Closed RP: Cox and Sirius

Aug 07, 2006 11:11

It had not been the best weekend for Dr. Cox. First he'd fought with JD; then the conference he'd been called to had wound up being less the intelligent meeting of medical minds that he'd been hoping for and more the grandiose posturing of old people and pharmeceutical companies that he'd feared; and then the ride back... well, no need to get into ( Read more... )

sirius black, rp, perry cox

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Comments 33

toujours_sirius August 8 2006, 00:21:52 UTC
Sirius strolled into the Ravenclaw common room as if it were his own living area. Indeed, these days, Sirius felt as if the only house he didn't belong to in some way, shape, or form was Hufflepuff. Well, and the Mary Sue houses, of course, but who would really want to belong to a house called Qanonreip? Tootsitramp, maybe, but...

The sight of Cox, sitting at the bar as promised, jolted him from his reveries, and he raised one hand in greeting.

"Oi, Cox! Grab me a Firewhisky, will you, mate? If you're not fast enough, I just might grab you first." He swung himself into a seat next to Cox.

"How was your Healer conference? Was it just as - hey, what the fuck happened to you?"


coxinsox August 8 2006, 00:41:24 UTC
In fact, Cox was well aware of Sirius's drink of choice and was of course well prepared for the inevitable threat of sexual harrassment. Before Sirius was even finished sitting down, he'd plunked down a glass of Firewhisky in front of him with a slight air of satisfaction. "Drink," he ordered.

He was less prepared, though, for Sirius's question, largely because he himself had forgotten about his little war wounds--they'd kind of faded into the general mire of rage he was dealing with right now. "What?" He blinked, then touched the side of his jaw, where one of said bruises had blossomed.

"Oh, yeah... I~... had a little incident on the way back," he intoned. Fishing his wand out of one of his pockets, he pointed it towards himself and muttered something, and the bruises quickly began to fade. With a reflexive sort of a smirk, he tapped his nose and reached for his glass.


toujours_sirius August 8 2006, 07:06:37 UTC
Sirius certainly didn't need to be told twice to pick up a glass of alcohol and drink from it. He raised it in a silent toast and then tipped it back, taking a large swallow.

"Nicely done," he said as he put the glass down. "As is that little bit of healing magic there. Now I know who to go to after my next bar fight...unless this night ends in fisticuffs, of course. But I highly doubt that. Don't doubt, though, that it will end in one of our bedrooms." Sirius flashed Cox that special naughty smirk reserved especially for him.

The healing charm was quite impressive, though. It would've been helpful to know more of that kind of magic when he had been a teenager. Might've saved him and James from hospital wing trips...although there certainly was something to be said for the way some time in the hospital wing provided a great excuse for missing class.

He watched as the last traces of the bruises disappeared. "What, you insult another man's fiancee - a bloke who wasn't so interested in settling the dispute via leather trousers and a


coxinsox August 8 2006, 21:38:19 UTC
Setting down his glass after a more than generous swig of his own, Cox made a little 'ha ha' face at Sirius. "Real funny, Yappy, but, no, this was unrelated and, by the way, entirely the other guy's fault... come on, do we really need to talk about this?" He rolled his eyes at the wizard.

Realizing quickly, though, that he'd probably just made Sirius even more curious about the whole thing, he sighed, lifting his gaze to glare at the ceiling. "I... might have sort of thrown his suitcase at the door," he admitted grudgingly. "I didn't think it actually belonged to anyone... Bastard had one hell of a right hook, though."

Glancing back towards Sirius, he relaxed slightly and gave a slightly more genuine grin. "Don't worry, Shiloh, if I ever do haul off and give you the smacking around you so desperately deserve, I promise I'll... probably fix you up afterwards. Maybe I'll even go ahead and give you that neutering I know you've just always wanted."


toujours_sirius August 16 2006, 20:21:06 UTC
"Rabbit out of the hat?" He laughed. "That's what Jim first asked me to do when he found out I was a wizard. I was tempted to do it, too - I mean, I can, after all, or at least, I can transfigure a hat into a rabbit, or transfigure a stone put inside the hat into a rabbit and then pull the rabbit out of the hat...but anyway, they didn't allow us hats in hospital, and I didn't have a wand and am utter rubbish at wandless magic, and...."

Sirius realised he was rambling. Bad occasional side effect of the Firewhisky. "Well, here. Let me show you something even better. Accio empty beer bottle!" he said loudly, wand pointed to the bottle Cox had just put down. It flew into his hands. Then he pointed his own wand downward and into the bottle. "Fermentummenti!" A foamy stream of beer came pouring out of the wand ( ... )


coxinsox August 16 2006, 22:06:59 UTC
Cox was about to make fun of Sirius's rambling, no doubt, but luckily, the new little display of magical competence was enough to distract him. Actually, it was pretty seriously impressive. Having obsessed over magical healing since his arrival, Cox knew no more than a couple of non-healing spells, and what he did know was all wards and glamors, which meant he tended to be easily (if silently) impressed by anyone doing anything else. Plus, alcohol! He hadn't thought about it before, but if there was such a thing as drinking magic, he definitely wanted to look into it.

Catching the bottle that was sent back over to him, he took a hesitant drink. Huh. "...Not bad, Fido," he admitted grudgingly, eyeing the bottle. "This isn't going to make me suddenly want to jump you, right? Or, I should say, you didn't try and do something like that, right, because..." he laughed, "it would take a lo-ho-ho-hooooot more than that, I promise you ( ... )


toujours_sirius August 17 2006, 23:27:58 UTC
"Nothing in the bottle but Muggle beer, pure and simple," Sirius replied with a bit of a laugh. "I believe in winning over my lovers through my sheer charm and sex own brand of magic, you could say." Yes, he knew it was over the top. But when had he been anything but that with Cox ( ... )


coxinsox August 18 2006, 04:52:07 UTC
If there was a time Sirius hadn't been completely over the top during their acquaintance, Cox was not aware of it. In fact, it was definitely getting harder for Sirius to phase him (which, clearly, only meant the Animagus was going to have to start trying harder). "Yeah, le~t me know how that works out for you," he drawled in reply to Sirius's comment about his 'love magic,' trying not to laugh as beer poured down Sirius's throat. He didn't want to give him the satisfaction, but the image was just too ridiculous.

Allowing himself a snicker, he shook his head. "Oh, no, Fido, the minute you let yourself taste it, the beer has won. The point is to pour it down your throat as though it were the antidote, in this case to~ sobri~ety and, you know, being in shape." He eyed Sirius who, in all honesty, could use the carbs, and was immediately distracted by the red shinies. He lifted an eyebrow, impressed but skeptical. "I~ appreciate the thought there, Skippy, but in case you haven't noticed?" He cupped his hands to his mouth and leaned ( ... )


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