(Voldemort's Unpopcorning: Open RP!)

Jun 21, 2006 22:50

POP! In place of a large, fluffly golden-white kernal of popcorn stood Voldemort, looking bewildered. The last thing he remembered was waiting on word from his Death Eaters about Malfoy's mission, and if the miserable little git really died during his task or not. He was really looking foward to the news-- either Dumbledore or Draco was out of his ( Read more... )

peter wiggin, lord voldemort, adam young, ryuuji otogi, rp, domino harvey, methos

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average_adam June 22 2006, 03:19:33 UTC
Adam just happened to be passing the popcorn room at the moment that Voldemort stepped out. He blinked.

"Hallo, sir. It's nice to see you again. Not hurt or anythin' I hope?"


dice_addict June 22 2006, 09:44:25 UTC
"Hey Adam!" Ryuuji greeted him cheerfully, still wandering around stubbornly in his David Brown guise. Remembering not to flip the hair he didn't have, he was about to comment on how he'd heard that Quidditch tryouts were starting up again, but instead got distracted by the sight of Voldemort. "Suneku! Awesome, you're back!"

He blinked, then instead tilted his head to a side and tried to look behind Voldemort, searching for Sev. After all, in his note to Ryuuji, Sev had said that he'd return to normal once Voldemort came back, so he should have come back now as well!


glory_and_all June 22 2006, 14:07:30 UTC
Voldemort recognized one of Hogwart's second floor corridor the moment he stepped out, but was soon distracted by a voice. He spun around, wand raised, and narrowed his eyes suspiciously at Adam, ignoring his question. "Who are you?" The young man seemed to recognize him, and this alone was beginning to worry him. Before Adam seemed to have a chance to answer, however, a second young man joined them.

"What did you just call me?" the Dark Lord snarled at Ryuuji. He had no recollection of ever being here before... When the David Brown look-a-like tried to look behind him, Voldemort took a step back and pointed his wand at him instead. "Who are the two of you and what are you doing at Hogwarts?"

Curious enough about what Ryuuji might have been looking for, Voldemort stole a glance behind him as well and spied the plaque with names. A brief glance couldn't give him any specifics, though.


dice_addict June 22 2006, 15:16:38 UTC
Blink. Blink. This was the first time that Ryuuji had to deal with Voldemort drawing a wand on him, though Tom had done it in the past. A flicker of thought activated the Shadows near Voldemort's feet, ready to drain him of magical ability if it looked like the man had gone insane.

Which Voldemort probably had, if he didn't recognize Adam, at least. Ryuuji couldn't blame the man for not knowing him, seeing as Ryuuji had changed practically everything about himself including how his voice sounded, but surely Adam was still memorable?

Tone one of concern, he waved at the wand with his bare hand dismissively, "Suneku -- it's your nickname. Japanese for a particular type of dangerous serpent. And I'm Ryuuji, currently in disguise -- it's a long story -- and this is Adam. We're students at Hogwarts, like you."

Cue another blink, and Ryuuji tilted his head to a side, tawny locks of hair swinging over his eyes, "Are you feeling okay? You were popcorn for quite a while."


glory_and_all June 22 2006, 15:54:03 UTC
The wand Voldemort had aiming at Ryuuji was retreated a bit, like he didn't want the boy to touch it out of fear. His expression of distrust remained as pronounced as ever as he looked from Ryuuji to Adam and back to Ryuuji again.

"I have no such nickname and you-- you are severely mistaken." Ryuuji seemed to think that Voldemort was a student at Hogwarts, which he definitely was not, unless-- was he forced to timetravel? "What year is it? Who is the current Headmaster?"

Voldemort turned away from Ryuuji for a moment, looking back into the room full of popcorn kernals. His eyes strayed back to the plaque and he read off a few of the names he recognized, skimming over the ones he didn't. Macnair? Lucius Malfoy? Swinging back around, Voldemort pointed his wand instictively at Ryuuji again. "So you're telling me those with their names listed on here are currently... popcorn."


dice_addict June 22 2006, 16:22:19 UTC
"It's 2006, and it's Headmistress, Kahnaloo the Furby." Ryuuji supplied readily, brow furrowing slightly with concern at the complete wrongness of this. Even if he didn't recognize Ryuuji, at least the name should have been familiar?

Studying Voldemort openly, Ryuuji nodded and confirmed, "Yeah, anyone with their name listed there is a kernal of popcorn in an unbreakable case. And you were one, after having spent a few months here -- originally, you were a student, but then you got the Defense Against the Dark Arts position."

Amnesia? Kon acted kinda different after he was unpopcorned as well. Ryuuji thought mentally, more than a little worried. His turn to ask questions, "S- What's the last thing you remember?"


glory_and_all June 22 2006, 16:39:19 UTC
So he did time travel. Sort of. Whatever a Furby is. "So Dumbledore is dead then?" At least one he did one thing right.

When Ryuuji explains further, Voldemort concludes he must have been Confunded. There is no way he'd allow himself to be Transfigured into a large kernal of popcorn for so long, and there was no way Dumbledore or any Headmaster in their right mind would allow him to become a student, much less a Professor, at Hogwarts.

