Seventeen Again, Part 3: Into the Woods (Closed RP - James / Sirius...and James/Sirius)

Jul 23, 2006 01:35

((Continued from here, the post o' bathtime fun! This thread will likely be NC-17. Because it's young!Sirius and James ( Read more... )

james potter, sirius black, rp

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toujours_sirius August 5 2006, 05:37:18 UTC
James's reaction turned Sirius's kiss turned from soft and casual to urgent in a heartbeat - perhaps even a literal one; as James pulled him closer, his heart started slamming so hard against his ribs that it felt like a caged animal trying desperately to escape. His lips covered James's, sucking at them, moving rapidly, searching for something and finding it over and over, but still wanting more. His hands searched, too, running up and down James's chest, following the lines of his ribs, fingers alternately digging in and then relaxing.

At James's question, however, his hands came to a halt even as his lips reached out once more. He stared back at James, his own eyes wide open and slightly wild with want.

"It's outside. In one of the bags," he managed before he leant further forward to find James's lips again, breathing heavily against them.

Maybe it was part of the excitement of regaining something they both thought they had lost. Maybe it was just the right touch at the right time. Maybe it was a new way of sharing between two people who had always shared everything. Maybe it was all of that. Either way, Sirius did know one thing.

"I want you to fuck me," he whispered, reaching a hand down to grip James's cock.


going_stag August 5 2006, 09:14:40 UTC
"Uh huh," James whispered back, shimmeying in Sirius' hand. "Stroke me just like that." He tugged Sirius' head back just a bit farther. "Which bag, Pads? Tell me which bag."

James leaned in and licked along Sirius' neck. He nipped at an ear, chuckling softly into it. There was something like laughter and joy and something lustful in his chest, making him breathe deeper, breathe in the scent of Sirius, along under his ear, in his hairline.

He wondered if it really was Padfoot's collar. The one he'd given him, kept safe all these years, somewhere hidden and unexpected and safe. The thought made him unexpectedly tender and he kissed the hollow of Sirius' throat, as light as a feather, lips pursing ever so slightly; soft, barely wet, a lover's kiss.


toujours_sirius August 7 2006, 07:19:53 UTC
Sirius echoed James's movements with his hand. "The small blue bag, the one with our clothes." He buried his face into James's neck and started kissing down it, deep, full kisses, each one ending in a slight tug and the lightest of bites.

"But you can't go anywhere. Not yet," he said in a low voice as he started moving down James, mouth following his free hand as it ran down James's chest and stomach. He paused just below James's navel, mouth poised on his skin, breathing wet heat onto his flesh. Then, crouching between James's legs, he pushed them apart a bit more and lowered his mouth onto James's cock.

James tasted earthen, like the water in the cave, but after he moved up and down James's cock a few times, alternately sucking and pressing his teeth-covered lips into it, the taste was replaced by something milder, neutral and fleshy. His hand followed his mouth, up and down, squeezing and pushing.

He wanted to make James writhe and squirm. He wanted to hear James cry out and moan. The wild feeling from earlier in the day was taking over, but this time his own pleasure could wait.


going_stag August 8 2006, 04:16:53 UTC
"Uh...urr...urr guhhh urrhhhssss. Siii.. ss." James drew in a breath, exhaled, squirmed and writhed and found his hands in Sirius' hair. The sounds jerked out of him in surprise. Kissing was one thing, and even if it was more, it was normal. And it's not like they'd never wanked each other before. But this?! And Sirius moved so fast. He was used to shagging blokes. James wanted to, well to shag Sirius, not just any bloke. But this was fast.

And then Sirius did something with his tongue. Bag. Collar. What? "Pads!." He bit his lip, exhaled again and just gave up. "Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck. Oh sweet merciful fuck!" Sixth year girls had nothing on Sirius. Abso-bloody-fuck-nothing on Sirius.

His hips rolled like they were oiled and James realized his fingers were still gripped into Sirius' hair, holding fast like a burr in fur. His toes were curled, feet pointed, legs spread, sprawled on the leather couch like something out of a dirty magazine as his body wet all over in a quick shock of sweat. It made him stick to the couch. It made him warm the leather. James' head flopped back and he gurgled.


toujours_sirius August 8 2006, 07:39:01 UTC
Sirius pressed his fingers into James's hip, absently tracing the slope of the bone. The changing pressure of James's fingers in his own hair told him a lot, and whenever they plunged deeper in or pushed against his head, Sirius repeated exactly what he had just done - a flick of the tongue, a twisting motion, a long suck - except a wee bit harder, stronger, faster.

