Owl Invitation to Lezard from Severus (closed RP)

Aug 29, 2008 20:44

After wandering bitterly by the Defense against the Dark Arts class, Severus returns to his office and waits impatiently for Damon's daily visit. He will teach a class soon, he determines, and works with still greater diligence on his diagrams, including some new instructional ones and even prepares some slides for the classroom projector. This calms him and by the time his owl arrives he is hissing through his teeth with concentration again.

His note is at his elbow, carefully inked in green and blotted.

Lezard Valeth,

I am willing to teach you Occlumency as we discussed, should you remain interested in pursuing these studies. I will be free tomorrow evening after tea. Please come to my sitting-room in Slytherin rather than my office. The Hospital Wing is unsuitable.

Yours truly,
Prof. Severus Snape.

This time he will be more careful with the pensieve. He is already considering what he will store away. James, Lezard's evil twin, will definitely not be present. Severus half-grins and half-sneers at his half-joke.

severus snape, owl, rp, lezard valeth

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