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blond_bondshell October 13 2008, 06:46:20 UTC
After the conversation with Vesper, Bond left the class in murderous mood. He wanted her to see the truth, and he thought somehow he could have physically forced it into her head. Amazingly enough, his attempt had failed, and he was lost in a haze of anger.

Bond had pretty much failed College 101 in Montenegro, when he'd accepted a drink he hadn't made himself or seen made. The result had almost killed him, and in retrospect he should have been much more careful. This time, it was his temper that was going to do him in, because he didn't even think about what could be in the food when he ate some of the birthday cake.

After taking a bite, he set the fork on the plate and dropped the fork. When he bent down to get it, he bumped the table and knocked over the plate, getting cake frosting in his hair. Bond muttered under his breath, but the muttering turned into full-blown yelling when he stood up and slammed his head on the underside of the table. He was shouting curses when he took a wrong step, slammed his shin into a chair, and tripped over it, bringing the tablecloth down with him.

He wiped the frosting out of his eyes and realized that something horrible had happened.


contra_account October 13 2008, 06:50:48 UTC
Vesper slipped out of Sex Ed once she had the information she wanted, on Wizarding contraceptives. She was wandering the halls in search of landmarks when she heard a familiar voice shouting in pain.

That it immediately set her running full-tilt in its direction was pure reflex. Really.

She found her way into the Great Hall just in time to see Bond hit the ground.



blond_bondshell October 13 2008, 06:58:13 UTC
"Come to laugh, have you?" he hissed, trying to get a frosting rose out of his hair. All he was really doing was spreading it around and turning his hair pink. He stood up, but stumbled over the tablecloth wrapped around his feet and struck the edge of the table before hitting the floor again.

He was getting beaten to a pulp by an inanimate object. "This is not happening," he said under his breath before kicking the tablecloth off. His hair was pink and blue, and frosting was smeared on his face and shirt. It was not the sharp look he usually went for.


contra_account October 13 2008, 07:01:50 UTC
Had he bothered to look - or hadn't had frosting in his eyes - Bond might have noticed the blood had drained from Vesper's face, leaving her deathly pale.

"James, what's happened? Have you been poisoned again? Should I find a doctor, or, or -" She broke off and fought down a panicked sob.


blond_bondshell October 13 2008, 07:12:51 UTC
"I don't think it's poison." It was hard to say. His heart wasn't racing, he wasn't sweating, and there was no abnormal cold or hot feeling associated with this strange phenomena. All that seemed to have happened was that his arms and legs weren't where he thought he was putting them.

James got enough frosting out of his eyelashes so that his eyes weren't weren't half glued shut, and when he saw Vesper's pale face half of his anger drained away. "It's not poison," he lied. She could look at him like she wanted him to die on the spot, or not look at him at all, but he couldn't take that. He couldn't let her look at him with fear and concern.


contra_account October 13 2008, 07:18:21 UTC
"Thank God," Vesper breathed.

"Then what - James." She reached out a finger and scraped a bit of blue frosting off his cheek. "Did you eat some of this?" she asked, and put her fingertip in her mouth to suck the sugary substance off. Immediately the front pieces of her hair turned bright neon blue.


blond_bondshell October 13 2008, 07:27:35 UTC
He eyed her hair. "So you've seen that this cake did something to me, and you decided to eat it?" Bond reached up and pulled out a piece of hair from behind her ear, brushing his hand against her cheek as he did so. He had wanted to hurt her just a few minutes ago. He wanted her to still be dead and gone from his life.

For a few minutes, though, he wanted to touch her, and feel her, and breathe her in. If some cake frosting was letting them do that, he would take it as a blessing in disguise.

"Blue's your color. It matches your eyes."


contra_account October 13 2008, 07:36:01 UTC
"It was just a taste test, not enough to hurt," she replied, and shivered at the slight touch. "What -?" Then she saw her hair, and laughed in relief.

"A joke. James, it's a joke. There was a boy I met at the Sorting, he sells charmed candies for pranks - I wonder if it's his handiwork?" She stood to look over the table, but the crowd had too thoroughly decimated the cake for any message iced into it to be readable. "And I wonder who the intended victim was."

Once she stood up straight, she realized the area around the table was turning into bedlam. "I don't think we're the only ones who've been hit. Possibly it's time for a strategic retreat. Can you stand?"


blond_bondshell October 13 2008, 16:36:23 UTC
"I can try." He was able to get to his feet without incident, although there was some wobbling. Free of the tablecloth, he took a step away from the table, and nothing happened. He didn't feel dizzy or faint. The clumsiness seemed to attack without warning.

The door was only 20 feet away. The hallway beyond that was going to be a challenge.


contra_account October 13 2008, 23:34:29 UTC
Vesper put her arm around James' waist.

"Hold on to me. I'll guide you to the door. Just try to follow my lead, all right?"

She walked him slowly and carefully to the door, slowing down even more to guide him around the corners of tables and benches. In far more time than 20 feet should have taken, they reached the door and Vesper pushed it open.

"Now then. Onward. Where to?"


blond_bondshell October 13 2008, 23:42:13 UTC
"Gryffin-" he pointed, and slammed his knuckles into the door. The wooden door rocked, and the edge of it brushed against a suit of armor in the hallway.

The result was like somebody throwing a kitchen's worth of pots and pans down the stairs.

The suit tilted, the toppled into the next one, setting off a chair reaction down the hall. One poor house elf was at the far end of the row, and he ran off screaming as the suits came tumbling toward him. Luckily, the last suit just missed clipping his heels.

James had his hands clapped around his ears to protect them from the noise. He lowered them gingerly. "Sorry," he said, followed by a wince as a helmet came loose and bounced down the hall, clobbering the elf who had paused to catch his breath.


contra_account October 13 2008, 23:51:33 UTC
"Oh my. James, this cake has turned you into Larry, Moe and Curly Joe. Hands in your pockets please, for everyone's safety." She turned them slightly sideways with her in the lead, the better to kick bits of metal plating out of their path, and edged them downward a few feet at a time.

"You'll have to talk me through the halls to Gryffindor. Your room, I take it?"


blond_bondshell October 14 2008, 00:55:20 UTC
He glared at her for treating him like a child, but reluctantly shoved his hands in his pockets. At this rate, somebody was likely to get killed, and it was probably going to be him.

His room was a potential problem, but only if she went poking through his belongings. The PPK and the smaller gun were safely tucked out of sight, but the other one...

Oh God, he'd forgotten all about it.

"Vesper," Bond said urgently. "I need you to reach under my sweater at the back."


contra_account October 14 2008, 00:57:34 UTC
Vesper gave him her sternest look.

"James. This is hardly the time!"


blond_bondshell October 14 2008, 01:04:10 UTC
He rolled his eyes. "I somewhat figured that. I need you to get my gun. Or would you like that I got it myself?"

This wasn't a position he wanted to be in. Giving Vesper a loaded gun was the last thing he wanted to do, but they'd both be safer if it was off his person.


contra_account October 14 2008, 01:12:49 UTC
"That would be an extremely bad idea, yes," she replied, and slid a hand under the hem of his sweater. She moved it along the back of his slacks waistband until it reached an obstacle near his left hip. She closed her eyes and eased the gun out of the waistband, then slowly maneuvered it out from under the sweater.

Once it was clear, she looked it over. "Is the safety on?"


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