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exex_demon August 25 2006, 21:25:08 UTC
Anya waited for Sirius in the Great Hall, carrying two shopping bags. One was plain plastic, the other was an insulated freezer bag. She wondered if Sirius and the Muggle Studies professor had managed to locate a microwave somewhere in Hogwarts. She hadn't realized that 'Muggle' meant 'non-magical people' until she saw the sign-up sheet for the Muggle Studies class. It wasn't a very accurate term, considering how much magic there was out in the rest of the world.


toujours_sirius August 26 2006, 03:27:20 UTC
A bottle of wine in one hand and some LPs tucked under his arm, Sirius walked into the Great Hall. "Oi, Anya!" he called out as he approached her. "Brilliant to see you, love. Shall we head over to the Muggle Studies classroom? There's a microwave there I got permission to use. I'm also pretty sure there's a record player we can play these on." He slid the LPs down into his hand and held them out slightly so Anya could see. "Hope you like The Doors."


exex_demon August 26 2006, 05:29:33 UTC
Anya smiled brightly as she saw Sirius heading her way. "Hello! I was able to get everything, including those Peep things you wanted to try." She glanced at the albums as he held them out. "Oh yes! I remember them. They played very interesting music. I used to wonder if their singer was a demon, because they called him the Lizard King. I was kind of disappointed to find out he was human. There hasn't been a true Lizard King in over 600 years. So, which way to the Muggle Studies room?"


toujours_sirius August 27 2006, 02:05:30 UTC
"Oh, you got the Peeps! Fantastic! Here, if you take the records, I'll carry the bags." Sirius offered Anya the LPs in exchange for the heavier bags she had brought ( ... )


exex_demon August 27 2006, 04:37:14 UTC
Anya accepted the records and handed over the bags with a smile. Carrying two bags was really no problem for her, but his gallantry was very charming. "That's right, you did say you knew him! So he had a figurative magical bone in his body? How did that work?" Being very literal minded at times, she didn't quite catch the possible double entendre of Sirius' remark.

"As for the Dead Girls Club, it's not a secret society. It started with an offhand comment I made at Emily Bonham's sorting about starting a club. I don't know if you've met her - she's the pretty, partially skeletal girl. Anyway, we realized that since there were quite a few of us, it might actually be helpful to get together and talk about having died and come back. I didn't realize at the time that there were also men who had died and come back, but we decided that since some of the women might have had traumatic deaths at the hands of men, we should keep at least the first meeting for girls only."


toujours_sirius August 27 2006, 07:27:41 UTC
Shaking his head, Sirius laughed softly. "Not a figurative magic bone either. I just mean he sure knows how to please a man...in bed. Bit of bawdy humour. I reckon it's a testament to your clean mind that you didn't pick up on it."

As he climbed the stairs, he continued, "No, haven't met Emily," wondering how a girl could be pretty and partially skeletal at the same time. "But your club, it sounds like a wonderful idea. One of my closest friends is a, uh, dead girl, and her death and subsequent, er, coming back to life were pretty traumatic. I hope she's decided to join your club. Perhaps you even know her. Her name is Lily Potter, although she may be going by Lily Evans these days." Sirius's voice took on a slightly sad tone, barely discernable, but still present.

He shifted the bags so both were in one hand and then pushed open the door to the Muggle Studies classroom. "After you."


exex_demon August 27 2006, 15:36:59 UTC
"Oh, I see," Anya laughed. "I have a very dirty mind, actually, but I sometimes miss innuendo because I forget the slang terms. He did have a very sexual image, so I'm not surprised that he was an accomplished lover." Anya glanced at Sirius curiously. "So was he the top or the bottom? Or did you switch ( ... )


toujours_sirius September 3 2006, 06:02:07 UTC
((Many, many apologies for the long delay!!!))

Sirius returned Anya's curious glance with large smile. He liked this girl (if girl was the proper term for a centuries-old demon). Not many people were so direct about these sorts of things. "Yeah, we usually switched. Jim likes to mix things up, keep it interesting, you know? As do I. And he's very egalitarian in general. I once asked him about it, just as a bit of idle conversation between...you know, refractory period and all that...and he started going on about Indians in a desert again - one of his favourite subjects, and one I never really quite understood, actually - so I dropped the topic and decided to simply enjoy the sex. And the company, of course. He's a good man, Jim is."

