The Next morning: Breakfast

May 02, 2006 00:01

The doors to the Great Hall swung open and Zim stood there, green face turned purple with rage, dark eyes metaphorically aflame. If looks could kill, Dib would have been roasted, eviserated, vivisected, molecurly rearranged, and finally, forced to watch Hee-Haw reruns.

"Hours, Dib. Hours I spent wandering this place, thanks to you. Were it not for the creatures known as House-Elf, I woiuld still be wandering. You are fortunate, Dib that I wished to be in top form today and thus went to bed instead of expressing my displeasure when I arrived at this . . . dorm room that we are to share."

In actuality, Zim had been so tired, he'd collapsed in bed for his sleep cycle. Upon waking, he'd begun looking through his books and finally found the perfect spell for dealing with the Dib human. Unfortunutly, he'd missed the warning scrawled in the margin; "Whatever you do, NEVER use this. Worst mistake I ever made. I'd sooner kiss a Muggle. -T. Riddle."

Zim removed his wand and pointed at the ceiling. "Doom, DIB! DOOM! This spell will summon a minion that will put an end to your meddling! Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice! BEETLEJUICE!"

dib, zim, rp

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