In a slight twist on this, characters with canon 'esoteric' knowledge based within our own universe might well be able to recognize Cthulhoo and the Shoggies, provided they've read/heard of the right wrong books. Obviously, Cthulhoo and the Shoggies aren't historical, but, their canon is unique in that Lovecraft's shared universe approach lead to the "Cthuhlu Mythos". This universe contains many fictional books, such as Necronomicon, Pnakotic Manuscripts, Unaussprechlichen Kulten, etc, which are assumed to be 'not fictional' despite being fictional. Thus, for characters for whom it would be logical, knowledge of Cthulhoo and the Shoggies is permissible. A good example of characters who might know of them would be the Supernatural crew- they hail from our world, basically, so it can be assumed theirs contains a Necronomicon or few, and as these characters deal in esoteric matters they're the sort who'd probably have heard of it. A character from some other world like Westeros or some far-removed version of our world like Middle-Earth would not have heard of it. In short: A character who has a canonical reason or likelihood to recognize Cthulhoo and the Shoggies would be recognizing them as arcane lore from their own world, not fiction.
Oo. Good idea there. It might be fun to have one or two of the SPN crew to run across Cthulhoo or the Shoggies at some point.. (well, when they're grown up and not kids running amok in the Dethtower. XD
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