Closed RP: Cox and Sirius

Aug 07, 2006 11:11

It had not been the best weekend for Dr. Cox. First he'd fought with JD; then the conference he'd been called to had wound up being less the intelligent meeting of medical minds that he'd been hoping for and more the grandiose posturing of old people and pharmeceutical companies that he'd feared; and then the ride back... well, no need to get into ( Read more... )

sirius black, rp, perry cox

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toujours_sirius August 12 2006, 01:27:43 UTC
Sirius watched, mainly amused, as Cox hemmed and hawed. He figured there was no way Cox would agree to the arrangement outright; it was a given that he would have to register several protests and offer up a number of disclaimers before deciding that he'd be willing to go along with the plan.

"You know, holding onto my arm for five seconds is a lot easier than spending multiple hours next to me on a Muggle airplane while I make constant attempts to get you to join the mile-high club with me in the loo, anyway." He grinned at Cox's final acquiescence. "You'll have to let me drive it to make sure it works properly - in the air, that is. But once I'm certain all the correct charms and safeties are in place, it's all yours to drive. Deal?"

And then a very intriguing idea popped into Sirius's head. "Hey, you wouldn't be interested in meeting Jim Morrison, would you?"

After taking a very large swallow of Firewhisky - so large, in fact, that it nearly escaped Sirius's lips and sprayed out onto the bar - Sirius said, "And yes, I did think you were talking about Jordan. I could practically feel the fire emanating from your groin at her Sorting - and for once, it was clear that said fire wasn't burning for me."

Fuck, this was all too weird and merited much more than just a glass of Firewhisky. Sirius reached for the bottle and poured a large shot straight into his mouth. After swallowing, he said, "But Lily is still married, and she's married to my best mate. Not that you've got bad taste - she's a wonderful bird, one of my closest friends, too."

The Firewhisky was starting to work its way into Sirius's bloodstream; he could feel the warmth starting to spread. He looked at Cox, his eyes slightly narrowed - not in animosity, but in mock suspicion. "Is this just a ploy to get me to stop hitting on you? Because you think that your dating a good friend and my best mate's girl should make me feel guilty about my trying to get you in the sack?" He threw back another large shot of Firewhisky directly from the bottle, this time putting his mouth on it...suggestively, of course. "Sorry, Perry. No guilt at all. None whatsoever."


coxinsox August 12 2006, 08:34:43 UTC
Cox muttered his highly grudging and deeply irritated assent, rolling his eyes. This damn flying car had better be worth it. Of course, if Sirius did screw it up, it might just be the excuse Cox had so desperately been looking for to kill him, and that might wind up being worth it, too. Raising a brow over at Sirius, he finished off the last of his glass. "Jim Morrison the dead guy?" he asked skeptically.

And that would have been it, had it not been for Sirius's teasing him about Jordan. Oh no he din't. Darkening instantly, Cox spun on his stool to face Sirius fully once more, eyes narrowing. He plucked an ice cube from his glass and threw it down on the bar, gesturing to it. "Fido, do you know what this is? This is my patience--now, most of the time, it just sits there, but every so often things get kinda hot and it just starts shri~nking away, but then, sometimes someone, and this is the part that's relevant to you, does this--" and he smacked his hand against the bartop, crushing the ice cube flat. " my patience. Much like you just did with that little crack about Jordan."

"Now," he growled, "you can go right the hell ahead and forget about your little joyride, and I promise you, the next time you say something like that, this will not be my patience, it will be you." Snarling, he turned back and reached over the bar to grab, or possibly manhandle, a bottle of beer. "Oh, and, by the by," he added in a drawl, "she's not married, we are going out, a~nd you can really just stop hitting on me whenever the hell you like."


toujours_sirius August 13 2006, 22:51:39 UTC
"Jim Morrison's not dead!" Sirius declared loudly. "Everyone seems to think he's dead, just like some people have said I died, but none of it's true. Sometimes people just spend some time in Reno, okay?" His tone was defensive and indignant. This was a bit of a sore topic for him, especially since Remus insisted on continuously denying that Jim was really the Jim Morrison.

Then, realising he was betraying a bit of a weakness to Cox, Sirius quickly added, "And he's one hell of a shag, too."

He watched as Cox bullied the ice cube, concluding that the demonstration was all an excuse to touch something cold so that the fire that was burning in Cox's loins for Jordan didn't ignite the both of them and all the alcohol at the bar. How considerate of Cox!

But perhaps the comment about burning groins had been a bit insensitive. After all, it had only scratched the surface of what Sirius had decided were Cox's feelings towards Jordan. "Right. I should've been more considerate. It wasn't just lustful crotch heating that was going on. That much was obvious, too. But you can rest assured that I find it quite brilliant that the two of you are so deeply in love."

He leant forward, a bit of a serious look crossing his face. "Just...look, I don't know whatever it is you think you're doing with Lily. She is married. And not having an easy time of it. If you want to be her friend, well, I consider you a friend, and so of course I'm going to be glad that she does, too. But do anything to hurt her and I promise you you'll wish my bark is worse than my bite."

This was the closest Sirius was going to get to acknowledging that Lily was fair dating game after all. If he thought about it hard enough, he'd probably be forced to admit that James and Lily hadn't been together for some time now and that it wasn't looking likely that they would get back together at any point in the near, or even somewhat distant, future. But that, of course, is why Sirius refused to think about it.

Scowling, he added, "C'mon, you know you want that car. You'll change your mind. I know it."

And then, because of the Firewhisky shooting through his veins, and because he hated tension, and because it was Cox, Sirius said, "And 'whenever I like' just may amount to never, so thanks for your permission to flirt with you for forever, although that's what I was going to do anyway. But it's good to know we're both on the same page."


coxinsox August 13 2006, 23:51:17 UTC
Unable to stop himself, Cox gave a bemused snort, eyeing Sirius incredulously. "Jim Morrison," he replied, hoping to convey all of his very deep skepticism, disbelief, and the assumption that Sirius was basically insane in those two words.

