Someone let Megan into the wine coolers in the Ravenclaw bar.
If asked later, she wouldn't say who, and she would mostly insist that the ensuing hangover meant that she would never do it again, and she would insist that she meant to play Dazzler really loud out in the Great Hall instead of
Erasure. Specifically,
"Always" on repeat and she couldn't get it to stop. But that was okay! She was just fine dancing to it. Dancing and accidentally puffing out her pixie dust.
Unfortunately for those caught underneath in the swirls of pink dust, it was hallucinogenic. Fortunately, it was awesome.
((Because the mun has had the song in her head all week, everyone else can suffer share! Visions given by Megan's pixie dust are benign--and for the purposes of this post, mostly along the lines of
this, thematically--music, dolphins, rainbows, fairies, robots, double jumping, whatever. Though it's mostly a cracky suggestion and not a rule.))