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alucard_tepes March 3 2006, 07:20:49 UTC
((Hope you don't mind the godmoding. *snicker* Nurse vampire. I could picture reeeally cheesy stripper music playing in the background during the Ryuuji-undressing part. ^_^; *is weird*))

Ryuuji slumped forward as predicted, after what looked and sounded like a bout of incoherence, and possibly hallucinations as well. Alucard got up and nudged him, pawed at him, pushed him over so he was lying down, and gave in to the wolfish urge to lick his face. Deadite-breath wolf, or guts-smeared Ryuuji, it was debatable who should be pitied more just then.

He listened intently and held his wet nose right under Ryuuji's. Steady breathing... good.

The wolf sat down and went very still. Silent aside from the cracking of bones breaking, realigning, and healing as necessary, he regained his human form, still seated. His suit wasn't much better off than his mangled robes had been, wherever they ultimately ended up. Digested by 'Bob' in Ryuuji's arm? His blood stained sleeves and dress shirt were in tatters, and his arms and midsection still bore nasty looking wounds, as well as his face, he guessed. At least his pants were intact. Extremely filthy, but intact. He really didn't want to do this naked, especially not while there was the possibility of others coming in and getting the wrong idea. Or Ryuuji regaining consciousness and getting freaked out, for that matter. He shrugged off his jacket and shirt, careful to pick the shreds of material out of his slowly healing wounds, and tossed the pile aside.

"Accio Ryuuji's wand." He wasn't entirely sure where the wand had been, but it came to his hand when summoned. He pointed it at Ryuuji. "Scourgify." Immediately, the many layers gore that covered Ryuuji seemed to slide off and fade away into nothingness, revealing that appealing golden skin of his underneath. Some of his wounds were still bleeding out, most notably the untreated lowest gash. Alucard soaked up what blood he could with a sleeve from his discarded clothing, then quickly stitched it up neatly with a practised hand.

He took in the state of Ryuuji's clothing. His shirt didn't seem to exist anymore. Alucard carefully pulled Ryuuji into a sitting position, supporting him from behind, and removed the remnants of the mesh shirt. Leaving everything on the floor, including the wand, he stood and gently pulled Ryuuji up with him. One arm encircling Ryuuji's back and shoulders, the other supporting behind his knees, Alucard lifted and carried him with little effort to the nearest available bed.

With some tricky maneuvering required, since Ryuuji was very much an unconscious, uncooperative dead weight, Alucard eventually got him into the bed and beneath the sheets, which were pulled up to his waist. He sat beside Ryuuji and focussed what energy he had left toward healing, methodically running his fingertips over each smaller wound he could see on the other, like a sightless person reading braille. They ceased bleeding as he went.


dice_addict March 3 2006, 08:00:02 UTC
((Dude, he was unconscious. XD No worries about moving him around at all. XD Is it bad that I'm tempted to have him be really loopy and ask Alucard to bite him?))

Cloth. He could feel cloth against him, and air. Air from his waist up, cloth before. Stiff cloth, like starch. Except not really. Blood? Smell of leather-after-blood. And black everywhere. Eyes closed? Yes. Eyes closed. That's why smells and sounds and oh, touch!

Cool, calm touch, slow and method. Soft. Trailing. Teasing? Nearly, but not quite, because teasing was light and needed to be noticed. This was like a clock's tick-tock, something that went on even when you didn't notice it. Stickiness. Yes? No. Not really sticky, but opened-sticky. Wounds. And touch over wounds? Yes. Fingertips, closing wounds painlessly. Closing wounds everywhere. Everywhere.

Where was he? In trousers. Only trousers. Tattered, shredded trousers, cotton against his skin where leather wasn't. With someone touching him. Possibly on a bed too. Certainly felt like a mattress.

...Well, that sounded promising.

Vivid green eyes blinked open, and stared at Alucard for a moment, pupils slightly more dilated than usual as the boy took in the sight of the vampire and the wounds that still marred the other's face. They healed as Ryuuji watched them, and without thinking, he reached up to touch them with one hand, pale golden fingers lightly brushing just underneath one of them.

