Hours after posting the Secret Santa posters, Wishbone realized he hadn't even written his letter to Santa Claus yet! And he's been a good dog!
So in the Great Hall, there were sheets of parchment and quills laying out, so others could write to Santa too.
Wishbone wrote (thanks to a Dictaquill):
Dear Santa,
I've been a good dog this year! And I've made friends. Some of the things I ask for are for them, I hope that's okay!
-New chew toys
-New books
-For Joe or Ellen or anyone else of my friends to come here.
-For Matt to come back (Matt rushed through here, getting food, before going back to his room for a marathon Metal Gear Solid 4 session)
-Nice treats for all the kitties
-Chocolate for Mello
-Legos for Near
-Something nice for Professor Snape
-The ability to be an Animagus
-A soft pillow and blanket
I don't need any treats, I still have some from the treasure chest.
I promise to leave you milk and cookies, and I won't eat them all like last time. If your reindeer don't mind doggie treats, they can have some too.
Wishbone dipped his paw into an inkwell to place his pawprint on his letter.
He made sure to leave plenty of ink for everyone else, though! They might need to write their letters to Santa too!