Seventeen Again, Part 3: Into the Woods (Closed RP - James / Sirius...and James/Sirius)

Jul 23, 2006 01:35

((Continued from here, the post o' bathtime fun! This thread will likely be NC-17. Because it's young!Sirius and James ( Read more... )

james potter, sirius black, rp

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going_stag July 23 2006, 06:52:19 UTC
The tent was more than just creature comforts. Wizarding tents could often be roomier on the inside than the outside and James figured the little pup tent was no exception. But right now he didn't much care. They were away from the school, away from everyone they knew, away from civilization and time and schedules; away from expectations.

He stood, rolling his shoulders, looking out at the loch while Sirius unpacked and then because he just couldn't be idle, he made a firepit, and set out blankets and cushions for them to sit on beside it and then he nicked an apple just because.

The moment he saw Sirius was finished setting up, however, there was something in the air that might have been - "Whee" and a path of James' clothes lay on the ground leading to a young but impressive stag, who was bouncing and prancing near the treeline with all the energy of a young fawn.


toujours_sirius July 23 2006, 07:16:36 UTC
One of the things Sirius had missed the most over all those lonely years was Prongs. Padfoot had come into being with Prongs, and when Sirius assumed his Animagus form, it was only natural for him to expect to see muscular haunches and a solid, brown body next to him, to sense an earthy, grassy scent deep within his nose, to hear the dull clopping of hooves next to him as he ran down some path of the Forbidden Forest. He was also used to being part of a motley pack - werewolf, stag, dog, and rat - but the full moon happened only once a month, and Sirius and James had gone running around in their Animagus forms, just thee two of them, far more often than that ( ... )


going_stag July 23 2006, 07:27:56 UTC
Prongs nipped the neck exposed to him and wuffled the stomach, and then licked it, gently. The stag moved to nose and lick around Padfoot's muzzle too, reaffirming the scent and taste and familiarity of this little overly excited creature that was a part of his herd but not a female and somehow was no threat ( ... )


toujours_sirius July 23 2006, 08:09:46 UTC
Sirius held still as Prongs inspected him, except for his tail, which continued to brush rapidly across the ground. He couldn't help it; Padfoot craved Prongs's company, and dogs are terrible at hiding their joy ( ... )


going_stag July 24 2006, 07:58:07 UTC
James watched Sirius mince as a dog into the lake and smiled. He stayed on shore, digging out a bit of a firepit here as well, so he could transfer his flame. Only when the fire was big enough, sending reflections of water off the cavern's walls and ceiling, would he risk going into the water. There was no telling about currents or what could be swimming in the waters. Quite a few magical creatures liked this sort of environment.

Bent and crouched over with his bits displayed, he couldn't help calling over his shoulder. "Enjoying the view, Pads?" Even as he worked. After a bit, the white flame was dancing as big as a bonfire and James was satisfied.

"Warding spell, Pads. You can manage one of those, can't you? You do one, then I'll do one. I don't quite want anything pale and long fingered trying to pull either one of us under."

James moved finally to the water's edge, waiting for the tingle of magic to let him know that Sirius had done his. If he couldn't he'd have to try and make one work.


toujours_sirius July 24 2006, 08:19:24 UTC
"I probably would enjoy the view more if I could, you know, bloody see in the dark!" The flame was still rather small at this point, and it was hard for Sirius to see much beyond a small circle of light around it. "And I'd ogle you as Padfoot, but there's just something really wrong about that ( ... )


going_stag July 24 2006, 08:32:26 UTC
James blinked at the fountain. Then he started laughing. "A little mood music, maybe some candle light, Pads? You and your mergirl could have something real nice going on."

He closed his eyes all the same, and tried to focus, one hand out, index finger pointed. A warding spell was far larger than anything he usually tried wandless. All the same he felt it pop into being around him, thin, but there. The effort made him sway a little, not weakened but knocked off balance by the flow of power. He'd never practiced for something this big.

He swung his hands out for balance and half felt, missing knocking his knee against something with a laugh and half crouching scrambling into the water, where he wouldn't have to worry too much about gravity.