"Wow." The sound was soft with wonderment, Ryuuji only then letting go to glance down at himself, seeing the claw marks that had been on him having completely disappeared. No scars were left behind either, leanly muscled torso still as flawlessly golden-skinned and etched as it had been before. Ryuuji appreciated that a lot. A smile spreading over his lips, he looked up at Alucard and stated sweetly, "You healed me."

Yes, it was obvious. So? Someone had to announce that the sun didn't revolve around the Earth, even though that was obvious too.


alucard_tepes March 3 2006, 09:43:07 UTC
((That's not bad, might be interesting. XD Alucard would kindly refuse, of course, if he knew Ryuuji wasn't feeling quite himself yet.))

His eyes were half closed and unfocussed when he concentrated on the healing, everything else becoming muted, distant, and unimportant. Healing was an art many times more delicate and precise than fighting, and no less tiring. Creation instead of destruction. Perhaps it was ironic that someone who literally fed off the life force of others would be capable of also giving it back.

Startled by the unexpected touch, trance broken, he blinked in surprise and stilled his hands. "Oh. Welcome back, Ryuuji." He hated to leave the healing unfinished, but was hesitant to keep touching in such a manner while the recipient was awake and consciously aware of it. Seemed almost too... personal. He hadn't even asked permission. Not that he'd had the chance to, but still.

"You did all the fighting, it's only fair." He left out the part about thinking Ryuuji might die. "And no one else was here... You passed out." I promise I didn't grope you, he was tempted to add.

Realising he probably looked ridiculous just sitting there with his hands on Ryuuji for no reason, he withdrew them, and looked over Ryuuji's torso with a critical eye. He'd done all he could, really, so it would have to do. Any deeper internal damage, if there was any, would have to be addressed by someone else.

He offered a slight smile in return. "How do you feel?"


dice_addict March 3 2006, 14:25:13 UTC
((I have such poor impulse control. XD))

There was only one answer to give when someone had been healing you, then asked how you were, and Ryuuji promptly gave it.

"Better." He declared, answering Alucard's smile with a surprisingly sweet one, "Much, much better." Relieved by the lack of mess on him, he couldn't help but add, "Cleaner too. Much cleaner."

That said, he blinked owlishly at Alucard, pupils a little dilated still and shook his head slightly. He might have done it more, but it was a little dizzifying. Was that even a word? Shouldn't it be 'dizzying'? Ah well. English was a weird language. Who'd know if he was right or not anyway unless he tried saying it out loud? And that wasn't the issue anyway. Firmly, he protested, "You fought too! That's why you got injured, and why I didn't get more injured than I was because the deadite-thing had to deal with you taking its hands off and biting him."

Having Alucard take his hands away made Ryuuji pout slightly, lower lip sticking out just a little. His comment hadn't been a complain, not in any sense. Alucard's hands had felt nice. Soothing. Seeing that the other was still injured though, Ryuuji could understand it, informing him quite seriously, "And you should have healed yourself first, and then me."

He reached up again without thinking about it, shifting slightly on the bed to angle himself so that he was looking at Alucard properly, and let his fingers curiously near-touch another of the vampire's wound, just gently brushing the skin bare centimeter under the lower edge of the split. "You're going to be okay, right? It would suck if you'd healed me and didn't have energy left to heal yourself."

Ignoring the smaller wounds that Alucard hadn't been able to get to before Ryuuji woke up because really, they didn't mattter since they weren't bleeding or anything, just staying as vividly red lines against the light tan of his skin, Ryuuji only refrained from moving more because of the stitches. Bad idea to strain them, he knew. Thoughtfully, he told Alucard, "You should bite me."

Oops. Had that been what he'd meant to say?

Asking to be bitten probably wasn't the same as saying thank you, but since it was something Alucard had been thinking about - and Ryuuji knew that for a fact - it was offering thanks, right? Like Greek sacrifices! If you ignored the fact that Greek gods were a bunch of wankers, of course.


alucard_tepes March 5 2006, 02:33:11 UTC
((Sorry for going MIA. I've been stuck in bed sick with some kind of mutant sinus infection. x_x))

"You got that... thing, out of me. Thank you for that. I'm indebted to you." He knew a simple 'thank you' wasn't enough for such a selfless act, but wasn't sure of how he might repay Ryuuji. Gratitude and healing weren't much. Brows furrowed, he glanced at Ryuuji's previously possessed arm. 'Bob' hadn't been back since the fight with the deadite, but Alucard was still wary. It was hard to tell if Adam had solved that problem, or not.