And Sirius liked James like this, all heat and curse words and abandonment. It was usually Sirius who moaned and panted. James had always had an unshakable control about him, a calculating, methodical approach when it came to his own pleasure. This wasn't to say that James was sterile about it, but that he operated within certain lines.

As he tugged upwards on James's cock, twisting his mouth and sucking lightly, his tongue flicking across the tip, Sirius had to admit that it was a turn-on to see James zig-zagging out of those lines, letting the intensity take him over.

But it would be a shame for it all to end so quickly. He pushed his mouth up and down James's cock a few more times and then released it and said with a slight smile, "Can't get off yet, r'else you'll have nothing left to bugger me with." He started kissing his way back up James, one hand holding onto James's cock, squeezing it with the lightest of touches.


going_stag August 8 2006, 08:21:06 UTC
James Potter was in shock, breathing hard, eyes wide and dark, hair crumpled. He looked totally debauched. Randy. Needy. He wanted and damn if he didn't want it now.

"I'm young." He said, hands still in Sirius' hair. "Bugger all, Pads. You can't... " A slight gasp. "You can't do that then stop." James eyes narrowed in sudden challenge.

"Don't make me up the ante when it's my turn, Padfoot. Or I swear I'll keep you trembling there in full body bind, arse in the air and wank myself off all over your back."


toujours_sirius August 8 2006, 08:35:00 UTC
Naughty, cruel bugger you are," Sirius said in a light, mocking tone. "I'm already waiting on mine, and you would still tease me like that?"

Sirius twisted his hand so it was cupping James's balls. He moved his mouth back down James's body and wrapped it around James's cock once more, plunging it up and down rapidly. But after several laps, he stopped again.

"This what you want?" He kissed the soft skin on the inside of James's thighs, lightly running his tongue around the perimeter of wiry black hair, teasing him. Then he put his mouth back on James's cock and sucked a few more times.

"Like this, Prongs? What do you fancy more right now, fucking my mouth or fucking me?"


going_stag August 8 2006, 08:48:31 UTC
"Your mouth. Fuck you, you teasing ponce." Which probably wasn't a good idea, adding insults Sirius when Sirius was driving him wild. But a 17 year old boy getting an expert blowjob, or as close as he'd ever gotten to give it the title, wasn't, isn't, couldn't be rational.

"Shut up and suck me. Bloody hells, Pads. Do it!" James stretched upward, wriggling to try to make contact with cockhead to lips. The puffs of air across the tip of his cock aching with whisps of friction.

There was something...annoying about Sirius making him feel this way; Sirius having some kind of control; Sirius making him needy. "Bloody whore of a mouth. Whatcha expect I wouldn't want it?"

But the cruel words were tempered because James tugged harder, hissed in a breath. "yes... like that." Not hearing himself as he pushed for deeper, realizing that Sirius really wasn't a blushing girl. He didn't have to hold anything back. Sod being gentle. James thrust, using Sirius' mouth, cruel and wanton at once. Cruel and trusting at once.


toujours_sirius August 8 2006, 17:17:10 UTC
"All right, then." Sirius laughed softly and then began to work on James in earnest. James would appreciate Sirius's stalling later. When James had come and the desperation had cooled off, he would realise how the teases and pauses had heightened the experience, had made it that much more intense.

And Sirius didn't mind James's sharp tone, his biting words. They only indicated that he was doing this right, that he was driving James to the edge, to that state where reality and reason hang by a thread that suddenly snaps, leaving only sensation, ecstasy, unbearable pressure and jolting release.

Sirius moved his mouth up and down rapidly, his tongue circling and enclosing, pushing into James as he thrust in and away as he thrust out. He moved his hand away so James could have full range, letting James bury his cock as far as it would go. One hand slipped down and pressed on the tender spot just below James's balls, first lightly and then harder. The other hand braced against James's hip, fingers pressing into his side, a sign that Sirius himself was turned on by this.


going_stag August 8 2006, 17:43:44 UTC
Trust is a curious thing. The first light touch behind his balls and James shivered, all over, like he'd been hit with cold water. Except his body flushed even warmer. The second touch, firmer, as Sirius did things, nasty, beautiful, wonderful things to his cock and James jerked. His mouth fell open and a stream of profanity fell out.