James struck out, dog paddling himself until he could reach Sirius and quite thoughtfully splash a face full of water at him.


toujours_sirius July 24 2006, 08:46:41 UTC
Sirius splashed James back and then dove beneath the surface of the water. He emerged right next to him, a big fistful of mud clenched in one hand.

"Stay still, Prongs. I'm going to put war paint on you. We're savages now, far from civilisation." He spread thick lines of mud down James's back. "Turn around so I can do your front."

While he waited, he gestured at the fire and commented, "You know, we've already got the candlelight, and my fountain is a true work of art. So if it's mood music you want, it's mood music you've got!"

And with that, Sirius started singing at the top of his lungs. It wasn't a very romantic song. But it was one of his favourites.

"Well, you tried it just for once, found it all right for kicks. But now you found out that it's a habit that sticks. And you're an orgasm addict. You're an orgasm addict!"


going_stag July 27 2006, 06:19:35 UTC
"I refuse to count your singing as anything but noise to scare away merpeople and fish." James flashed back, watching Sirius stretch and turn, warming himself as well as drying off.

"And that song, it's basically you putting your cock in my face, mate. And I'm the cock tease? Mind I don't bite it off." James smiled, stretching as well, feeling lean and limber. He felt good, relaxed, happy and he enjoyed it, taking a couple of deep breaths in the still chill air.

When Sirius was ready, James focused a while and cut off the fire completely, leaving a cold pit with no sign that there'd ever been flame. He reached his hand down to ruffle Sirius around the ears and neck again. "I'm ready, off we go then."

The dark was complete about fifteen paces away from the inner lake and James chuckled into the blackness. "We've got a week, Pads. We can come back, bring a proper kit and everything. But let's enjoy the other lake first. I want to spread out somewhere warm and get wickedly high. I think I saw cream puffs and cauldron cakes, for


toujours_sirius July 27 2006, 22:07:26 UTC
After a quick look back at the fountain he had inadvertently made, Sirius started walking back towards the tunnel they had entered through, moving slowly and making sure he felt James at his side. It would be fun to come back to the cave later in the week. He liked the feeling of calm isolation, of disconnection from the rest of the world. The cave had a certain timelessness to it, as if it had plodded along, just existing, for millennia, its structures changing only gradually, with no sunlight to remind them of how many hours were passing them by.

When they reached the cave’s opening, Sirius trotted several feet ahead of James. Wagging his tail and panting, he pawed at the ground and then looked excitedly back and forth between James and the terrain up ahead.

It was a question: Wanna race?


going_stag July 28 2006, 07:42:30 UTC
In seconds Prongs was there and leaping up ahead in an obvious cheat to try and beat the young dog. James felt his stag form stretch and bound, power in his legs, the scent of the forest rushing past his nostrils and tickling around the base of his antlers, over flowing the horns.

He darted around a tree in his path, and pulled even more strength and speed into the sprint to make up for the temporary detour. If stags could laugh, Prongs would have been laughing, instead he felt the joy and pleasure of the race and the company bubbling in his heart and lending a warmness that flowed to make his muscles feel even more energized.


toujours_sirius July 29 2006, 00:21:10 UTC
Sirius knew he had no chance of beating Prongs in a race - especially when he was cheating and running ahead - but it was fun to try anyway. He bounded through the trees, light on his feet in spite of his large size. His nose sensed his surroundings before his eyes, directing his movements through the blur that was the forest.

And as he ran, he barked nonstop. Simple, pure joy. He pursued Prongs's earthy scent, his dull hoofbeats, knowing that he would never catch up, but revelling in the excitement of the chase anyway, the freedom of running at full speed, the happiness of racing Prongs just like they did so many years before.


going_stag August 2 2006, 04:38:26 UTC
"Oh for fucks sake Padfoot. How many times does a bloke have to say blow me, before you catch a bleedin' clue."

He waved his hand, to bring a single bottle of Fire-whiskey over. It dropped with a soft thud into the sand as James pushed himself upright and dusted off his ass, using little puffs of air from his fingertips to get absolutely all possible sand out of all possible crevices.

"I'll go check the inside of the tent. When you're done with the bottle, if you're quite up to it, you can come join me."


toujours_sirius August 2 2006, 05:05:52 UTC
Sirius sat straight up. "You - you want - I mean...." He suddenly felt very lightheaded. It was hard to breathe, and his heart was slamming against his ribcage. He swallowed and then cleared his throat again.