"I'll be fine soon. I heal quickly." Which wasn't a lie, per se, but may have not been the whole truth either. Using his vampiric abilities during the day had been more exhausting than he'd like to admit, and only blood or extensive rest would heal him completely. It was a good thing no one was likely to bother him if he chose to sleep for days.

"And you were in pretty bad shape." He went still as Ryuuji again touched a sensitive area near one of his wounds. The sensation wasn't unpleasant, and the contact not unwelcome... He wasn't sure why he felt a curious sense of loss when Ryuuji stopped. Best not to think about it.

The suggestion startled him more than anything else had. His first, perhaps irrational thought was that Ryuuji had been able to read his mind. Why else would he ask to be bitten, out of the blue like that? But a connection hadn't been made, he was positive. And the thought of feeding hadn't even entered his mind since they'd appeared in the hospital wing. At least not on a conscious level. Had he unintentionally been looking at Ryuuji in that awful 'I'm hungry and you're my food' way again?

He stared at Ryuuji in silence for a long moment, not masking his confusion. "You need more rest... Do you want anything? There are more blood replenishers, I think." He wasn't avoiding anything. Of course not. And he also wasn't thinking about tasting Ryuuji. Not at all. Denial, anyone?


dice_addict March 5 2006, 04:09:52 UTC
((Ah, it's okay. I hope you're feeling better! And that I was right about the assumptions of how the healing would have worked on Ryuuji - ie, untouched wounds on his back.))

"More blood replenishers would be good." Ryuuji decided with a sweet smile as he sat up, the blanket pooling around his upper thighs in white curves, clean against the glossy black leather. Eyes a little brighter than usual, green and intensely lit from the inside as if a fire burnt within him, Ryuuji went on logically enough with his head tilted slightly at Alucard, "After all, if you bite me, then I lose blood. And the more blood I have, the less harm it would do to bite me, right? So blood replenishers are good for that, as long as they won't make my blood taste awful. I want you to enjoy drinking from me."

"Because," And Ryuuji folded his hands neatly over each other, the smile on his lips taking on a grateful edge, fearless of what he was offering, "You helped me. You exorcised Bob, I think, and you went wolfie and fought alongside me to get rid of that demon. And you got hurt."

His smile flickered and died for a moment, one elegant hand unlacing its fingers from the other hand's so that he could stroke the skin under another of Alucard's wounds, apparently unable to resist. Fingertips warm and soft, he let them rest on the other's skin for a little, as he told the vampire softly, sincerely, "And you tried to heal me, which was nice of you. I'm glad I could help you. And now I want to help you more. Because you used up energy healing me, and my energy's in my blood, so if you drink from me, then you get energy back and you'll be okay too, right?"

Tit for tat and they could pass energy back and forth, mouth-to-mouth performed with blood and fangs and hope.

Clearly concerned for Alucard, Ryuuji looked up at the other, waiting for an answer. As he did so, he lifted the other hand that had been resting in his lap, twisting a little to touch it to one of his own wounds that Alucard hadn't healed. He pressed the tips of his fingers against them, forcing blood to well up so that it painted them a bright crimson, then offered his fingers to the other male as he tempted lightly, "Here. Take a taste and decide if my blood is good enough to pay you back."

He was leaning forwards just enough that the clean line of his spine was visible, vetebrae pressing outwards against the smooth golden skin and lightly defined muscles. There were a few wounds on his back too, and those were still open, Alucard having only been able to touch the ones on his chest and sides. Blood stained the sheets with red streaks, and the dark ponytail of Ryuuji's hair danced over his shoulders as if with fiendish delight at how things were turning out.