He is silent during Ryuuji's explanation, expression blank. Only when a question is asked does he respond, albeit reluctantly. "Of what importance is it to you?"


dice_addict June 22 2006, 17:02:35 UTC
Cue a head tilt, Ryuuji replying blithely-- he knew it was crazy but hey, it was what what happened -- "Well, sort of. Everyone thought that he was dead, but it turned out that it had been his pet hamster that had gotten killed and he'd Transfigured it to look like his body. Right now, he's popcorn, which isn't exactly the same as being dead because it means he could come back soon ( ... )


glory_and_all June 22 2006, 17:24:50 UTC
At the news of Dumbledore still being (somewhat) alive, all Voldemort could think of is, 'Snape was behind this.' He looked livid, and had he any blood to drain from his face, he would have turned pale. "Right," he muttered with some difficulty, obviously distracted. Now, where was Snape? He needed to have a talk with him...

Ryuuji's words seemed to go in one ear and out the other as Voldemort turned around the inspect the plaque again, in detail. There was no answer to his question.

"Snape told you he would come back when I came back?" he snapped as he looked back at Ryuuji, tone not purposely curt. Voldemort needed to know if this was just his mind overreacting in a Confunded state, and he was starting to have his doubts. "You aren't real, are you? Blast it, Snape is probably behind all this."


dice_addict June 22 2006, 17:29:07 UTC

Ryuuji blinked, then reached out to Voldemort slowly, giving the older man more than enough time to back away, "Riiiight. Okay, S- sir, listen to me. I am real, Hogwarts is real, Sev is currently popcorn and only got turned to popcorn after you did, and yes, he said that he'd come back when you did. Gave me a note about it too."

Pause. "You know, this is probably something of a shock to you. How about we go to the infirmary so that you can get a Calming Draught and sit down somewhere? Or back down to the Slytherin quarters, if you'd prefer that."


glory_and_all June 22 2006, 17:35:14 UTC
"Of course Hogwarts is real!" Voldemort was beginning to lose his patience. "But you may very well be a figment of my imagination!" As if that were reason enough, Voldemort pulled away from Ryuuji's hands, brandishing his wand. "Don't touch me. I need to find a way to Unconfund myself."

Ignoring Ryuuji's offers completely, Voldemort tapped his head with the tip of his own wand, eyes squeezed tightly shut. Nothing happened. He opened them, and saw Ryuuji and Adam, still standing there, annoyingly existing. The only words that can sum up the expression on his face is 'Drat. Foiled again.'


dice_addict June 22 2006, 17:43:06 UTC
"...If you were Confounded, wouldn't you be too confused to realize it?" Ryuuji pointed out logically after a few seconds of silence, waiting for Voldemort to patiently realize that no, there was nothing wrong with him.

Crossing his arms over his chest, he pouted, brown eyes showing slight annoyance. "And I am too real. Anything you want me to do to prove it?"


glory_and_all June 22 2006, 17:49:52 UTC
Voldemort realized the fallacy of his logic moments before Ryuuji pointed it out. However, he didn't appreciate the young man's cheek.

"You can't prove your existence to me any more than I can prove to myself that I am going insane." He need to know, though, how and why. His red eyes studied Ryuuji carefully.

"Actually, yes, you can tell me one thing. How do I get out of this... place? I have matters to attend to, and this seems like the wrong time and place."


dice_addict June 22 2006, 17:55:14 UTC
"You are not going insane." Ryuuji stated firmly, wishing he wasn't in disguise so that he could flip his usual black ponytail. Oh well. Sacrifices must be made. Poor ponytail, we loved you well ( ... )


glory_and_all June 22 2006, 18:04:47 UTC
"I appreciate your opinion." The tone of Voldemort's voice suggested otherwise.

Dimension-hoppers? Voldemort couldn't believe he was hearing what he was hearing. "So--but--" He clamped down on his teeth, hard. He couldn't remember once in his lifetime that he would be lost for words and stuttering. This was totally unbecoming.

"So there is no way for me to return to my universe," Voldemort said smoothly, seemingly calmed for now. "And someone named Suneku who is definitely not me but looked and acted like me knew you." Because, of course, the real Voldemort would never accept a manicure set as a gift.


dice_addict June 23 2006, 19:08:23 UTC
"I'm sure you." Ryuuji's lips twitched with amusement as he shot the other a friendly grin, not allowing Voldemort's confusion to fluster him. After all, one of them had to stay sane and Ryuuji knew quite well that he wasn't Confounded or suffering from amnesia.

Running one hand through the short, brown hair that he currently had, Ryuuji canted his head to a side and pointed out logically, "I didn't say that. There are certainly people that could take you back there -- it's a school, not a prison -- but you'd need to get on their good side to have them willing to do something like that for you. And he wasn't named Suneku, I called him that. He was called Tom Marvolo Riddle when he was born, 'cause that's what his Horcrux called himself and then he called himself Lord Voldemort, but since I don't use titles with people, I called him Suneku instead."


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