Xmas gifts from the Baron, Toki, Shoggies, Elric, Elrond, Lucius, and Batiatus:

Dec 25, 2010 13:07

The Baron-

From Vladimir to Valentine- Valentine's present is a deed denoting his ownership of the Aurora Islands which are under a spell of concealment from Muggles. There is an small old house there containing a fireplace, previously owned by former Wizarding inhabitants. Although the building is nothing to speak of, it is connected to the Floo Network. Jherek Carnelian has agreed to help Valentine fix up the islands however he would like.

From Vladimir to Jasper- A bespoke, matching sword and dagger of goblin make. The blades of are dark, pattern-welded steel, and the hilts are designed with a griffon motif, accented with gold and a few finely-cut rubies, but to a tasteful degree, not excessive. The grips and matched sheaths are of black dragonscale, adorned with small griffon-shaped ornaments in gold.

From Vladimir to Skwisgaar and Toki- For Skwisgaar, a white dragonscale jacket in the latest style with gemstone accents, by a top Wizarding designer. Toki will recieve the same, but in black. They will also recieve a box of drugged chocolates concocted by Valentine Wolfe, along with a note indicating this quality and wishing them a pleasant holiday.

From Vladimir to Yukimura and Kuronue- The Baron has sent them a Meiji era clothing tansu along with a case of very high-end ginjo sake.

From Vladimir to Elric- The Baron was tired of the carpet suffering from the albino's occasional bothersome visits, so Elric will receive a new pair of boots, enchanted to repel dirt and grime.


((Most of Toki's gifts were listed here in conjunction with Skwisgaar's.))

From Toki to Skwisgaar- Skwisgaar will find his aquarium home to a pair (male and female) of white tip reef sharks. In order to provide a proper environment for the sharks, Toki has had it set up for saltwater, and stocked with huge chunks of live rock, arranged to provide a couple caves for the sharks, as well as corals and several species of fish.

Toki has also decorated a custom guitar case for Skwisgaar, and, actually has done a very nice job of it. Toki started with a very high quality hard-shelled guitar case, with a crushed white velvet lining, and had house-elves bring him a pile of Wizarding books about dragons. He cut out all the moving pictures, and glued them to the guitar case to form a dragon collage covering the entirety of the outer shell. He then coated with the results with a protective layer of clear spray-on shellac. When he was finished, he had a house-elf take a Wizarding photo of him grinning happily at the camera, which he signed, "Loves you, Skwisgaar, from Toki", and attached to the inside of the lid.


From the Shoggies to Dethklok- A 'Christmas-Cthulhoo' decoration for the Dethtub room. This is a statue of Cthulhoo made from dark stone, festively splattered with green paint and blood, adorned with an extremely large felt Santa-hat, lit by magically-burning torches ensconced in colored glass held in his tentacles, and garlanded with glittered intestine of questionable origin.

From Shoggies 3, 4.6, 10, & 18 to Skwisgaar and Toki- Miniature statues of themselves. As the Shoggies are amorphous, it isn't evident which statue is which, and the only distinguishing factor might be the number of eyes. Also, a few pages from the Pnakotic Manuscripts with a note scribbled in large, clumsy letters that reads "For makings lyrics".


From Elric to Smaug- In a work of sorcery requiring three full days in trance to complete, Elric used the services of earth elementals to add a new cavern to Smaug's lair, the entrance to which he will find open on Christmas morning. This cavern is immense, with more than enough room for Smaug to stretch his wings in full. Although roughly natural in form, the cavern's deliberate origin is evidenced by the abundance of huge, beautiful crystals and artfully arranged stone formations present. The stone formations are formed into abstract shapes whose elegant contours and placement cannot be entirely random, while the crystals and the the surrounding stone are of a range of soft hues, extremely well coordinated in their placement. Both the size and clarity of the crystals are astounding, and many are of valuable gemstone varieties which are not frequently found in conjunction with the surrounding stone, and which only could have been created by some forced process.

Having braved Diagon Alley during the holiday season in order to obtain gifts to fulfill his Secret Yule Goat obligation, Elric decided to properly purchase some holiday gifts without resorting to threats, theft, shouting about Arioch, or Stormbringer.

From Elric to Skwisgaar and Toki- Skwisgaar and Toki will receive a matching pair of nicely-made knives bearing a draconic motif on the hilt, enchanted to retain their edge, as well as a large Wizarding painting portraying an ill-tempered Hungarian Horntail with a penchant for repeatedly torching the already-burnt landscape surrounding it.

From Elric to Ariane Emory- A Firebolt broomstick of the most recent model, along with a note explaining that it it is a "wizarding flight construct", and asking her if she'd like to join him for a ride over the wilds surrounding Hogwarts.


From Elrond to Glorfindel- A handmade diadem of golden wirework, adorned with cairngorm quartz and amber, gathered by Elrond on his occasional walks through the forest and foothills. The cairngorm quartz pieces are crystalline, carefully cleaned and left in a mostly natural form, while the amber has been polished into shining little beads.


Lucius' gifts were minimal by necessity, and obtained by a house-elf due to his logical concerns about showing his face on Diagon Alley.

From Lucius to Narcissa- Narcissa will recieve an elegant wide-mouthed vase of milky white glass, filled with the flowers of her namesake, charmed against wilting for the entirety of the year.

From Lucius to Draco- Lucius has gotten a Draco a well-made watch, of the sort detailing the positions of the planets along with the time. It is not nearly so fancy as he would have liked, but he hopes Draco will understand. While in Azkaban, Lucius had often lamented that he would not be there to see Draco come of age, and that he would not be able to observe even the simplest of Wizarding traditions connected to it.

From Lucius to Severus- Severus will recieve an elegant black quill and a bottle of finely-made brandy.


From Batiatus to Joachim- Figuring Joachim had little use for the other traditional Saturnalia gifts of candles and figurines, Batiatus has given his 'wolf' friend a large quantity of prime steak.

nathan explosion, shoggies, vladimir harkonnen, elric of melnibone, sanada yukimura, draco malfoy, toki wartooth, elrond, pickles, jasper hale, ariane emory ii, smaug, quintus lentulus batiatus, severus snape, skwisgaar skwigelf, glorfindel, valentine wolfe, narcissa malfoy, kuronue, lucius malfoy

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