And no, a certain demon who called himself Bob had nothing to do with Ryuuji's idea of payback. That was all the dizziness due to blood loss. Really.


alucard_tepes March 6 2006, 06:34:08 UTC
((Thanks. Cold meds are my best friends right now. ^_~ Pardon any errors I may make. And yes, you're right about the back wounds. Poor Ryuuji... mangled by a deadite, then felt up by a vampire.))

He started to get up to get the blood replenishers before he heard the rest of what Ryuuji had to say, then tentatively sat back down and gave him a sharp look, something about the eager insistence to be bitten rubbing Alucard the wrong way. He wished he knew Ryuuji better. It was hard to tell if that was how he normally acted when he wanted something, or if he was so out of sorts and unwell that he was delirious. Ryuuji seemed so sincere, though, and aware of what he was saying. Of what he was doing. Of how Alucard enjoyed being touched like that...

His world narrowed until all he knew was the offering of blood, the scent of it, the sound of both their hearts. Exhaustion and worsened hunger clouded his judgment almost as much as the unwelcome demonic influence had, and he felt an odd fever coming over him. He covered the hand touching his face with his own, and with the other hand reached to take Ryuuji's offering. Hesitantly, his fingers brushed Ryuuji's, then pushed them away as he decided on and reached for something else.

He slid his fingertips across Ryuuji's throat in a light caress, watching his expression, and leaned in as if to kiss him. At the last moment he instead gripped the back of Ryuuji's neck, not quite gently, and forced him forward. There was a whisper of breath against Ryuuji's neck, then Alucard's voice, very low, near his ear. "You want this?"

He couldn't shake the feeling that he'd be taking advantage. It wouldn't be fair to accept the offer when something about it felt all wrong. Maybe it was the timing. Maybe it was his own guilt that stopped him. He couldn't tell.

Before he received an answer to his question, he slowly released Ryuuji and pulled back, expression unreadable. He turned away, head bowed, feeling both disgusted with himself and disappointed. When he finally spoke again, his voice was hoarse. "I do appreciate your offer. But now isn't the time. I can't accept."


dice_addict March 6 2006, 07:57:17 UTC
((No worries. XD And poor Alucard, really. Being felt up by a vampire is far preferable to mangled by a deadite, but unwittingly sending thoughts about biting someone then having to turn them down? Ouch! And should Bob pop back up so that Alucard can know the exorcism failed or what? XD))

Alucard's skin was cool and dry against Ryuuji's hand as the vampire covered Ryuuji's skin with his own, even as Ryuuji flexed his hand back to lean within the curve of Alucard's hand, his knuckles brushing lightly against the other's palm. Gold against marble, both precious and rare in two wholly different ways that fit well together, unusual a combination as it was.

Eyes widening as Alucard leaned in closer, Ryuuji blinked for a moment in confusion, patiently letting the vampire draw closer. Wasn't Alucard supposed to drink from him, not kiss him? Though he supposed that technically, Alucard could draw blood from wherever he chose. Even lips, though something in Ryuuji protested that made no sense, the blood vessals there weren't big enough.

Bloodied fingers dropped to curl in the white blanket as Alucard's fingers brushed over Ryuuji's throat, pulse stuttering for a second as his heart skipped a beat, and the boy's expression showed no fear but rather, a sort of expectancy. His eyes were wide and anticipant, pupils dilated far more than usual so that intense green ringed thinly around liquid black pupils, and it was easy enough to attribute the effect to something more than just the dizziness caused by blood loss.

The fingers that slipped over his neck suddenly pulled him forwards, and Ryuuji didn't resist the forceful demand, allowing his neck to be drawn closer to the other's mouth. It made more sense like that, right? Dimly, something within him was ringing huge warning bells, but Ryuuji couldn't figure out why. He wasn't trying very hard anyway, more focused on staying conscious and still and being a good snack. Would thinking happy thoughts make his blood taste sweeter? Did Alucard even like sweet blood?

The feel of breath ghosting over his neck drove all such thoughts out of Ryuuji's mind, skin prickling with anticipation in an almost uncomfortable manner, disquietened and eager for the feel of fangs sinking through the delicate, pale golden skin where his heartbeat throbbed in steady double beats. A soft shudder ran through him at Alucard's question, the instinctive, delighted shiver so faint as to be near a tremble and when Alucard let go of him, Ryuuji practically fell back into the bed.

