Valentines gifts from Nathan, Pickles, and Glorfindel

Feb 14, 2011 04:14

From Nathan to Charles:

((Permission was given to 'vandalise' Ofdensen's room.))

Valentine's Day morning, Ofdensen would find his room looking-and smelling-like the scene of a massacre. Blood splattered the walls, the furniture, and whatever had been left out on his desk (any paperwork would appear to be saturated); the blood was still wet and some of it slowly dripping, the puddles growing. Assorted viscera had been festively hung across lamps and the privacy screen in front of his bed, and some lined the window sills.

A message in the same blood had been scrawled across the floor in Nathan's unmistakable handwriting, reading: HAPPY GUTS DAY

Next to the message, looking incongruous and free of blood and guts, was a box of truffles (a gift that would keep on giving; Ofdensen would receive a new box monthly, for a year), several bottles of his preferred brandy, and a dicta-quill transcribed note from Nathan.

The note read: Brutal decorations, huh? I think it looks romantic.

But, uh, don't get mad okay. It's just an illusion. Not the chocolates and brandy, those are real. The blood and stuff aren't.

The house-elves said Finite Incantatem will clear it all up, but I don't know why you'd want to, it makes your room look so much more awesome. And if you ever want to have some bloody, gory sex... Anyway, I hope you like it.


From Pickles to Dethklok and Ofdensen:

He'd prepared enough blood and guts martinis to share, so went around the school hand-delivering them to each of his bandmates (the ones he could locate, anyway) and their manager. No holiday was complete without booze, especially not one as gay as Valentine's Day.

From Glorfindel to Elrond:

Based on the advertisements around Hogsmeade, Glorfindel had reached the conclusion that Valentine's Day was intended as some sort of romantic love festival, a day on which to spoil the one you love. He didn't normally celebrate other cultures' holidays, but was happy to make an exception for this one, just as he had for Yule.

This was why on Valentine's Day, the room he shared with Elrond had been filled with a profusion of flowers in every hue of the rainbow, charmed to flourish until the summer months, when he and Elrond would probably be ready for new decor.

Several gifts had been set at the foot of Elrond's bed. To Glorfindel's Elven sensibilities, none were necessarily feminine, but intended for any gender to enjoy:

There was a basket of miscellaneous floral-scented bath products (which he secretly hoped to be allowed to use with Elrond, in a shared bath); an exquisite silver butterfly hair pin with sapphire and amethyst accents, and one of gold with a floral motif, with a rainbow of gems (since men and women both liked to adorn their hair with jewelry in Elven culture); and lastly, a box of Glorfindel's improved attempts at handmade chocolate-a swirled mixture of dark and white chocolate formed the base of each sweet, with tiny, pink, strawberry-flavoured hearts affixed on top.

nathan explosion, glorfindel, charles foster ofdensen, skwisgaar skwigelf, toki wartooth, pickles, elrond, william murderface

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