Closed RP: Cox and Sirius

Aug 07, 2006 11:11

It had not been the best weekend for Dr. Cox. First he'd fought with JD; then the conference he'd been called to had wound up being less the intelligent meeting of medical minds that he'd been hoping for and more the grandiose posturing of old people and pharmeceutical companies that he'd feared; and then the ride back... well, no need to get into ( Read more... )

sirius black, rp, perry cox

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toujours_sirius August 8 2006, 00:21:52 UTC
Sirius strolled into the Ravenclaw common room as if it were his own living area. Indeed, these days, Sirius felt as if the only house he didn't belong to in some way, shape, or form was Hufflepuff. Well, and the Mary Sue houses, of course, but who would really want to belong to a house called Qanonreip? Tootsitramp, maybe, but...

The sight of Cox, sitting at the bar as promised, jolted him from his reveries, and he raised one hand in greeting.

"Oi, Cox! Grab me a Firewhisky, will you, mate? If you're not fast enough, I just might grab you first." He swung himself into a seat next to Cox.

"How was your Healer conference? Was it just as - hey, what the fuck happened to you?"


coxinsox August 8 2006, 00:41:24 UTC
In fact, Cox was well aware of Sirius's drink of choice and was of course well prepared for the inevitable threat of sexual harrassment. Before Sirius was even finished sitting down, he'd plunked down a glass of Firewhisky in front of him with a slight air of satisfaction. "Drink," he ordered.

He was less prepared, though, for Sirius's question, largely because he himself had forgotten about his little war wounds--they'd kind of faded into the general mire of rage he was dealing with right now. "What?" He blinked, then touched the side of his jaw, where one of said bruises had blossomed.

"Oh, yeah... I~... had a little incident on the way back," he intoned. Fishing his wand out of one of his pockets, he pointed it towards himself and muttered something, and the bruises quickly began to fade. With a reflexive sort of a smirk, he tapped his nose and reached for his glass.


toujours_sirius August 8 2006, 07:06:37 UTC
Sirius certainly didn't need to be told twice to pick up a glass of alcohol and drink from it. He raised it in a silent toast and then tipped it back, taking a large swallow.

"Nicely done," he said as he put the glass down. "As is that little bit of healing magic there. Now I know who to go to after my next bar fight...unless this night ends in fisticuffs, of course. But I highly doubt that. Don't doubt, though, that it will end in one of our bedrooms." Sirius flashed Cox that special naughty smirk reserved especially for him.

The healing charm was quite impressive, though. It would've been helpful to know more of that kind of magic when he had been a teenager. Might've saved him and James from hospital wing trips...although there certainly was something to be said for the way some time in the hospital wing provided a great excuse for missing class.

He watched as the last traces of the bruises disappeared. "What, you insult another man's fiancee - a bloke who wasn't so interested in settling the dispute via leather trousers and a


coxinsox August 8 2006, 21:38:19 UTC
Setting down his glass after a more than generous swig of his own, Cox made a little 'ha ha' face at Sirius. "Real funny, Yappy, but, no, this was unrelated and, by the way, entirely the other guy's fault... come on, do we really need to talk about this?" He rolled his eyes at the wizard.

Realizing quickly, though, that he'd probably just made Sirius even more curious about the whole thing, he sighed, lifting his gaze to glare at the ceiling. "I... might have sort of thrown his suitcase at the door," he admitted grudgingly. "I didn't think it actually belonged to anyone... Bastard had one hell of a right hook, though."

Glancing back towards Sirius, he relaxed slightly and gave a slightly more genuine grin. "Don't worry, Shiloh, if I ever do haul off and give you the smacking around you so desperately deserve, I promise I'll... probably fix you up afterwards. Maybe I'll even go ahead and give you that neutering I know you've just always wanted."


toujours_sirius August 9 2006, 16:46:36 UTC
"See, this is why wizard fighting is more interesting." Sirius took another swallow of Firewhisky and then leant in a bit towards Cox. "Instead of throwing his suitcase, you could've transfigured its contents into...I dunno, hamster shavings. Or you could've turned his nose into a beet instead of punching him." Cox hadn't actually said he had punched anyone, but Sirius felt it safe to assume that he had put up a bit of a fight. There was no way he would've let his face get bruised without throwing a few punches of his own ( ... )


coxinsox August 9 2006, 18:53:26 UTC
"First of all," he pointed out, tipping his glass towards Sirius, "he threw the first punch while I was still distracted with, y'know, de~stroying his personal possessions, so no time for anything fancy; second, it was a normal train, so no hocus-pocus anyway; third, I really just don't get the point of the way you people do things. I mean... what's the point of decking a guy if y'can't just... go ahead and deck a guy?" he asked, squinting curiously. Fourth, the reason his healing magic was so impressive was that he literally had no idea how to do almost anything else, but of course pride would never let him admit to that.