He was scared, but he wouldn't admit it. Because how the hell had it never felt this - why weren't 17 year old girls taught how to do this? Low and harsh, his voice pulled out of him; fuck and yes, and Merlin's sweet balls. Sirius' nickname over and over again like a bane and release, James growling, using, fucking, while his hands lied or maybe spoke the truth; grip, palm, caress.

"I'm....I'm going to beat you so hard, you sodding ponce! Fuck! Hate...hate you. Hate you... Ohhh"

Hook of orgasm like a slam in the mouth and James fought it all the way, shaking, clenching, holding back. "No. Nononononoo." He hissed, leaned forward, curling in as pleasure and Sirius winning poured right out of him, jagged and hot.


toujours_sirius August 9 2006, 03:39:45 UTC
James's curses and other vocalisations did not surprise Sirius, but his sudden threat and everything that came after it did. A sharp stab of worry hit Sirius directly in the stomach. Was this too much for James? Did he make the same mistake he had made before? He and James had never done this sort of stuff with each other, so maybe this was worse - touching James in extremely intimate ways that perhaps he had thought he was comfortable with, but wasn't after all.

At this point, though, there was no stopping, and Sirius sucked and squeezed and licked as James continued to thrust into his mouth, until James pushed forcefully into him several times and Sirius felt spurts of warm, thick liquid hit the back of his throat. He swallowed it, sucking hard on James in the process, his hand pressing James's hips into himself with each of James's thrusts.

When it was all over, he lightly sucked up the length of James's cock, cleaning it off, and then lifted himself up so that he was leaning over James, a concerned, tentative - and yes, quite scared - look on his face.

"Prongs? You okay? I'm sorry if I - if I...I didn't hurt you, did I?"


going_stag August 9 2006, 04:23:02 UTC
James doesn't answer. He's disheveled. He's just been fucked, in a manner of speaking, and he looks it. His whole body is loose despite of itself. Dazed hazel eyes look into scared grey ones. Scared, beautiful grey eyes. Sirius' eyes. Sirius looking down at him, come on his breath. So scared.

"You twat. You fucking twat."

James pushed, not caring about cushioning charms, not that he could do one right now anyway. If Sirius toppled off the ottoman, so much the better. The floor is flat.

"Spunk sucking, fucking twat."

James braces himself, scoots down and his mouth is in Sirius' dick before he can think too hard about what he's doing. He just knows there's no way Sirius is allowed to make him feel that way without a response. So what if he doesn't know what the hell he's doing. The sum of it seems to be no teeth and an intact pecker after. He'll work at it for hours if he has to. But there's no way he's going to let Sirius feel smug about it.

Despite himself, James shivers, his body still sensitized and he knows he wants to do it again. He sucks harder.


toujours_sirius August 9 2006, 05:26:00 UTC
Everything happened so fast that Sirius never had a chance to fully react to any of it or to work out exactly what was going through James's mind. He was mostly in shock as he hit the floor. Half of him wanted to punch James - it was a gut reaction, an instinctual response to the shove - and half of him wanted to apologise, because he must have gone too far. James had never done these things with a bloke before. Sirius should have gone slower, should have asked James, should have -

"Urrrrrrrrggggh!" He hadn't expected that either - that his dick would suddenly be halfway down James's throat. He had given the favour, sure, but he had never assumed that James would return it. It was one thing for James to be on the receiving end. He was seventeen, and by Sirius's recollections, he had already had quite his fair share of that sort of thing from some of the girls he had dated at Hogwarts. This wasn't new for him. But to be giving the favour back to a bloke...well, James hadn't done it before, and Sirius was floored (physically and otherwise!) that he was doing such a thing right after he had become so angry.

And he was sucking hard. Sirius writhed. "Prongs, gaaaaahhh, ease up a little," he gasped. It felt good - but just a little too good, in that mildly painful, overstimulating sort of way. Placing a hand lightly on the back of James's head, he tried to guide him into a bit of a slower rhythm.

"You don't have to do this, you kn-" Sirius got cut off by a deep moan somewhere from within his chest.


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