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isnotabumblebee December 30 2009, 10:48:08 UTC
((Sorry to be slow! I've gotten all behind on tags, especially after wasting hours today messing with computer issues, and, so took even longer to tag. =/))

Toki woke up extra-early on Christmas morning, like so many children in the world- there were some habits that were impossible to break. He'd always hoped to find something good on Christmas morning, but in his childhood had invariably ended up with his creepy parents idea of gifts, which was usually a sweater and some new socks to wear out while hauling fish-boxes. Skwisgaar was still asleep, so he lingered in bed a moment before opening his eyes, to notice a subtle difference in the room. Another room ( ... )


best_guitarist December 30 2009, 11:59:03 UTC
((It's fine, like I said there's no rush. Sorry if it sounded like I was complaining! I barely have a working net connection anyway, so will be slow too. The computer deities have cursed us. :\ This seems rather apt now!))

The only response Toki received was a grunt before Skwisgaar gave him his back and huddled deeper beneath the fur covers, intent on sleeping. It wasn't as though he'd had to stay up all night to put the finishing touches on the gaming room that had been being constructed over the last few days, in secret -- the house elves had handled it, creating the doorway very last, per their instructions. But even so, Skwisgaar felt it was way too early to be getting up, unless there was a damned good reason...

Oh. Right. That totally unmetal holiday that no good Nihilist should even think of celebrating was today. The same one that he'd decided to take part in anyway, figuring it'd make Toki happy. For all his wealth, Skwisgaar had never really been materialistic, didn't like collecting things that would invariably become ( ... )


isnotabumblebee December 30 2009, 13:12:00 UTC
((I feel your connection problems, that's gotta be so miserable. =( The computer dieties are indeed unkind. And awwww, that picture's too cute. <3))An especially big, goofy grin had etched itself on Toki's features as he nudged at Skwisgaar again. With one hand, he still clutched Skwisgaar's note against his chest. It did look as if the Swede wanted to sleep longer, but, Toki figured he was bound to forgive him for waking him up on a magical Christmas morning. Toki's fascination with Christmas was a childish one, untainted by actual materialism- it was all about fun. Presents were part of that fun, because you got to give them to people and make them happy, ideally. Toki failed to see why this wasn't metal- it was only one day a year and all. So although he did appreciate the video games as video games, it was more Skwisgaar's obvious effort and the strangely meaningful little note that had him grinning so happily, along with the prospect of giving Skwisgaar his gift ( ... )


best_guitarist January 1 2010, 05:41:03 UTC
The jerking movement didn't deter Skwisgaar, and he continued lazily fondling Toki with one hand, rubbing his eyes with the other as he struggled to wake up fully. "But mys present is rights here," he said, sitting up and spending a few moments stretching before leaning in to kiss Toki, morning breath and all. Wake-up sex certainly wouldn't be a bad idea. Then maybe a shower and more napping while the Shoggies and Toki enjoyed playing with their gifts, since it sounded like a nice way to spend Christmas day. Better than anything he could have hoped for ( ... )


isnotabumblebee January 1 2010, 11:44:39 UTC
Toki almost-purred as he pressed against Skwisgaar's hand in response, watching Skwisgaar wake up. His remark about his present being 'rights here' only made Toki smile all the more widely. He kissed Skwisgaar happily, telling him, "It's in the closets, buts you can haves that one too. After the closets one." Thus far, it was definitely shaping up to be the best Christmas ever ( ... )


best_guitarist January 2 2010, 11:24:34 UTC
"You's saying mys present ams comings out of de closet," Skwisgaar said with a playful smirk. "Abouts time you did, I's guess. And Christmas blowjobs ares a present, even if yous would have dones it anyway," he countered, reaching to hold Toki's hips as they kissed. He debated simply pushing him down and pinning him to the bed and molesting him for a while, but Toki had already slipped away to get his other present before he could decide. Ah well. Maybe in a few minutes. It was shaping up to be the most enjoyable and memorable Christmas for him as well, though it admittedly wouldn't be hard to beat his Christmas experiences as a child, and then he hadn't ever really properly celebrated it as an adult before. There hadn't been a reason to. And now... There were several reasons, and most of them were right there in the room with him. Too bad they hadn't been able to bring Fatty to Hogwarts too ( ... )


isnotabumblebee January 3 2010, 23:51:24 UTC
"There's all day fors the Christmas blowjobs, buts only a few minutes of wakings up on Christmas morning," Toki explained with grave importance. He was all about the Christmas blowjobs, but, if they did that first, their moments of waking up on Christmas morning would have been gone. Toki hoped that when the Shoggies woke up they'd have just as awesome a morning as he was already having, and smiled expectantly at Skwisgaar's reaction to his gift ( ... )


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