And then, somehow, he had managed to say something that set Sirius off again. Cox had to admit, it was incredibly impressive the way Sirius could turn anything into flirting. The man was seriously dedicated.

"You... do realize that I'm talking about chopping off Little Fido here," he had to ask, slightly amazed, shaking his head slowly. That deserved a drink. "And-- before you say anything else, yes, I do mean ( ... )


toujours_sirius August 9 2006, 22:59:39 UTC
"You really ought to consider ditching the Muggle transport," Sirius said, tipping his glass back yet again, draining it. "Apparition is so much quicker, and you don't have to worry about encountering any arseholes along the way. Of course, you do have to worry about leaving your own bottom half behind whilst your top half shoots along on its merry way to wherever it is you're going, but once you've got enough practise, splinching isn't much of a concern unless you're very upset or tired ( ... )


coxinsox August 10 2006, 01:45:43 UTC
That was the second time he'd had Apparition mentioned to him; he thought, maybe, he should look it up, but on the other hand it didn't sound all too great. Besides, like Sirius, he knew how easily upset he tended to be, and this whole "splinching" thing sounded more like Sirius's idea of a good time than his.

Flying motorbike, on the other hand... Cox reached for the Firewhisky and graciously topped Sirius off, considering that. "I dunno, think we could get my Porsche to fly? Now that would be fun. Not to mention pretty Goddamn impressive." He grinned, imagining all the things he could do with a flying car, up to and including parking it on top of Jordan's. Plus, maybe he could strap JD to the hood and use him for an ornament ( ... )


toujours_sirius August 10 2006, 02:51:09 UTC
Sirius lifted his glass and then just as quickly put it back down. "A Porsche? Fuck yeah, we could do that. I'm the one who enchanted my motorbike to fly. I'm sure I could do it with a Muggle car." He looked at Cox excitedly. "Is your car here? Would you really be up for it? I'll do it, as long as you let me fly it with you. I'll have to teach you how to fly it, you know."

He picked up his glass again, this time taking a quick sip of Firewhisky. "And if you wanna get off with me in the backseat afterwards, you know I won't turn you down." He'd certainly be willing to do more than a little snogging, but was too thrilled about the prospect of enchanting a car to fly to take the flirt further.

Cox's eyebrow raise seemed to indicate a bit of surprise that Sirius had been talking to Jordan, and Sirius decided to exploit that a bit. "Oh, sure, she told me about it." Sirius wasn't quite sure what 'it' was, but it seemed like some sort of secret, and the only way to get it out of Cox would be to pretend he already knew what it was. (Maybe ... )


coxinsox August 10 2006, 03:14:52 UTC
Cox was kind of amused by Sirius's sudden burst of enthusiasm, though he couldn't half blame him. Getting his car to fly would be pretty damn excellent, if they could actually pull it off. Only problem was... "I... left it in long-term parking back in the States, so unless you know a way to get it the hell over here, I guess we're outta luck."

He gave Sirius a suspicious look. "Do you actually know how to drive, anyway, Fido? For that matter, do you know how to do anything but 'get off in the backseat,' which, by the way, I'm pretty sure you know the damn answer to already."

Meanwhile, what in the hell was Sirius talking about? 'That sort of thing'... what, dating? Lily? Was she a thing now? Shouting at waiters? Quidditch? "What... gave it away?" he asked diffusively, trying to glean some meaning out of Sirius's twisted brain.


toujours_sirius August 10 2006, 03:58:54 UTC
The prospect of a flying car - and a sports car, at that - was way too exhiliarating to let a mere several thousand miles cockblock it. "All right, here's the plan, unless you've got a better idea: We Apparate over to the cark park in America together. It's all right that you don't know how to Apparate, because we can do it Side-Along, which means that you hold onto my arm while I Apparate for the both of us. Then, we hang around in America for a bit while I fix up your car, do the proper charms, make the necessary magical alterations, that sort of thing. We can make a fun evening of it after I'm done - go to a bar or a strip club or something. The next day, we take the car and fly it back to Hogwarts. It'll take a day or so to drive it back, but hey, who doesn't like skytrips, right?"