Closing his eyes, Ryuuji inhaled deeply, then exhaled, trying to get his bearings during the silence that followed. Alucard's voice jarred him into watchfulness again, the gamer turning on his side to watch the other again, one arm tucked under his head. Huh. Alucard was saying something. Lips moving. Fangs.

Managing to make himself understand what the vampire had said, Ryuuji nodded, then blinked, giving Alucard a very intent, focused look. "Okay. No worries. Neither of you look like you really need it anyway." Pause. "How are there two of you now? Did you clone yourself when I had my eyes closed? Can you show me how to do that when my energy supplies build up again?"

And only then the obvious question, "And why did you do it?"


alucard_tepes March 7 2006, 05:39:28 UTC
((Yes, bring back Bob. ^_^ I assume only Adam can get rid of him? Or... cutting off Ryuuji's arm?
"more focused on staying conscious and still and being a good snack" that really made me laugh. XD))

He frowned and finally voiced his earlier concern. "Are you hallucinating?" He turned back to face Ryuuji and studied him. Of course he didn't look well, that much was expected and within the realm of normal given the circumstances. Beyond the physical, harder to pinpoint, Alucard got a sense of something else being off.

"I don't mean offense. But you seem very..." Unable to think of any good way to describe it, he left the thought unfinished. Since his paranoia had practically tripled in one day thanks to opening the Necronomicon and the events that followed, he took a careful look around to see if there was anyone else in the room. It was still just the two of them, as far as he could tell.

"You must be seeing double. I can assure you there's only one of me." He stood up and went to the cabinet with all the bottles. "You really need to rest." After quite a bit of rifling, as he was unfamiliar with the wizarding world's curatives and few were labeled, he picked out a bottle identical to the one Ryuuji had chosen before. Blood replenisher in hand, he then gathered up the mess they'd left on the floor and set everything on the empty bed adjacent to the one in use. He didn't want to crowd Ryuuji again (didn't want to be tempted), so he pulled a chair over between the two beds and sat facing him. "Here," he said as he offered the bottle. "If you need it."


dice_addict March 7 2006, 06:16:45 UTC
((Your wish is my command! And Alucard actually checking for a second him was funny too. XD Made me snicker.))

"I don't think so. But if I was, how would I know? I mean, hallucinations look real, so I couldn't tell if I was or wasn't, could I?" Ryuuji considered himself to sound eminently logical, following his train thought right to the end station. Where it was promptly bombed by the terrorists of fatigue and blood loss. Ooooh. Sparklies. Pretty!

Alucard was pretty too. Hm. No, Alucard was gone. Both of them. And now there was only one of them! Well, one Alucard was better than none. And two might have been too much if they'd both tried to drink from him at the same time. Ryuuji sandwich! What sort of filling would he be? Black and golden and green... Something with olives? Turkey with olives? Peanut with ol- EW. That sounded awful.

Blinking as Alucard returned, he took the bottle carefully and opened it, tilting it to his mouth and starting to drink. A sudden stab of pain in his right arm had him putting the bottle down again, then gasping for pain as the mouth reformed, and smacked its lips together while it asked, "What, you're not going to give me some of that sweet stuff?"

In response, Ryuuji choked.


alucard_tepes March 8 2006, 02:55:45 UTC
((Since I'd forgotten what exactly the infirmary is like, I looked it up. This is sort of cool. :D))

"You do have a point..." He smiled indulgently, concealing any uncertainty he felt. "You'll have to trust me, then, when I say there's only one of me." As long as Ryuuji didn't start behaving even more strangely, it was safe to just let him sleep it off, Alucard figured. He'd have a hard time knowing what to do or who to ask for help if things got out of hand, so hopefully rest would be the solution to everything. It usually was, for mortal and immortal alike.

Fatigue was steadily taking its toll on Alucard as well. He settled back in the chair and raised his chin slightly, enjoying the warmth on his face from the sunlight that was streaming in through the windows. He almost immediately began to drift into the pseudo sleep, or waking sleep, of vampires; eyes still open and senses alert, but mind at rest. It wasn't quite like the vacancy that being possessed had caused.

