Jul 30, 2011 21:41

Someone let Megan into the wine coolers in the Ravenclaw bar.

If asked later, she wouldn't say who, and she would mostly insist that the ensuing hangover meant that she would never do it again, and she would insist that she meant to play Dazzler really loud out in the Great Hall instead of Erasure. Specifically, "Always" on repeat and she couldn' ( Read more... )

sam winchester, rp, megan gwynn

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hunter_returns August 10 2011, 01:00:30 UTC
Sam had been out for a walk around the castle, idly flipping through another obscure book on magical rituals and invocations. He could keep himself occupied in the library quite happily forever, but every so often, he needed to get out for a stretch. The book was snapped shut as he saw Megan dancing happily in the Great Hall and he grinned. He hadn't talked to her in awhile, he should go say hi.

Or, you know, get a nosefull of pixie dust.

He sat in a chair, watching a metallic looking unicorn chase a fairy across the room, leaving trails of rainbows in their wake.

It was awesome.


lovereallybites August 10 2011, 01:18:25 UTC
Always, I wanna be with you and make believe with you, and live in harmony, harmony, oh love. Sookie could hear the tune playing loudly, then again anything with ears should be able to hear that. It was kind of catchy though.

She made her way toward the source of the sound, stopping seeing Sam looking a bit off, but really happy. That brought a smile to her face and she made her way towards him.

" Sam, what on earth--"

Oh holy shit, there was a unicorn. As soon as she seen it and the rainbow tracer in it's wake the smile faded for a second. " Where'd you find that guy?" a slightly amused smile tugging at the corner of her lips.


hunter_returns August 10 2011, 01:48:46 UTC
Sam's eyes were a shade too wide, his pupils a tad bit too dialated, but he was loving every minute of it. He grinned, catching Sookie's wrist and tugging her into his lap.

"No idea. Isn't it great? Oo! Robotic bear! At least there aren't clowns. Clowns are creepy. I saw a clown possessed by a demon once. It was just wrong." Oh dear. Sam's babbling. But he's happy.


lovereallybites August 10 2011, 02:00:31 UTC
There was a small giggle from her as she was tugged toward him, she all to happily took her spot on Sam's lap. " Fantastic." she said leaning up to kiss his cheek, though stopping. " Sam... your hair..." she sounded so amazed as her hand went up to paw his hair. " It shines like the sun. And it's so soft." what ever sort of conversation they had started was lost to this discovery.

" Are you a fairy Sam?" paw paw paw.


hunter_returns August 10 2011, 02:42:20 UTC
Sam craned his neck to try and look around behind him. "Don't think so. I didn't start growing wings, did I?" He brushed a waft of pink dust off Sookie's nose. "You're all sparkly."

He leaned into her touch, making a contented rumble in his chest at the touch. It was great. Everything was all great.


lovereallybites August 10 2011, 03:06:33 UTC
" No wings...just.." and just like that the thought floated away, like a little bitty Pegasus on the breeze.

" I sparkle? Wow. That is like...so awesome." she brought her hands down cupping his face, smiling brightly all the sudden.

" I love you." As if it was something that just dawned on her, which wasn't true, but she was stoned off her rocker.


hunter_returns August 12 2011, 01:40:39 UTC
"This music? It's so great. Dean, he always just listens to.." Sam trailed off, watching a robot do a somersault over Sookie's head.

"What was I saying? Oh. This music is so cool."

Sam fixed her with the biggest, goofiest grin. "Me too. You're the best." And he tugged her into a kiss.


lovereallybites August 13 2011, 03:25:18 UTC
" It is, it's so ....happy..and catchy...and happy." she said " So many unicorns...this is like where dreams and cotton candy come from..or something.."

She returned the kiss but by that time looked confused a minute. " what'd I do to deserve that?" she said still remaing close to him.


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