open Hospital Wing RP

Sep 03, 2009 18:25

Dr. Jørgen Krogshøj was known to his Copenhagen colleagues as Krog, which the translation charm like the TV show's subtitles converted neatly to its English equivalent "Hook". He'd taken to simply introducing himself as Krog, which the translation charm also grabbed and converted to Hook, and by now even such an easygoing man as himself would have cause to grow weary of repeating the explanation.

He also knew that if he spelled out his entire surname, few of the school's inhabitants would have the first clue how to pronounce it. Better to be called Hook than Krawgshawge, or however the native English speakers would mangle it.

So when he put up a sign outside the Great Hall, he signed it accordingly:

The Hospital Wing exists and is open.

Don't be afraid. We won't bite.
We're fully stocked with potions, prophylactics, and other items of interest.
Muggle medicines are also supplied.

We understand the Swine Flu has been squibbed from Hogwarts, but I've ordered a vaccine anyway, to be on the safe side.

- Dr. Hook
Assistant Physician

Underneath the words, he'd drawn a crude map with the hospital wing's location labeled in neat blocky letters, and an arrow with "You are Here" pointing to the Great Hall's location.

This done, he kicked back in the Hospital Wing with a cup of coffee and some Danish-language magazines. Maybe some people would come by or something. He did worry that Snape's demeanor scared students off. That, or the legacy of that crazy-ass sex ed class. Also, Hook himself could use some work to concentrate on. He'd been spending too much time wandering the corridors in search of Antubis ...

jorgen krogshoj, james bond, charles foster ofdensen, rp, hospital wing, berwald oxenstierna, rat, alan grant

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