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alucard_tepes March 3 2006, 02:25:19 UTC
When they appeared in the hospital wing, he raised his head, sniffed the air, decided it was safe enough and promptly laid down by Ryuuji's feet. The cool floor offered a little relief for the infected gashes across his stomach that were burning. After a few moments of concentration, the worst of his open wounds slowed their bleeding to a lazy seeping, torn muscles began to knit back together, and dislocated joints audibly popped back into place. He was too sore and tired to expend much more energy trying to heal himself.

Eventually the still living maggots sizzled and fell out of his fur, and disappeared back to wherever the rest of the deadite was sent, courtesy of Adam.

He gave a rumbling sort of 'Arroo?' in response to Ryuuji's question. Which was wolf-speak for, I think I'll just stay here and sleep for a week, thank you. He also wasn't keen to discover the state of his suit when he shifted back. It could wait, at least for the moment ( ... )


dice_addict March 3 2006, 03:01:44 UTC
((The mental image of an injured Alucard, dressed in bloody shreds of clothing is frying my brain, thank you. And should Ryuuji pass out? XD))

...Was that a yes or a no? Ryuuji didn't understand wolf-speak in the least but tool the fact that Alucard didn't seem to be about to transform back as a negative. Which meant that either he was too low on energy to do so, or he simply didn't want to, for some reason. Maybe it was the blood? Ryuuji was fairly heavily injured, so if Alucard was a wolf at least, that would presumably stop any vampiric tendencies from surfacing.

Pretty as Alucard's golden eyes had been when he'd lunged to rip out Ryuuji's throat, Ryuuji didn't think it was worth seeing those again if it meant his life was in danger and he was in enough of a weakened condition that defending himself would be difficult. Ankh still clutched loosely in one hand, blood having spilled down to stain it as well, the popping sounds from Alucard's body made Ryuuji flinch with instinctive sympathy. He knew what those sounds meant and was ( ... )


alucard_tepes March 3 2006, 04:21:12 UTC
((Haha, he'd shift back and his shredded suit would just sort of disintegrate and fall off, revealing his bat print shorts, I'm sure. XD Shaved wolf... *dies* That would be bad. Sure, have Ryuuji pass out. ^_~))

It was a small mercy that blood didn't bother him much as a wolf. Or he might have knocked Ryuuji over and given him a thorough tongue bath, which would be more than a little awkward to explain away later. Sorry, you smelled so delicious I couldn't resist.All things considered, he'd also been through worse and would soon recover from the deadite ordeal. He wasn't sure Ryuuji would be as lucky, given the extent of his injuries and how much blood he was steadily losing. Alucard opted to stay behind him and followed him to the cabinet, head lifted as he sniffed at the bottles, not offering much help. Everything smelled so different as a wolf, much sharper and more distinct, and it could get a little distracting sometimes ( ... )


dice_addict March 3 2006, 05:12:52 UTC
((...Oh dear gods. Much unholy amusement at his choice in undergarments. And tada! Unconscious, bloodied, lots of small wounds and one major one untreated Ryuuji.))Okay. He had his arm stitched up. And two of the gashes over his chest, and that was enough for the moment, right? The world was blurring in front of his eyes, shivering like a tree in a spring storm, and Ryuuji could barely stay focused on the task. Sewing. Yes. He was sewing. Perhaps he should try cross-stitch? These surgical stitches, where you had to knot each one separately, were a pain to do. Cross-stitch would probably be better ( ... )


alucard_tepes March 3 2006, 07:20:49 UTC
((Hope you don't mind the godmoding. *snicker* Nurse vampire. I could picture reeeally cheesy stripper music playing in the background during the Ryuuji-undressing part. ^_^; *is weird*))

Ryuuji slumped forward as predicted, after what looked and sounded like a bout of incoherence, and possibly hallucinations as well. Alucard got up and nudged him, pawed at him, pushed him over so he was lying down, and gave in to the wolfish urge to lick his face. Deadite-breath wolf, or guts-smeared Ryuuji, it was debatable who should be pitied more just then.

