(Voldemort's Unpopcorning: Open RP!)

Jun 21, 2006 22:50

POP! In place of a large, fluffly golden-white kernal of popcorn stood Voldemort, looking bewildered. The last thing he remembered was waiting on word from his Death Eaters about Malfoy's mission, and if the miserable little git really died during his task or not. He was really looking foward to the news-- either Dumbledore or Draco was out of his ( Read more... )

peter wiggin, lord voldemort, adam young, ryuuji otogi, rp, domino harvey, methos

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dice_addict June 22 2006, 17:55:14 UTC
"You are not going insane." Ryuuji stated firmly, wishing he wasn't in disguise so that he could flip his usual black ponytail. Oh well. Sacrifices must be made. Poor ponytail, we loved you well.

Pause. "You think that it's temporal dislocation?" A pale brown eyebrow arched at that idea, Ryuuji considering it thoughtfully, "Well, if you really want to leave Hogwarts, you can. Most people don't know how they got here, except for the dimension-hoppers and the natives of this reality, so they couldn't leave, but since you don't seem to know how you got here either, you probably wouldn't know how to leave."

He frowned slightly, and bit down on his lower lip, "Plus, if you're here, then wouldn't that mean that Suneku is in your universe? What's your universe like? In this universe, Suneku's a Dark Lord-type person who has this Cause that's to do with exterminating Muggles and Mudbloods, and runs a gang called the Death Eaters. And he looks almost exactly like you, except his nails are in better condition because I gave him a manicure set as a gift." Because I like pushing my luck and find it amusing to confuse him.


glory_and_all June 22 2006, 18:04:47 UTC
"I appreciate your opinion." The tone of Voldemort's voice suggested otherwise.

Dimension-hoppers? Voldemort couldn't believe he was hearing what he was hearing. "So--but--" He clamped down on his teeth, hard. He couldn't remember once in his lifetime that he would be lost for words and stuttering. This was totally unbecoming.

"So there is no way for me to return to my universe," Voldemort said smoothly, seemingly calmed for now. "And someone named Suneku who is definitely not me but looked and acted like me knew you." Because, of course, the real Voldemort would never accept a manicure set as a gift.


dice_addict June 23 2006, 19:08:23 UTC
"I'm sure you." Ryuuji's lips twitched with amusement as he shot the other a friendly grin, not allowing Voldemort's confusion to fluster him. After all, one of them had to stay sane and Ryuuji knew quite well that he wasn't Confounded or suffering from amnesia.

Running one hand through the short, brown hair that he currently had, Ryuuji canted his head to a side and pointed out logically, "I didn't say that. There are certainly people that could take you back there -- it's a school, not a prison -- but you'd need to get on their good side to have them willing to do something like that for you. And he wasn't named Suneku, I called him that. He was called Tom Marvolo Riddle when he was born, 'cause that's what his Horcrux called himself and then he called himself Lord Voldemort, but since I don't use titles with people, I called him Suneku instead."


glory_and_all June 23 2006, 19:17:14 UTC
"I see." Voldemort seemed to consider this for a while, looking at neither Ryuuji or Adam. In that case, he needed to lay low for a while and just make friends with whoever he came across. After all, he could potentially be meeting one of those who had the ability to take him back.

Blinking once, Voldemort looked back to Ryuuji again and smirked. "He sounds like me, but I assure you, we are not the same. I doubt I would give anyone the permission to call me such."


dice_addict June 23 2006, 19:34:03 UTC
"Who says I asked for permission?" Ryuuji challenged in return, but playfully, laughter dancing in his eyes. Both hands sliding into his pockets, he pointed out, "At any rate, I still don't do the whole title thing. If you were a Professor again, I could call you Prof or Professor, or even sir, but Lord or King or Prince or anything like that really, really doesn't work for me. Sorry."

He didn't sound very sorry but as usual for Ryuuji, it didn't come off mocking but instead, like he was laughing at the world and inviting you to share the joke. "Titles are outdated. If you've got power, then you don't need to flaunt it, just use it."


glory_and_all June 23 2006, 19:41:18 UTC
Since Ryuuji seemed friendly enough, Voldemort let his boldness slide by. He decided that he would much rather have Ryuuji on his side, and their former friendship could be used to their advantage. There was no way he was letting the 'Suneku' thing slide, though.

