closed: shield lol

Apr 17, 2010 23:34

"No reason why we shouldn't parley. Nothing's called me to it before, but I've never been against an understanding."

"Loll." The utterance sounded like loll, anyhow.

A moment of silence, not tense, not exactly comfortable either. Steam rose from the rim of the faithful #1 GRANDPA mug. Mr. Wednesday took a fortifying sip. He could wish they'd met in his own office. His chairs, hand-me-down mixed collection though they were, were a damn sight more inviting than the crate where he now sat.

"The sticking point's the Sorting Room, or Rooms," resumed Wednesday. "Ideally, the operative spell would make dumb kids 'get a room', send them back to their own room where no one else's eyes need be offended by their callow gropings and general carrying-on. The Sorting Room scotches that. A new arrival can't leave the Sorting Room."

The other rejoined: "So anyways after that, me and Jimmy had a wild party, it ended up with me laying on my side naked in tall grass at like 5 in the AM."

Wednesday was silent. Every race of supernatural being had its own argot, its own patois, its own arcane treatment of the borrowed mortal language they could hold in common.

"Loll," said the other.

"Best thing I can figure is a veiling effect. Not invisibility, exactly. More an area effect, temporary."

The other nodded. "Make it double."

"To cover both or all participants," agreed Mr. Wednesday.

"Can we go rock the bed a bit."

Wednesday knew this was not a proposition. Thankfully. "I don't think it's necessary to add a punitive element to the spell, no. If you think it's manageable and can avoid drawing in what we might term 'innocent bystanders', by all means, toss in a nasty deterrent. I'm not the shepherd to complain of throwing stones. I'd rather see a spell that consistently induces one effect than a spell that inconsistently induces two, however."

Another sip from the mug as he waited for that to sink in. A risk, intimating that there might be limits to the other's power. He had a good minute or two to consider how that might change the balance of things.

"I went silent again, didn't I...?"

"Take your time," said Wednesday, with an ease not altogether felt.

"Loll." The final verdict came: "To protect the peoples from refrigeration."

Wednesday did not see a connection between the proposed enchantment and the concept of refrigeration, but his logic was not the other's. He said: "Protection's not a bad way to think of it. I'd think of it as a shield. Shielding eyes from what no one needs to see. Nothing to do with morality, more to do with order." The Æsir liked order.

"The cool thing is, only I can work it."

"Which is why I came to chat with you," said Wednesday.

"... Thanks."

"So, we have an understanding?" Wednesday pressed. He wanted to be out of here. The shed felt close and stuffy; the stacks of crates loomed everywhere, carelessly stacked, threatening an avalanche that would split the containers and release a shower of the viscous contents Wednesday knew to be within.

"9," said the other.

"Nine, a fortuitous number." Wednesday stood and reached to crack the door. "Your intervention will be much appreciated, I expect."

"I am a nobody," said Kojiro.

Wednesday grinned. "Modest." And he pushed the door the rest of the way open, and emerged into the murk of the Forbidden Forest. After the funk inside that confounded shed, even the forest dark seemed bright and cheery.

The outcome was worth an afternoon's discomfort. Kojiro would use his power to create a castle-wide effect, similar to the translation charm. Whenever some stupid kids decided to copulate in the middle of the Great Hall or the Sorting Room or in the bathrooms, Kojiro's shield would descend. No one would have to see them. To the eyes of anyone in their vicinity, they simply would not appear. It would be as though they weren't there. Oh, the Sorting Hat could probably still see through the illusion-of-absence, but the Sorting Hat liked watching that kind of thing anyway. (That, to Wednesday's mind, ought to be a deterrent against public affection. Who wanted to indulge the Sorting Hat's voyeurism?)

Order was a good thing. Níðhögg's presence was a grim reminder of that. Wednesday had no desire to upend or drive out the spirit of misrule that seemed to be Hogwarts' ruling principle, nor did he fancy that he could do much to change it even if he wanted. He did, however, like knowing that some changes could be made. Some differences. Tilt the balance toward chaos with appearances by Níðhögg or Cthulhu, and Wednesday could tilt the balance right back again.

Plus, with Kojiro's shield in effect, Wednesday would never again have to see clumsy mortals fumbling with one another's genitals in the Sorting Room or at mealtime. It put him off his feed.

He made a note to himself as he returned to the castle: find out what was meant by loll.

((OOC NOTE: Kojiro's shield will now protect your threads of a NSFW nature when your characters are in the Sorting Room or a public place. Little kids and innocent animals will not have to see you making out. Just put "Private" in the subject line of your thread, and the action is considered ICly shielded.

NSFW action should still be kept in closed, separate RPs whenever possible, with a warning on the post, of course.))

kojiro, mr wednesday

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