Sirius ran his fingers through his hair excitedly. It was an old habit, one that had fallen into disuse, as he hadn't had a whole lot to be excited about until recently. "Of course I know how to drive. I started flying my motorbike when I was seventeen ( ... )


coxinsox August 10 2006, 04:26:41 UTC
Cox shifted on his stool and leaned close to Sirius, seemingly intent upon the plan in question. He leaned one arm against the bar and fixed his eyes on the Animagus's. "Okay, I like the plan, I'm totally with you on this, except for two big flaws that we're gonna have to figure out first." He leaned one arm against the bar, using his free hand to gesture, dramatically and pointedly holding up one finger. "One, it involves you touching my car. Two," he threw up another, "it involves me touching you, which I thought we both agreed was just never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever EVER going to happen." He put one finger back down and waved the one finger in front of Sirius's face in the classic "uh-uh" sign.

"Come on, some guy from Crazytown taught you how not to get stains on the leather and you think I'm letting you near my very expensive car?" He shook his head skeptically, sitting back again, reaching for his glass. "Come on, Hound Dog, I had more faith in you than that. Not... a lot more, but still ( ... )


toujours_sirius August 10 2006, 05:01:56 UTC
Sirius rolled his eyes goodnaturedly and shook his head in mock exasperation. "Worried you're going to get a stiffy from holding onto my arm for approximately two seconds while we're whisked across thousands of miles to the other side of the world? Don't worry, I won't be offended. I tend to have that effect on people. But really, two seconds is far too short an amount of time for us to be having any real sort of fun in that way, so I think it would be best for us to wait until we are in the back seat of the car before we actually do anything." He leant forward, his mouth just in front of Cox's outstretched finger. "Translation: You don't have to worry about bad touches while we're Apparating ( ... )


coxinsox August 10 2006, 23:39:07 UTC
"Fido, with you, any touch is a bad one," he protested, pulling his finger back sharply as Sirius came close. "And two seconds is mooooore than enough time for me--far, far more, really." He sat back and casually inched away from the dog, grimacing distastefully. "In fact, the time that it would take me to shove you off of me, that right there is already enough time to make me feel just... dirty... all over."

Still, he couldn't help but smirk as Sirius leaned back, quickly hiding it with his glass. "Waaatch it there, Zippy. Anyway, I don't care about the wild and raunchy past between us, that never ever ever rule is going into effect as of now either way." Although, the idea of the Flying Chick Magnet was pretty damn appealing, as was avoiding the damn train and the damn huge guys who punched him in the face for the rest of his life... He hesitated, biding his time by enjoying his scotch, staring critically at the wizard. Finally, he swallowed hard, smacked his lips, and gave a deep sigh. "Buuuut I suppose in the name of... y'know, ( ... )


toujours_sirius August 12 2006, 01:27:43 UTC
Sirius watched, mainly amused, as Cox hemmed and hawed. He figured there was no way Cox would agree to the arrangement outright; it was a given that he would have to register several protests and offer up a number of disclaimers before deciding that he'd be willing to go along with the plan.

"You know, holding onto my arm for five seconds is a lot easier than spending multiple hours next to me on a Muggle airplane while I make constant attempts to get you to join the mile-high club with me in the loo, anyway." He grinned at Cox's final acquiescence. "You'll have to let me drive it to make sure it works properly - in the air, that is. But once I'm certain all the correct charms and safeties are in place, it's all yours to drive. Deal?"

And then a very intriguing idea popped into Sirius's head. "Hey, you wouldn't be interested in meeting Jim Morrison, would you?"

After taking a very large swallow of Firewhisky - so large, in fact, that it nearly escaped Sirius's lips and sprayed out onto the bar - Sirius said, "And yes, I did think ( ... )


coxinsox August 12 2006, 08:34:43 UTC
Cox muttered his highly grudging and deeply irritated assent, rolling his eyes. This damn flying car had better be worth it. Of course, if Sirius did screw it up, it might just be the excuse Cox had so desperately been looking for to kill him, and that might wind up being worth it, too. Raising a brow over at Sirius, he finished off the last of his glass. "Jim Morrison the dead guy?" he asked skeptically.

And that would have been it, had it not been for Sirius's teasing him about Jordan. Oh no he din't. Darkening instantly, Cox spun on his stool to face Sirius fully once more, eyes narrowing. He plucked an ice cube from his glass and threw it down on the bar, gesturing to it. "Fido, do you know what this is? This is my patience--now, most of the time, it just sits there, but every so often things get kinda hot and it just starts shri~nking away, but then, sometimes someone, and this is the part that's relevant to you, does this--" and he smacked his hand against the bartop, crushing the ice cube flat. " my patience. Much like ( ... )


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