Simon, what is this Gou shi about River gettin' ruttin' married? Ni shi bai chi! Aren't you th'one who's s'posed to be takin' care of her? This guy's twice her age! Where are you, and why aren't you dealin' with it? Fatherly--or brotherly, in this case--obligations aint exactly my line of work, you follow?
Listen, Jack, I've gotta' say, I'm havin' a bit of a problem with your friend Dr. Maturin. Seems he's gone and got this idea in his head that he's hitchin' with one of my crew. Who also happens to be a seventeen years old girl. He's on your crew, so I figure maybe you can do somethin' about his end of this deal. I'll do what I can on my own end, but I was hopin' maybe you could talk some sense into'im.
Captain Malcolm Reynolds
Hey doc, listen, I'm sure you're a right fine fellow'n all, but I gotta say, I don't really think it's quite shiny what you'n River've been doin, and what you're planin to do. I mean, for God's sake, she's seventeen years old! Dontcha' think maybe you mighta' rushed into this a bit? I mean, the whole thing makes ya' seem a little like some sorta' se mi mi de ren wang ba dan. Plus, that girl is crazy! I mean, she couldn't function right back on Serenity, and her brother was there helpin' her the whole time. But here, there ain't no gorram supervision, and Simon's gone awol. Please reconsider what you're doin' here.
Captain Malcolm Reynolds