He laughed along, the sound high-pitched and probably familiar. It was his nice, amused laugh, and its slightly maniacal nature was not in any way intentional. "Well, I have to beg to differ. Titles are earned, but I do see your point. There is little recognition for my title here. You may call me simply Voldemort."


dice_addict June 23 2006, 23:02:43 UTC
Well, at least Sune- not-Suneku laughed in the same way, Ryuuji thought to himself. Would have been disconcerting if the two looked alike without sounding alike as well.

Ryuuji shrugged, then flashed Voldemort an easy grin, light and confident, "Titles are usually inherited, though I'll admit that the rare person gets knighted or whatever for services to the crown but it's not like you can tell them apart at first meeting or whatever."

He nodded to the idea of calling him Voldemort, then paused, tilting his head to a side reflectively, "Wait. If you're not this universe's Voldemort, then the Death Eaters in this universe don't need to take orders from you either, do they?"

Ryuuji arched a light brown eyebrow at Voldemort questioningly, realizing how very much alone this Suneku-lookalike would be.


glory_and_all June 24 2006, 02:54:55 UTC
Voldemort would have begged to differ again-- While in this world he might not be so recognized at at a first meeting, many back in his world would flee from the mere sight of his snake-like features and red eyes. He kept silent about it though, prepared to listen rather than speak for now.

Ryuuji's question caused him to pause. "There do not seem to be many Death Eaters in this universe," Voldemort quipped, pulling the previously obtained information about the plaque from his mind. "Although it would be helpful if I knew what Death Eaters are currently residing here. I trust they would not change allegiances so swiftly despite," he waved his wand around to gesture at the air, "the circumstances."


dice_addict June 24 2006, 12:09:07 UTC
"Well, Draco and Narcissa are here. Though then the question is if their loyalty is to the person or to the Cause because if they didn't care about the Cause but followed Suneku because of who he was, the chances of you being able to command them are small. Otherwise, assuming you share his views, then they might work with you, or claim that because they were here longer and know this world better, they've got a better handle on how to deal with the inhabitants of this world." Ryuuji pointed out, knowing that Voldemort would have tracked them down eventually anyway. Except... he hadn't really talked to Draco lately. He'd wanted to, because he'd wanted to find out if Draco without his father would still obey his father's orders and keep away from Ryuuji, but at the same time, having Draco leave once was bad enough.

Ryuuji didn't see any point in setting himself up for pain or disappointment. Life was too short for that kind of punishing behavior -- it made more sense for him to enjoy himself while he could. So. He'd talked to Suneku about setting Draco free, had failed, and Draco had ended their friendship. Choice made, consequence chosen.

Game end.


glory_and_all June 25 2006, 04:22:39 UTC
Voldemort scoffed at the mention of Draco and Narcissa, but he didn't bother to elaborate. They were certainly not among his prized Death Eaters, Narcissa merely being the loyal wife of one and Draco just a little price for revenge, but the Dark Lord would take any followers he had. As for them having a better handle on this world, Voldemort would not let that remain true for long.

"So this Suneku, he occupied this world before me and gathered followers." He knew Ryuuji was probably one of those followers, from the silly nickname. If there were more, it could be a decent advantage. "Would you happen to know who kept around him, or who he made acquaintances with?" His tone was calculating and devoid of any emotion.


dice_addict June 26 2006, 16:28:38 UTC
Hah. Not like Ryuuji had thought that Narcisssa was anymore useful to Suneku than Draco was, but it was always nice to get confirmation of his guesses -- and judging by Voldemort's reaction, Ryuuji had observed rightly when he'd seen how Narcissa took the shadow of her husband as her prefered place to stand.

If Ryuuji had known that Voldemort thought that he was a follower, though, Ryuuji would have corrected him within a heartbeat. Ryuuji didn't follow anyone; Assassins were always neutral.

