WART 32: Potions and Evil Clowns, hosted by Ryuuji and Stephen.

Jun 09, 2006 14:06

Ryuuji: Welcome, one and all, to the first ever themed edition of WART! Stephen and I are going to your hosts for tonight, and we've decided to make the show revolve around Potions and Evil Clowns -- or more specifically, the repelling and hunting down of Evil Clowns. First, before you do anything, get your shot glasses out and make some Evil Clown ( Read more... )

johnny c, richard grayson, sirius black, rp, remus lupin, ryuuji otogi, terry mcginnis, victor mancha, adam young, sarah williams, gogo yubari, alucard tepes, kira, sara sidle, seto kaiba, oz, perry cox, radio

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dice_addict June 9 2006, 16:12:43 UTC
*grins at Nightwing happily, forgetting that this is the first that Nightwing is seeing of his new look, and pushes the locks of tawny golden hair away from his brown eyes with one pale hand* Like it? It's my new look! I'm trying to be more mellow, because that way I'm not overwhelming so that I don't end up inflicting what I want on other people, so I cut my hair because short hair is more low maintenance and then I decided that if I was going to be mellow, green eyes and black hair are too dramatic, so I bleached and dyed my hair, and then I glamored my eyes, and then that was just too much golden-brown when you toss my skin into the mix, so I lightened my skin and--

*pauses to take a breath, tugs on tie and undoes it, dropping it to the ground carelessly* And I'm really, really drunk right now, so I feel hyped up, so I'm not being mellow anyway and I might as well at least let my eyes go back to green, don'tcha think?

*lets his eyes fade back to their normal vivid green, the brightness of them too intense for the normalcy of his skin and hair*


nightbirdboy June 9 2006, 16:18:46 UTC



. . . . . . . Okaaaaay.


dice_addict June 9 2006, 16:24:33 UTC
*laughs and toasts him with a red Jello shot* Is that a yes or a no?

I think that I'll change back to normal just for now because my mood doesn't suit my look at all!

*tosses head, makes hair grow out, changes it to black and takes the glamor off to return to normal, but still only dressed in a pair of soft black trousers and sneakers*

There! Better!

*grins at Nightwing impishly* And how are you?


nightbirdboy June 9 2006, 16:28:40 UTC
Just how much have you had to drink, Ryuuji? Are you gonna need help getting back to your room?


dice_addict June 9 2006, 16:33:28 UTC

*expression of extreme concentration, tries to count on fingers, ends up nearly hitting himself in the face and gives up*

Don't know! I had lots and lots before the show, while we were talking, then I had even more during the show because I'm sure that we had some sort of system set up to take a shot before each song, or maybe during each song, or after each song, or everytime that we inhaled or exhaled. And then we drank most of the leftover alcohol because we were trying to make ourselves flammable in case we needed to go on kamikaze missions against the evil clowns! And now I'm drinking more while talking to callers -- do you want some, by the way? It's very good, I promise. -- and I think that we've gotten through quite a lot.

*blinks at Nightwing* And awww, you want to help me back to my room! That's so sweet! You're such a doll, Nightwing. And since I fell off the table and hit my head when I tried dancing, my hand-eye coordination is probably more impaired than my mind-foot coordination so yes, help getting back to my room might be good.

...But so would more Evil Clown Repellent because there's no such thing as too much of that!

*knocks back another shot to demonstrate*


nightbirdboy June 9 2006, 16:38:36 UTC
. . . Yeah, okay. You'll definitely need help getting back. Good thing I came back early, then. And no, I don't need anything to drink. I can't believe you got drunk off Jell-O shots, I didn't know it could be done.

Nice to know the reason you said the stuff you said in the broadcast is because you're completely soused, though. I was kinda starting to wonder.


dice_addict June 9 2006, 16:45:20 UTC
I'm Japanese! Genetically, we have a lower tolerance for alcohol 'cause we lack an enzyme that breaks down alcohol! I have an excuse!

...Well, that and we downed a lot of alcohol while we were making the Evil Clown Repellent, on empty stomachs, so that might have helped. And I'm glad you came back early! How was your vacation?

And what stuff and what were you wondering about? I can't really remember everything I said but I know that I was doing my level best to warn people away from Evil Clowns because they're really, really evil. REALLY EVIL. And alcohol's like Veriteraserum, you have to say what you're thinking 'cause there aren't enough filters between your mind and your mouth to make you shut up and be smart.