He listened intently and held his wet nose right under Ryuuji's. Steady breathing... good.The wolf sat down and went very still. Silent aside from the cracking of bones breaking, realigning, and healing as necessary, he regained his human form, still seated. His suit wasn't much better off than his mangled robes had been, wherever they ultimately ended up. Digested by 'Bob' in Ryuuji's arm? His blood stained sleeves and dress shirt were in tatters, and his arms and midsection still bore ( ... )


dice_addict March 3 2006, 08:00:02 UTC
((Dude, he was unconscious. XD No worries about moving him around at all. XD Is it bad that I'm tempted to have him be really loopy and ask Alucard to bite him?))

Cloth. He could feel cloth against him, and air. Air from his waist up, cloth before. Stiff cloth, like starch. Except not really. Blood? Smell of leather-after-blood. And black everywhere. Eyes closed? Yes. Eyes closed. That's why smells and sounds and oh, touch!

Cool, calm touch, slow and method. Soft. Trailing. Teasing? Nearly, but not quite, because teasing was light and needed to be noticed. This was like a clock's tick-tock, something that went on even when you didn't notice it. Stickiness. Yes? No. Not really sticky, but opened-sticky. Wounds. And touch over wounds? Yes. Fingertips, closing wounds painlessly. Closing wounds everywhere. Everywhere.

Where was he? In trousers. Only trousers. Tattered, shredded trousers, cotton against his skin where leather wasn't. With someone touching him. Possibly on a bed too. Certainly felt like a mattress.

...Well, that ( ... )


alucard_tepes March 3 2006, 09:43:07 UTC
((That's not bad, might be interesting. XD Alucard would kindly refuse, of course, if he knew Ryuuji wasn't feeling quite himself yet.))

His eyes were half closed and unfocussed when he concentrated on the healing, everything else becoming muted, distant, and unimportant. Healing was an art many times more delicate and precise than fighting, and no less tiring. Creation instead of destruction. Perhaps it was ironic that someone who literally fed off the life force of others would be capable of also giving it back.

Startled by the unexpected touch, trance broken, he blinked in surprise and stilled his hands. "Oh. Welcome back, Ryuuji." He hated to leave the healing unfinished, but was hesitant to keep touching in such a manner while the recipient was awake and consciously aware of it. Seemed almost too... personal. He hadn't even asked permission. Not that he'd had the chance to, but still.

"You did all the fighting, it's only fair." He left out the part about thinking Ryuuji might die. "And no one else was here... You passed out." ( ... )


dice_addict March 3 2006, 14:25:13 UTC
((I have such poor impulse control. XD))

There was only one answer to give when someone had been healing you, then asked how you were, and Ryuuji promptly gave it.

"Better." He declared, answering Alucard's smile with a surprisingly sweet one, "Much, much better." Relieved by the lack of mess on him, he couldn't help but add, "Cleaner too. Much cleaner ( ... )


alucard_tepes March 5 2006, 02:33:11 UTC
((Sorry for going MIA. I've been stuck in bed sick with some kind of mutant sinus infection. x_x))

"You got that... thing, out of me. Thank you for that. I'm indebted to you." He knew a simple 'thank you' wasn't enough for such a selfless act, but wasn't sure of how he might repay Ryuuji. Gratitude and healing weren't much. Brows furrowed, he glanced at Ryuuji's previously possessed arm. 'Bob' hadn't been back since the fight with the deadite, but Alucard was still wary. It was hard to tell if Adam had solved that problem, or not ( ... )


dice_addict March 5 2006, 04:09:52 UTC
((Ah, it's okay. I hope you're feeling better! And that I was right about the assumptions of how the healing would have worked on Ryuuji - ie, untouched wounds on his back.))"More blood replenishers would be good." Ryuuji decided with a sweet smile as he sat up, the blanket pooling around his upper thighs in white curves, clean against the glossy black leather. Eyes a little brighter than usual, green and intensely lit from the inside as if a fire burnt within him, Ryuuji went on logically enough with his head tilted slightly at Alucard, "After all, if you bite me, then I lose blood. And the more blood I have, the less harm it would do to bite me, right? So blood replenishers are good for that, as long as they won't make my blood taste awful. I want you to enjoy drinking from me ( ... )


alucard_tepes March 6 2006, 06:34:08 UTC
((Thanks. Cold meds are my best friends right now. ^_~ Pardon any errors I may make. And yes, you're right about the back wounds. Poor Ryuuji... mangled by a deadite, then felt up by a vampire.))