As it was, he simply shrugged lightly and ran over the mental list of people Voldemort had spoken to, "Well, he went all awed when Salazar Slytherin and the other Founders showed up, and tried to suck up to Sal but most of the people he got on well with have been popcorned somehow. River was taking Occlumency lessons from him, but she's not --" Cue a pause, Ryuuji trying to figure out how to word it, "She's not seeing anyone right now. Apart from that, he stuck mostly to the people that he'd Marked--"

And Ryuuji cut himself off again, tilting his head at Voldemort's arm quizzically, "Do you have that? He branded his Death Eater clique with the Dark Mark, though he got on with Sluggy as well who wasn't Marked."

If this Voldemort didn't have it, that would be rather confusing for Draco and Narcissa...


glory_and_all June 26 2006, 22:07:53 UTC
"Did it work?" Voldemort was referring to the sucking up to Salazar Slytherin, of course. He would have cut Ryuuji off prematurely, but he sensed it wouldn't be prudent to cut off the only source of willing information right now.

When Ryuuji inquired about the mark, Voldemort stared at him coolly. "Of course I didn't brand myself with the Mark. Its purpose was to mark my supporters and provide a quick method of gathering, not some silly cult tattoo."

He paused for awhile. "Who is this Sluggy?"


dice_addict June 27 2006, 10:24:24 UTC
Ryuuji had to actually pause to debate that over, "Well, that depends. They were getting on okay before Merope showed up but even before that, Sal seemed to like Tom better -- that's one of your Horcruxes, a sixteen-year-old boy from a book." Ryuuji couldn't stop a faint shadow from passing over his eyes at that, something in him oddly twisting at the memory of Tom and how that had ended.

Hah. Not thinking about that. With a flip of his short, tawny blond hair, Ryuuji dismissed those thoughts and smirked at Voldemort, "Yeah, thought you wouldn't have it either. Always made me wonder why people would be willing to accept it from you if you wouldn't do it to yourself, though."

With a shrug, he arched an eyebrow at the other man, "Sluggy? Horace Slughorn? You seemed to get on quite well with him. He liked sweets, taught extra Potions classes -- I was already getting advanced classes from Snape so didn't go for Sluggy's -- and was apparently something of a mentor to you while you were still in school."


glory_and_all June 27 2006, 22:53:29 UTC
Voldemort blinked at the name 'Merope.' He sincerely hoped it was another Merope that Ryuuji was referring to, and not his failure of a mother. "Yes-- yes, I know who Tom is," he cut in, tone just a touch snappish. He noticed the shadow that passed over Ryuuji's eyes, but didn't comment. It might have been a trick of the light or something.

Smiling wryly, Voldemort replied, "I have no need to brand myself. I lead, not follow." That implies, of course, that the marked Death Eaters were merely his followers.

"Ah, Slughorn." Voldemort had the urge to scoff, but suppressed it. What was with this boy and silly pet names? "Yes, I remember him. But my memory of him was a snivelling coward."


dice_addict June 28 2006, 22:22:23 UTC
Cue a head tilt from Ryuuji as an odd, knowing smirk twisted his lips for a few seconds, "Right. Of course you would."

With a laugh, Ryuuji ducked his head in silent acknowledgment of that, "Uh-huh. You lead, other people follow, and I watch. 'cause neutrality's my prefered side, thanks."

Might as well make it clear that Ryuuji didn't have any intention of letting Voldemort drag him into this war anymore than he did of letting Suneku do it. To make up for it, Ryuuji offered lightly, "Want to go back down to your quarters and get clean? You smell like butter."

Pause. "And really? Suneku got on well with him, and Tom was Sluggy's favorite."


glory_and_all June 28 2006, 23:03:42 UTC
Voldemort regarded Ryuuji with a scrutinizing look, head tilted. "You seem to think I am dragging you on my side. Be aware, I never ask for others to join me, they ask if I'm willing to accept them." Not entirely true. Coercion and threat of death usually brought potential runners down on their knees. "Besides," he adds with a wry smile, "There is no war to be fought here, and hence no sides to be on." Not that Voldemort personally believed that, but he wanted to make it seem he was not out to polarize the students.

"Yes, I would like that very much." He sniffed the air, no longer smelling the butter. "A shower and change of clothes is in order."

As for Slughorn, "Of course. I was Slughorn's star student back when I was attending Hogwarts for the first time, but let's just say we parted ways once my... intentions became clear." Voldemort ended it with a small smile, tone light. "Shall we?" He stood aside and offered a open hand to gesture for Ryuuji to lead the way.


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