Of course, there was the part where Lily had somehow come back from the dead... and James had come forward in time or something... not to mention Stephen and his crazy Rip Van Winkle ways... Maybe Sirius was, for lack of a better word, serious? It was an interesting thought, anyway... "Jim Morrison?" he said again, more doubtful, this time.

Unfortunately, whatever Sirius said after that was going to go pretty much ignored. Cox flushed as the Animagus continued to prod him about his ex-wife, eyes narrowing dangerously. "Fido," he growled, turning back to look at Sirius. "I consider you a friend, so I'm gonna go ahead and spell it out just as clearly as I can for you: if you keep talking that way about me and Jordan, I swear to God the very next thing you say is going to be Oh, dear God, the pain, no. I have killed for less than that."

He bared his teeth and turned back around, determinedly not looking at Sirius again. He was definitely not in the mood to argue with Sirius about Lily, and the tiny piece of him that was at all rational realized that he probably wasn't going to get any better than that anyway; meanwhile, he was flat-out not backing down on the car thing; and so he simply ignored whatever Sirius said... until Sirius had to go and crack at him about the flirting.

The world went kind of red, and he whistled sharply. "Okay, that's it," he snapped, jumping down off his bar stool. "You're done." Shooting a furious glare at Sirius, Cox turned on his heel and stalked away, only to flop down into one of the Common Room's armchairs with his back to the wizard. Well, he wasn't going to let Sirius drive him out of his own bar, after all! Putting his feet up on a low end-table, he folded his arms over his chest, took a swig of beer, and glared into the fire.


toujours_sirius August 15 2006, 03:56:36 UTC
Slightly unsteadily, Sirius got up and followed Cox over to an armchair across from the one Cox had settled into. He sat on it sideways, draping his legs over one of the arms. After taking a pull on the Firewhisky bottle he had brought with him from the bar, he said mostly good naturedly, “Okay. Let's make a deal. I don't talk about your ex-wife and you don't talk about your current dating prospect or whatever it is that Lily is, all right?" Apparently, both of them had their sore spots, and neither of them wanted their brains broken, and that was just fine with Sirius. It would be an even trade.

After a couple of silent beats, during which Sirius swirled around his Firewhisky bottle and tried to shove the situation with Lily out of his mind, he looked up at Cox and said, "Yes, Jim Morrison. Lead singer of The Doors. And a right good shag, at that." And then, as if to punctuate it, he pointed his wand upwards and muttered something that caused a giant flame to shoot out of the tip for several seconds.


coxinsox August 16 2006, 01:35:00 UTC
For a long moment, Sirius got nothing but silence. Of course, Cox had to wait for the fires of rage to die down before he could even listen to Sirius, much less agree with him. Finally, he glanced over, eyes narrowed into slits, and gave Sirius a long look. "...Fair enough," he grunted, and looked away again, coolly tipping back the bottle. It wasn't quite clear to him why Lily was such a sore point for Sirius (unless...? nah, no way) but it was a decent bargain as long as he didn't have to hear about Jordan. It might have bothered another man that he couldn't talk about something new in his life with someone he considered to be, all evidence to he contrary, a friend, but... it wasn't exactly like Cox was inclined to talk about things anyway. He'd live.

Sirius got his attention back, at any rate, with the flame trick. Cox raised his eyebrows and smirked. "Oh, let me guess, Fido, that is the flame of your passion, right?" He sat up a bit, giving Sirius a rather amused look. "You know what, I gotta hand it to you--I might doubt that Jim Morrison is still alive but I damn sure don't doubt that you did sleep with him."


toujours_sirius August 16 2006, 04:17:58 UTC
It was a rather tricky situation. Being a bloke and thereby not feeling a pressing need to know everything about everyone else's business (unless it was their physical business and Sirius was desiring to know it in the Biblical sort of way!), Sirius normally wouldn't have pushed to get details on the situation with Lily.

But it was Lily, and Sirius felt responsible for ensuring that everything was going fine for her, for taking care of her in whatever way he could. was Lily, and Sirius had been their best man...and even if James was currently under the impression that he didn't want her right now, he was sure to change his mind later, and Sirius didn't want to consider the possibility that he wouldn't.

No, Sirius didn't want to think about it. He didn't even want to think about thinking about it. Then why was he still thinking about it?

He blew another flame out of the tip of his wand and then looked over at Cox, smirking himself, but in a much naughtier way. "You could say it represents that, yeah. Jim truly does know how to light a bloke's fire. And no, he wasn't dead at the time," Sirius said with a little eyeroll. "You a fan of his music? Or of his sexy body? I could get you an autograph, if you like. He still lives in Reno, in our old apartment. I was rather sad to leave here, but I knew I had to come back - for my godson, you know."


coxinsox August 16 2006, 06:54:32 UTC
Cox watched the flames shoot from Sirius's wand with a sort of idle but growing curiousity. "That really is a great trick, Fido," he drawled, nodding towards the wand. "Gee, next are y'gonna pull a bunny out from..." Trailing off, he winced. "You know what, you're... not wearing a hat, and knowing you I just do not want to think about where else you could be pulling things from, I really do not. Nix that."

Setting down the now-empty bottle, he rested his hands comfortably behind his head, reclining lazily in the extremely cozy armchair. "Anyway, your pal Jimmy was a little before my time, but... say Fido, why~ don't you invite him to do a concert here or something? I bet it'd really shake all the kids up." He grinned, challenging, wondering if Sirius would call his bluff or not.


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