Predictably, the day from hell wasn't over yet.

He stirred and sat up, focussing on Ryuuji again. Before he could ask what was wrong, his question was answered by the reappearance of 'Bob'. He looked dismayed. "You again? I thought you were sent back to wherever it is you came from." Maybe the deadite could be blamed for Ryuuji's bizarre behaviour, then. An almost but not quite comforting thought.


dice_addict March 8 2006, 03:20:57 UTC
((Awww. Thanks! XD))

The mouth cackled, "Weren't you listening? I AM FREGULA, LORD OF THE REHHAK ARMIES, DEVOURER OF SOULS, BRINGER OF PAIN, TORMENTOR PAR EXCELLENCE AND FAVORED MINION OF KAIN HIMSELF!" It was also apparently incapable of announcing its name and title at any voume below ear-splitting.

Gulping down what remained in the bottle, trying to get it to smooth down his throat, Ryuuji hastily put the empty container down and glared at the demon-thing, feeling somewhat better. "And you're loud. And I thought Alucard exorcised you!"

"Felt like takin' a nap." The mouth responded, perfectly reasonably, then leered at Alucard, "Sweetie, what nice pecs you have. All the better to tempt me with?"

Ryuuji flushed instantly at that, color burning in his cheeks, and he whacked the mouth with the empty glass bottle. It snarled in response, poking its teeth with its tongue to make sure none had been knocked loose, and apparently only then noticing that Ryuuji and Alucard were both stripped from the waist up, gave a racuous laugh, "Or tempt 'im with, eh, eh?"

Groaning, looking at the bedsheets, Ryuuji informed Alucard in the calmest tone he could manage, "I take no responsibility for anything it says."

Wow. Those sheets were very white. Better to focus on that than the mouth which was currently quoting Oscar Wilde, "I can resist anything except temptation!"


alucard_tepes March 8 2006, 06:56:47 UTC
((XD "Sweetie." If he wasn't so evil, Bob'd be charming.))

He winced as 'Bob' bellowed his credentials for a second time, and was glad that they were alone in the infirmary. Any other sick patients and staff surely wouldn't appreciate the rising noise level, had they been present. Where was the staff, anyway?

It hadn't occurred to him to be self conscious until the deadite's comment. If he was embarrassed by it, it didn't show, though his irritation did. "How can you see without eyes, anyway?" Not that he really cared for an answer. Judging by how Ryuuji had reacted, a subject change would be welcome.

Exorcising the thing for a third time seemed pointlessly tiring and futile. Magic apparently didn't affect it. Destroying (if that is in fact what Adam did) the entire deadite body hadn't gotten rid of 'Bob'. So what would? Alucard got up and went around the privacy screen to the other bed, retrieved Ryuuji's wand and tossed it to him. "Head's up. Maybe you'll figure out something that works on him."

He then returned to the cabinet and looked through everything it contained, more thoroughly than before. "Pain relievers... shrinking serums... for curing wombat infections...?" He muttered to himself as he read the labels. Nothing for drying up a demonic arm possession from what he could tell. Deciding to try his luck, Alucard closed his eyes and picked a bottle at random. It looked like somebody's prescription. He'd never heard of it before. "Vee-agra? I wonder what it does."


dice_addict March 8 2006, 07:20:01 UTC
((OMG. Alucard asking what Viagra is just killed me dead. XDDDDDD Incidentally, any idea on who made the secret about wanting to watch Alucard bite someone?))

Catching the wand, Ryuuji prodded the mouth with it experimentally, only to have 'Bob' bite down on the end of it. Tugging at it half-heartedly, trying to pull it out without scratching the wood on the mouth's sharp fangs, he froze at Alucard's question. Did he just... Unable to finish that thought even in his head, Ryuuji promptly cracked up, head bowed forwards and shoulders shaking with laughter. Gasping for breath, he managed to explain, "It's a Muggle medicine. For guys that suffer from erectile dysfunction and can't get aroused or stay erect."

