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Comments 287

homsarhomsar August 9 2006, 03:46:53 UTC
Homsar was not actually seated at the bar, but rather blibbling around it almost methodically, a glass of some bright green liquid perched rather precariously on his bowler hat. The last time he had been in this common room with a group of board game pieces, that rhinoceros had appeared in the Sorting Room...so Homsar could hardly imagine what incredibly momentous event might occur tonight.

He could barely contain himself.

Each time he circled the bar, he shouted exuberantly, "DaaaAAAAaaaAAAAaaaAAAA! I'm the wife of the party!"


cassielapostate August 9 2006, 03:48:23 UTC
Joscelin had come in from his usual Cassiline exercises outside and had decided to get a drink of water at the bar. He sipped it and eyed the white blobby... being... curiously. To damnation and beyond, I promised. We may have met some odd people, but at least they were recognizably human. After years of taking things that others would consider to be astounding and odd in stride, he merely continued to watch and hope for some acknowledgment of this oddity by the others in the room.


coxinsox August 9 2006, 03:57:03 UTC
Dr. Cox had come down to the bar for... well, okay, he didn't actually need a reason to go drinking, but God knew he had more than enough right now. Picking one at random, he'd set himself up with what had quickly become a few glasses of scotch, and now...

...well, now he was trying to remember the last time he'd hallucinated. It had definitely taken more than this, hadn't it? He seemed to remember a 104 degree fever and a glass of absinthe being involved, even. So why on earth he was seeing this white, blibbly... thing now was totally inexplicable. Moreso, why at least one other person also appeared to see it. Sipping his drink, he stared at the thing in open bewilderment and wondered vaguely when he had finally cracked.


profmoony August 9 2006, 04:25:23 UTC
Remus came wandering in from his office, yawning and attempting to rub ink off the cuffs of his shirt. He was getting to the point where he was actually dreaming about grindylow, and he figured he needed a break - or, more to the point, a drink.

Entering the Common Room, he spotted Stephen and Sarah and gave them a nod and a smile, and tipped an imaginary hat to the peculiar blibbling form of Homsar. He was about to introduce himself to the newcomer - whom he didn't recognize - when he noticed that his dear friend Dr. Cox was also at the bar.

"Good evening, Perry," he said cheerfully. "My, you're looking mighty pretty tonight."


goblindabeaker August 9 2006, 04:52:51 UTC
Tracy, bored with her dorm, enters the common room and blanches at the sheer number of adults at the bar. She settles in a corner chair with a pad of paper and the special ink Peyton bought for, considering getting something slushy and good but deciding to do so only when the adults are so pie-eyed they won't notice her.


nopower_overme August 9 2006, 05:22:39 UTC
Unwilling to leave Stephen's side, or break contact, Sarah was content to peruse the room and see who was in it. When she spotted Tracy, who she had met at the girl's sorting, she smiled. "Hi Tracy!" she called cheerfully and then waved her over. "Do you want a soda or something?"


goblindabeaker August 9 2006, 05:24:07 UTC
Tracy shyly (unusually) approaches, hugging her paper like a shield.

'That'd be nice, thanks Sarah.' she says cautiously, scanning the faces of everyone else.


estebanmd August 9 2006, 05:28:58 UTC
Stephen remembered Tracy from her Sorting. "Miss Beaker, a pleasure to see you again. How have you been settling in?" Sensing Sarah's disinclination to move -- though unaware of her reasons -- he got up to replenish drinks, taking Sarah's glass "You would like more of the same, and she would drink some form of soda, as you said?"


coxinsox August 9 2006, 07:24:37 UTC
Eventually, Cox realized that he hadn't actually seen Stephen and Sarah since... Jordan's sorting, wasn't it? Given that he theoretically considered them friends, and that they lived in the same House (well, Stephen officially and Sarah unofficially), that was probably not really acceptable. He decided to take the opportunity to go say hi, leaving Lily and Ed to geek about charms or whatever for a bit.

On the way over, he was slightly sidetracked by one of Homsar's outbursts, and he was still a bit distracted when he approached them. "So.. I'm totally not the only one who sees Staypuft over there, right?" he asked, by way of an icebreaker.


nopower_overme August 9 2006, 07:43:13 UTC
Sarah turned to face Cox, earlier possessiveness still evident as she looked him over and then smiled in greeting - she had not quite determined if he too was a threat after the mudwrestling, but since Stephen was current angry at him and had dueled him before, he probably was not. Speaking of Stephen mad... her gaze moved from Stephen to Cox and back again betrayed her nervousness at what would be coming next between them, though she laughed at the comment.

"Nope, he's really there," she said, hand on Stephen's thigh tightening. "That's Professor Homsar and I promise that's not ectoplasm in that glass on his head and you aren't going to need a proton pack to defend against him. He's just... a bit unique, though really observant if you figure out what he's saying."