Sirius began to dig through the bags, pulling out boxes and examining them curiously. "Let's do the Hot Pockets first. They seem to be the most filling. I have a feeling the Peeps are going to be extremely interesting and possibly microwave destroying and the type of thing we'll want to save until the ( ... )


exex_demon September 4 2006, 05:04:32 UTC
"I have to say, it's nice to find someone who doesn't mind talking about sex. My former fiancé used to get very upset if I talked about our sex life outside of our bedroom."

Anya picked up the Peeps box after he set it down, and read the back. "According to the box, these are some kind of marshmallow and sugar confection. Humans think demons eat strange things, but I think some human food is very odd. I wonder if these are some kind of symbolic replacement for an animal sacrifice?" She glanced up at him and asked, "What's a 'Homsar ( ... )


toujours_sirius September 7 2006, 03:58:37 UTC
"It's nice to find someone who seems to enjoy talking about sex as much as I do, or at least so it seems. Although talking about it is always a lesser experience than doing it." Sirius smiled, and then his eyebrow went up again. "Fiancé? Does this have anything to do with the bloody-vengeance-to-unfaithful-men thing you mentioned to me at your Sorting?"

Sirius stared at the Peeps box, slightly horrified. Could the ridiculously fluorescent animal-shaped confections somehow be related to Homsar? He had always thought Homsar was rather marshmallowy. At least, that's how his masculine(???) emissions had always seemed to SiriusHe blinked a couple of times and then focused back on Anya. "I think the Peeps seem rather odd myself. I mean, I can't imagine why anyone would want to put something so unnaturally bright into their mouths. Maybe they're a Zonko's product - start smelling like Dungbombs in Muggle cooking appliances, that sort of thing? Anyway, well, I don't know if those things can rightfully be called 'human food'. And I hadn't ( ... )


exex_demon September 7 2006, 21:27:12 UTC
Anya smiled at him as she located the plates and picked up one to cook the Hot Pockets. "I like having sex too. I haven't had sex since I came back from being dead." A small frown creased her forehead. "And yes, my ex-fiancé was responsible for me becoming a vengeance demon the second time. I was human when he left me at the altar on our wedding day and I became a demon again after that. Unfortunately I can't make a vengeance wish on my own behalf, so he remained un-punished." She tried to act like it didn't matter anymore, but thinking of Xander still confused her. "Actually, the last time I had sex before I died was with my ex-fiancé. It was all very romantic and apocalyptic, you know, 'it's the end of the world, we're all going to die', but apparently he survived. My friend Dawn said that he applied here before she arrived, but no one has seen him since then ( ... )


toujours_sirius September 11 2006, 01:19:22 UTC
"Huh. I wonder if post-death sex is better than the pre-death sort," Sirius pondered. "Might make for a good discussion topic at your next Dead Girls Club meeting. Maybe you'll have some firsthand experience to share by then."

Sirius grinned at Anya. He would be more than willing to help her with that problem, of course, should she wish to solve it.

"Your fiancé sounds like a bit of a jerk, if you don't mind my saying so. Leaving a woman at the altar - that's just the coward's way out. If he didn't want to get married, he could've been a proper man and told you beforehand, you know? If you could punish him, what would you do?" Sirius, of course, could identify with the desire to punish someone who had wronged him. "It must be very frustrating to be able to punish those who've done other people wrong, but not the one person who wronged you." A terrible thought hit Sirius. "He didn't kill you, did he ( ... )


exex_demon September 12 2006, 19:59:26 UTC
"Hmm. Do you really think there might be a difference in sex post-death? That would be interesting." She looked thoughtful, pondering the possibilities ( ... )


OOC exex_demon August 31 2006, 01:40:37 UTC
((Just checking to see if you wanted to continue this one? If you've got too many posts going it's not a problem. We can just drop it and assume they had a great time. :D ))


Re: OOC toujours_sirius September 1 2006, 23:21:20 UTC
((Oh - I'm definitely up for continuing! Sorry about the delay! Will post tonight. :) ))


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