Cue more laughter, which stopped only when Ryuuji realized that the mouth had managed to swallow his wand down about halfway (and where was the wood going?!) and was licking at the stiff wood. Realizing it had an audience, the mouth smirked at Ryuuji, then wound its tongue upwards, cat-licking the wand, then drawing it back to make excruciatingly exaggerated sucking sounds.

"See, honey-pie? That's how you take care of those bad boys that can't get it up. Who needs medicine when you've got a mouth like this?" It smacked its lips together and went back to lapping at the wand with every sign of enjoyment.

"..." It wasn't really doing that, was it? Not in front of Alucard and not to Ryuuji's wand and ohgods, its fangs were scraping over the sides of it and its lips were so red and could embarrassment please kill Ryuuji NOW? Resisting the temptation to find a pillow and bury his face into it, cheeks staining a dark red once again, Ryuuji managed a slightly strained, "Incendio!"

Maybe if it got lots of blisters and burns, it would shut up?

Wishful thinking on Ryuuji's part, the mouth just smacking its lip and declaring, "Yummy! Gimme more of the good ole energy, just like Mommy used to make!"


alucard_tepes March 10 2006, 04:29:31 UTC
((I couldn't resist. XD He's so clueless about some modern things. Hmm, nope. You mean you really didn't make it? ^_~ Bob giving Ryuuji a wand job... Haha this roleplay is seriously wrong.))

"Oh. That's... interesting..." He quickly put the pills back and looked at his hand as if he could see the penis-germs wriggling around and breeding on him. He knew he'd never get sick and certainly never die from any sort of illness or infection, but that never stopped him from being germ phobic from time to time. Especially when handling pills apparently designed to help with sex, such a messy affair, and who knows what sort of people had been touching the bottle before him?

He couldn't guess what Ryuuji found so funny about it, but the laughter was infectious, and he was chuckling as he casually wiped his hand on his pants (as if that would even help) and returned to the chair besides Ryuuji's bed. The sucking sounds caught his attention and he leaned forward, trying to see what the deadite was doing. Eating the wand? No, the wand wasn't broken. He was... sucking on it? And seemed very pleased with himself. It took Alucard a moment to get it, and then he understood Ryuuji's embarrassment. Poor Ryuuji. "I don't think your fangs would be very popular with most people."

He rubbed his eyes and sighed. "There has to be a way to get rid of him without amputating your arm. Cleansing didn't work, and he seems to absorb magic..." Their options were dwindling, but he still firmly believed there was a solution. He just couldn't think of what it may be. Feeding 'Bob' a cactus?


dice_addict March 10 2006, 04:54:45 UTC
((Nope! Though, I did make the one complaining about Alucard not being in Slytherin. You didn't make the 'kindasorta in lustloveSOMETHING' one, did you? That one's driving me nuts. And oooh yes, very, very wrong.))

"I don't know about that, but I'd like to burn my wand now." Ryuuji grimaced at it, not wanting to have to have to ever cast another spell with it again. Refraining from commenting on the fangs issues, mostly because there were certain circumstances under which Ryuuji wouldn't mind the fangs as long as they weren't attached to a DEMONIC MOUTH ON HIS ARM, he cast a half-hearted Scourgify, glad that Snape had insisted he learn that spell to use to clean up after the advanced Potions lessons. The wand cleaned itself off, but Ryuuji didn't care. He still didn't want to have touch the thing.

Putting it back on the bedside table, Ryuuji pointedly ignored Bob, who was now busy chanting a shanty about a boy in an adjustable hospital bed, and the vampire who found him while searching for blood packs, and canted his head at Alucard, giving him a concerned look. "Are you okay? You look exhausted - do you need rest? Or an energy replenishment? I have some items in my room with excess energy stored in them, so I could get those for you."

Healing me must have been tiring, after all. Ryuuji didn't say that part out loud, not wanting to make it sound like he was feeling guilty, and instead tilted his head at Alucard. The earlier dizziness had vanished once he'd drained the second blood replenisher, and the gamer felt much, much better now, heartbeat strong and steady once more instead of the too-fast fluttering rhythm it had earlier. Which, of course, meant that he was back to worrying about Alucard and making sure his friend was fine as well.


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