Gaze went to Stephen again, preparing for any number of scathing remarks about to be launched at Cox.


estebanmd August 9 2006, 07:47:00 UTC
Stephen did not catch the Ghostbusters references at all, not a single one. He did, however, think it pathetic that Cox could not recognise the brilliance of the erudite Professor Homsar. Pathetic, but unsurprising.

"Cox," he said, curtly, with a nod.


coxinsox August 9 2006, 07:58:08 UTC
Cox, who'd been around the block enough that he usually could recognize when there were signs, but was often too insensitive or self-centered to know what they actually meant, caught both Sarah's little glances and the curtness in Stephen's voice, but he had no idea what possible meaning either could hold towards him, so he assumed they had nothing to do with him. Sarah liked him, and Stephen was just kind of a pissy guy, so the one was probably about something else, and the other was just irrelevant.

Anyway, he was still totally weirded out by Homsar. Staring over at the... thing, he took a sip of his drink and swallowed hard. "So... that thing over there actually teaches classes here? I mean, from what I've been seeing so far, incomprehensible gibberish from a floating pillow is probably a step up from most of the teachers here--present company excluded there, Doc, don't go pulling a pit of mud or a stray pony or anything on me--but still, I... what exactly does he teach?" he asked, shaking his head, truly bewildered.


slothbefouler August 10 2006, 03:27:07 UTC
Jack was now engaged in an important quest: to locate the magic bathroom which had trapped him for so long, and jam the lock so nobody else could ever be trapped again. (He had attempted to look for it while showing Vimes around the castle, but had been somewhat distracted at the time ( ... )


homsarhomsar August 10 2006, 03:38:58 UTC
The conversation Homsar was in had been getting pretty frustrating. The board game piece just didn't seem to understand plain English! He took leave of the conversation and blibbled over to the newcomer (some sort of piece from one of those war games, like Risk or Stratego, if Homsar had judged rightly), hoping for a coherent conversation this time.

"DaaaAAAAaaaAAAAaaaAAAA! I'm a party vertebrate!"


slothbefouler August 10 2006, 03:45:15 UTC
Oh dear. The white thing with the hat had just... spoken to him. He stared at it for a moment in consternation, wondering how he ought to reply. Did normal rules of etiquette even apply in this situation? Well, he would do his best. He was nothing if not well-bred.

He drew himself up and straightened his coat. "Good evening, Mr. Vertebrate," he said politely. "My name is Captain Jack Aubrey. Pleased to make your acquaintance, sir."


fm_elric August 10 2006, 03:57:46 UTC
After his embarassing talk with Lily, Ed was eager to get as faw away from that part of the room as possible. He spotted Homsar and his Charms partner, Jack Aubrey and walked over to them.

"Hi, Professor, hi Jack. Jack, have you met Professor Homsar yet?" He gestured toward the white blibbling thing Jack was currently talking to. "He's, well... He's the pride of the peaches, or so he says." Ed shrugged at Jack helplessly and mouthed, "Mad as a spoon," at him.


schizowarrior August 10 2006, 23:48:29 UTC
Molly, her things freshly stowed in her dorm, had wandered out and about. She'd put on her workout clothes--old sweats, a T-shirt of Theo's, and mismatched Converse--and tied her hair up with a shoelace. Her samurai sword was slung across her back, and she was searching for someplace out of the way to practice with it.

Sounds like there's a party going on in there.

She'd come across an open door--to what, she had no idea; this place was like a giant maze--and, despite the Narrator, despite her twitchiness, stuck her head in.

"Hello?" she called, taking in the crowd--it looked like another common room, possibly Ravenclaw, judging by the colors. "Maid service! You want fresh laundry?"

Nice intro, nutjob, the Narrator snorted.


edwardbrock August 11 2006, 00:26:19 UTC
Eddie Brock entered the scene, his face twisted by lines of bitterness but a twinkle of innocence still remaining in his eyes that he could never frown off. He was having a rough time, and had come to the bar to unwind, but it seemed like it was not the place right now. He spotted Molly poking her head in, and smiled at her question.

"We're going to be needing some by the time the night is over, miss." He smiled warmly at her. "But I doubt you're going to want to TOUCH the dirty laundry. God knows what will be on it over the course of this party." He saw the sword, and raised and eyebrow. "But you don't look like any maid I've seen around here. They're usually shorter, and less visible."


schizowarrior August 11 2006, 00:36:58 UTC
And less whackjob, the Narrator finished. Go on, be social. It will amuse me.

Ignoring him, Molly smiled and stepped fully into the room. "I can believe it," she said, looking around at the throng. "I'm Molly," she said, extending a hand. "I just got here, and I have no idea how anything works around here. Can I even be in here? It looks like another House's common room." The Doctor had certainly been right on one point--there seemed to be all kinds here, and she thought she recognized several people from her Sorting.


edwardbrock August 11 2006, 00:40:26 UTC
"Depends...what house are you in? I must have missed your sorting." Eddie said regretfully, taking her hand in his bony, pale one, and shaking it. "This is the Ravenclaw Common area - the most fun one, for obvious reasons." Eddie nodded at the bar, indicating the origins of his opinion.


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