He started to get up to get the blood replenishers before he heard the rest of what Ryuuji had to say, then tentatively sat back down and gave him a sharp look, something about the eager insistence to be bitten rubbing Alucard the wrong way. He wished he knew Ryuuji better. It was hard to tell if that was how he normally acted when he wanted something, or if he was so out of sorts and unwell that he was delirious. Ryuuji seemed so sincere, though, and aware of what he was saying. Of what he was doing. Of how Alucard enjoyed being touched like that ( ... )


dice_addict March 6 2006, 07:57:17 UTC
((No worries. XD And poor Alucard, really. Being felt up by a vampire is far preferable to mangled by a deadite, but unwittingly sending thoughts about biting someone then having to turn them down? Ouch! And should Bob pop back up so that Alucard can know the exorcism failed or what? XD))Alucard's skin was cool and dry against Ryuuji's hand as the vampire covered Ryuuji's skin with his own, even as Ryuuji flexed his hand back to lean within the curve of Alucard's hand, his knuckles brushing lightly against the other's palm. Gold against marble, both precious and rare in two wholly different ways that fit well together, unusual a combination as it was ( ... )


alucard_tepes March 7 2006, 05:39:28 UTC
((Yes, bring back Bob. ^_^ I assume only Adam can get rid of him? Or... cutting off Ryuuji's arm?
"more focused on staying conscious and still and being a good snack" that really made me laugh. XD))He frowned and finally voiced his earlier concern. "Are you hallucinating?" He turned back to face Ryuuji and studied him. Of course he didn't look well, that much was expected and within the realm of normal given the circumstances. Beyond the physical, harder to pinpoint, Alucard got a sense of something else being off ( ... )


dice_addict March 7 2006, 06:16:45 UTC
((Your wish is my command! And Alucard actually checking for a second him was funny too. XD Made me snicker.))

"I don't think so. But if I was, how would I know? I mean, hallucinations look real, so I couldn't tell if I was or wasn't, could I?" Ryuuji considered himself to sound eminently logical, following his train thought right to the end station. Where it was promptly bombed by the terrorists of fatigue and blood loss. Ooooh. Sparklies. Pretty!

Alucard was pretty too. Hm. No, Alucard was gone. Both of them. And now there was only one of them! Well, one Alucard was better than none. And two might have been too much if they'd both tried to drink from him at the same time. Ryuuji sandwich! What sort of filling would he be? Black and golden and green... Something with olives? Turkey with olives? Peanut with ol- EW. That sounded awful ( ... )


alucard_tepes March 8 2006, 02:55:45 UTC
((Since I'd forgotten what exactly the infirmary is like, I looked it up. This is sort of cool. :D))"You do have a point..." He smiled indulgently, concealing any uncertainty he felt. "You'll have to trust me, then, when I say there's only one of me." As long as Ryuuji didn't start behaving even more strangely, it was safe to just let him sleep it off, Alucard figured. He'd have a hard time knowing what to do or who to ask for help if things got out of hand, so hopefully rest would be the solution to everything. It usually was, for mortal and immortal alike ( ... )


dice_addict March 8 2006, 03:20:57 UTC
((Awww. Thanks! XD))

The mouth cackled, "Weren't you listening? I AM FREGULA, LORD OF THE REHHAK ARMIES, DEVOURER OF SOULS, BRINGER OF PAIN, TORMENTOR PAR EXCELLENCE AND FAVORED MINION OF KAIN HIMSELF!" It was also apparently incapable of announcing its name and title at any voume below ear-splitting.

Gulping down what remained in the bottle, trying to get it to smooth down his throat, Ryuuji hastily put the empty container down and glared at the demon-thing, feeling somewhat better. "And you're loud. And I thought Alucard exorcised you ( ... )


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