What had happened earlier - in their bed and then in the bath - had sort of, well, just happened. But this...this was more deliberate.

And that wasn't a bad thing. Not at all. But it was just different. And Sirius didn't quite know what to make of it yet.

He scrambled up, although not without grabbing the bottle of Firewhisky first. He opened it, took a quick gulp, and then strode over to the tent.

Standing just inside the opening, he said, "Well. So you fancy a blow, do you?"


going_stag August 2 2006, 05:22:35 UTC
"Got the Howler after all then, Pads?" James said with obvious nonchalance as he sprawled on a leather divan in what looked every inch the country get away cottage. Though definitely a man's cottage, all leather and plain wood furniture and a full brass and enamel bed in back, right up against the sloping walls.

There were cards on the ottoman in front of him. "Course we could always play a game of exploding snap. Gobstones? There might be a chess board around here somewhere. Seems the sort of place to have it. Could play poker, there's some crackers packed. Bet with those maybe."

James was still very much naked even if he wasn't acting like it.


toujours_sirius August 2 2006, 05:58:25 UTC
"You could've said so. Or jumped on top of me. Or something." He stared at James for a moment, amused at how a damp, naked teenager could make himself look like a prince reclining in his castle.

Casually, he sauntered over to the divan and sat down, lifting James's feet and putting them in his own lap. Setting the Firewhisky bottle down, he let his hands rest on James's legs, although they didn't really rest. Instead, he ran one hand lightly up and down James's lower leg while the other hand softly squeezed his feet.

"The only one of those games that goes with a blow job is poker, but there's no use in playing the strip version of it since the both of us are without clothes anyway."

He let his hand wander a bit further up James's leg, resting it for a moment halfway up his thigh. "You want this, Prongs?" He moved his hand up a bit more.


going_stag August 5 2006, 04:38:22 UTC
Kissing Sirius....James almost laughed, almost snickered because it was just such a bizarre thing to be doing. Comfortable but bizarre, even now, at least like this. But the hitched breath made his stomach drop out and suddenly it wasn't funny anymore. He was fisting fingers in Sirius' hair and sucking down on his bottom lip, and holding on until he felt even his short nails pressing into flesh.

He wanted to say that even if Sirius stayed, he wouldn't be like this, young and free and wild and funny; a cocky, handsome devil, his best mate, his peer.

But it all got twisted into a knot of need, pulling low at his stomach and groin and all that came past his lips was a grunt. And then... "Where's your collar? I want to fuck you with your collar on." As James pulled back, nipping at the lips pressed against his. His eyes dark and intent.


toujours_sirius August 5 2006, 05:37:18 UTC
James's reaction turned Sirius's kiss turned from soft and casual to urgent in a heartbeat - perhaps even a literal one; as James pulled him closer, his heart started slamming so hard against his ribs that it felt like a caged animal trying desperately to escape. His lips covered James's, sucking at them, moving rapidly, searching for something and finding it over and over, but still wanting more. His hands searched, too, running up and down James's chest, following the lines of his ribs, fingers alternately digging in and then relaxing ( ... )


going_stag August 5 2006, 09:14:40 UTC
"Uh huh," James whispered back, shimmeying in Sirius' hand. "Stroke me just like that." He tugged Sirius' head back just a bit farther. "Which bag, Pads? Tell me which bag."

James leaned in and licked along Sirius' neck. He nipped at an ear, chuckling softly into it. There was something like laughter and joy and something lustful in his chest, making him breathe deeper, breathe in the scent of Sirius, along under his ear, in his hairline.

He wondered if it really was Padfoot's collar. The one he'd given him, kept safe all these years, somewhere hidden and unexpected and safe. The thought made him unexpectedly tender and he kissed the hollow of Sirius' throat, as light as a feather, lips pursing ever so slightly; soft, barely wet, a lover's kiss.


toujours_sirius August 7 2006, 07:19:53 UTC
Sirius echoed James's movements with his hand. "The small blue bag, the one with our clothes." He buried his face into James's neck and started kissing down it, deep, full kisses, each one ending in a slight tug and the lightest of bites ( ... )


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