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monde_finis December 22 2008, 01:37:36 UTC
"What were you trying to erase?" Claire asked, leaning against a wall. She had been trying to erase a memory or two at the Ravenclaw bar. "Would you still get rid of it?"


mrsruthlaskin December 22 2008, 01:42:03 UTC
"Well, we tried to erase each other. The entire relationship. Everything. And it worked for a while, except then we started to remember each other and we met on this beach later on without a reason why and well... yeah. Long story short, it didn't work. But the second time around it was harsh and a bad breakup. But that's what relationships are. They're good until they go sour. You live and you learn." She sighs and shrugs happily.

"His name was Joel and he was... nice."


monde_finis December 22 2008, 01:45:41 UTC
"How are you able to erase everything?" she asked. "I would think that it would be... pleasant, if it worked. Much better than the pills and the drinks and the bad men. Have you tried that yet?"


mrsruthlaskin December 22 2008, 01:53:02 UTC
"Believe me, honey, alcohol and I have a sordid love affair that has had it's ups and downs as well. Alcohol might as well be a man, the way it treats me." She looks around, "Speaking of which, where can I get a drink around here?"

She continues to look, hoping for a door but not really seeing much, as it's too dark in here; darker than Joel's stupid apartment. "As for the everything, it's a process. A, uh, um... you know, a procedure. Medical and all that jazz."


monde_finis December 22 2008, 02:06:04 UTC
"Alcohol is such a bitch," Claire said, not mincing her words. She was a bit hammered herself. "There is a bar in Ravenclaw. It's free. Can I get you something?"

At the mention of medical, Claire reached into a pocket of her dress and pulled out a bottle of prescription sleeping pills. "I only know about the pharmacy side of medical," she said. "But I can share. I've found something here that is better."


mrsruthlaskin December 22 2008, 02:13:51 UTC
Clem nods in agreement. "Yeah, can you get me a beer? Anything's fine. Thanks."

She takes the bottle of pills from the woman, still unnamed, but offering drugs and alcohol; Clem already liked her. "What are these?" She turns the bottle over to reveal sleeping pills, "Ah, see these I don't fuck with. I'm too scared of the whole sleeping and never waking up thing."


monde_finis December 22 2008, 02:18:41 UTC
Claire didn't trust the house elves. She'd get the beer herself in a moment.

She held out her hand for the bottle back. "I can understand," she said. "When I sleep, I want it to be over as quickly as possible. These knock me out. No dreams, if I'm lucky."

Claire pushed herself off of the wall, with minimal staggering. "One beer. I will be back!"


mrsruthlaskin December 22 2008, 02:27:55 UTC
Clem hands back the pills and nods as the woman talks. "No dreams? That's why favorite part of sleep. I could sleep forever, I just would like to have some security in knowing that I control when I wake up."

She smiles when the woman goes off to get her beer. "I'll be right here."


monde_finis December 22 2008, 03:18:00 UTC
Claire came back with the beer, a Bud. It was the first one she saw.

"No, my dreams make me afraid to go to sleep," she said. "If I could, I would never sleep. Eventually I have to, so I do what I can."


mrsruthlaskin December 22 2008, 03:22:26 UTC
Clem takes the beer, thanking the woman. "Really? I mean, don't you feel like dreams tell you something? Like, nby missing them you're skipping a part of your life?"

She takes a swig, "By the way I never caught your name, I'm Clementine."


monde_finis January 2 2009, 05:47:47 UTC
((So sorry about dropping this.))

"In my dreams, I'm falling. Always falling. I don't want to fall anymore," she said. "I wake up screaming. The neighbors hate it."

Claire shrugged after her explanation. "Claire Tourneur," she said.


mrsruthlaskin January 9 2009, 06:57:18 UTC
(ah, same it's cool.)

Clem nods and takes a sip of her beer. "Pleasure to meet you, Claire." When she goes for a swig, she realizes it's done, frowning she sighs. "You know, dreams mean everything. I think dreams predict the future. Not, literally, I mean with your falling thing... but it means something going on deep inside."


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