. Not too bad. Not at all.

"I guess we should just.. make sure that he doesn't miss her too terribly." Oh yes, she was grinning the same way again. All mischief.

"A hamster? Oh lord.. that's it. Not eating any chocolate." Sarah Jane blinked a bit, looking wide eyed, "You were naked sitting on his shoulder? My word.. what did he do?" That's what she was curious about.


fantastic_rose September 11 2006, 02:57:45 UTC
"It was more that we went down in a tangle of limbs, and mine weren't clothed." She gestured vaguely. "He covered his eyes. But Jack had just turned back from being a dingo, and he was naked. On a leash. So there was reason." Rose shook her head.

"I'm sorry I'm telling you all this. It's probably more than you want or need to know." She smiled sheepishly.


lovesthescarf September 11 2006, 03:02:01 UTC
Sarah laughed a little, "Oh no.. no I'm alright, Rose. Really. There's nothing you can say that's going to make me shy away. So.. that's why Jack was on about the leash. Hm. Actually Harry told me I should get one. Though I'm not sure if he was implying he should be on it, or I should. Either way, one of us is quite kinky. And if he closed and averted his eyes, I'm the Queen of England. He peeked and you know it."

She smirked a bit, downing the rest of her glass and then gestured for the bartender. "What shall we have this time? I think I'll have a butterbeer. Whatever that is."


fantastic_rose September 11 2006, 03:08:20 UTC
Rose blushed, she couldn't help it. She'd blushed when she'd been flailing around naked that time (though she'd also thoroughly enjoyed it) and she was still a naive girl when it came to some discussions, though she was beginning to think that it wouldn't be long before she was talking as baldly with Sarah Jane as she'd once done with Shareen back home.

"Jack will go on about the leash if you give him the least little opportunity," she managed, not really touching the other comments, because, really, what do you say?

"Butterbeer sounds good." Rose certainly needed more to drink, and she ordered hastily from the bartender for the both of them. After he left, she hesitated before adding.

"Even if he didn't peek, I did sleep in his bed that night. Wearing nothing but JD's shirt. It was something." Well, maybe that point of frank girltalk was being reached sooner than she thought, she decided as she finished the last swallow of cider.


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