*drunkenly solemn* Promise me you'll never be an Evil Clown, Nightwing. I don't want to see you turn out that way.


nightbirdboy June 9 2006, 17:00:47 UTC
Then shouldn't you know better than to drink a lot, if you get drunk easily?

My vacation was fine. I bought you a little statue thing of one of the Hindu gods, remind me to give it to you when I finish unpacking my bags.

If you don't remember what you said, it's just as well, but there were some accusations of people running away - I went on vacation, there's a difference - and some really stupid bat metaphors.


dice_addict June 9 2006, 17:08:20 UTC
Well, yeah. It's why I normally don't drink, because I know better but see, this doesn't count as drinking because it's not alcohol, it's Evil Clown Repellent. So drinking it is for protection, like when you're scared to go out into the streets without a Kevlar vest so it's not like I'm drinking, I'm just not being stupid!

*eyes light up, actually claps* Yay! Giftie! You got me a gift! *laughs* I'd dance for joy, but I think that I'd trip. Again. And that would be ouchie.

*blinks and tilts his head to a side* No, you ran away. You told me that in your family, you leave when you want to punish someone, way back when we first met. And the bat metaphors were were a stroke of genius or several strokes of genius and now I'm thinking of strokes from a cane and is that strokes or strikes and can you stroke out or do you strike out?

...And why aren't they strokeouts instead of strikeouts?


nightbirdboy June 9 2006, 17:16:56 UTC
*dryly* I'm not sure your liver recognizes the subtle distinction between alcohol and . . . "Evil Clown Repellent".

I did not run away! I went on vacation. There's a difference, a big difference. And - oh, hell, there's no point in discussing this, you're too drunk to argue with.


dice_addict June 9 2006, 17:33:27 UTC
My liver is the least of my worries! Or, well, it ought to be grateful! Evil Clowns would spike food with poison and make you do magic to earn the antidote and do you know how hard it is to focus on magic when you're dying and in PAIN? Evil Clown Repellent is so totally a better choice.

*drunkenly stubborn* I can too argue! I can argue with the best of them! And you took a vacation to run away from your problems and be an adult and I never asked you or anyone else to be an adult because I already have a kitten and I don't need adults when I have a kitten and you should be a kitten because I bet you'd be a seriously cute kitten and you're more like a kitten than an adult.

*pauses, takes a shot, corrects himself* You're more like a puppy than anything else, but you could be a kitten because kittens are arrogant and think the world exists for them and infinitely loveable and wouldn't you like to be a kitty?


nightbirdboy June 9 2006, 17:49:02 UTC
*bemused silence*

. . . Are you suggesting turning me into a cat?


dice_addict June 9 2006, 17:55:45 UTC
Not a cat, a kitten! *says it like it's the most obvious difference in the world*

Because kittens are cute and pretty and have claws and scratch people and demand cushions in the sunlight and their food heated up just right and fresh water and then they sleep on your bed and get pouty if you try to move them and they're so pretty that you don't care that really, kittens are supercilious little creatures.

Like adults.

So kittens are adults that don't inflict authority issues on people and if you're going to try to be an adult, you should stop trying and be a kitten instead because kittens are cooler than adults while still having the same attitude.


nightbirdboy June 9 2006, 17:59:38 UTC
You sound like Catwoman.

And I don't exactly see how I'm supposed to stop being an adult - I'm in my twenties - and become a kitten.


dice_addict June 9 2006, 18:04:25 UTC
*brightly, innocently, fatally cheerful* Like this!

*concentrates on feel of Nightwing, reaching through the shadows for him, and remembers how the other's energy system looked. Grabs, twists it around itself and changes it, then pulls Nightwing-kitty through the shadows so that Nightwing ends up on the desk in front of Ryuuji, a tiny little black-furred, blue-eyed kitten, with Ryuuji smiling happily down at him*

See! Now you're a kitten! *happyhappy*

((OOC permission was asked and granted via MSN for this. ^_~))


nightbirdboy June 9 2006, 18:29:10 UTC
*The newly minted kitten stares down at himself in shock. OH GOD BIG FURRY PAWS those cannot possibly be HIS and what is that thing lashing behind him - it's a tail?!*



. . . MREOW.



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