Why Luna should never be allowed near the Owlery

Aug 25, 2008 22:09

It turned out that Luna's father had suggested that there was a great deal of information to be mined from the Muggles that could be used in future issues of the Quibbler. Which was what Luna had been doing for a while. This mainly involved watching a lot of Muggle television.

But a girl cannot live on television alone, and since Luna hadn't bothered going to any of the classes that had been held recently, she decided that she should put some of the questions that had been bothering her to those presumably wiser than she. And thus, she sent out a flurry of owls.

Professor Homsar,

As Arithmancy professor, I was hoping you could shed light on an arithmantic question that has been puzzling Muggle scholars, at least according to television, for years.

How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie roll center of a Tootsie pop?

Any assistance you can provide will be invaluable.

Luna Lovegood

Dear Ron,

Is it true that you're now the flying teacher? How is that working out for you? And do you think we could get the Ministry of Magic to make Quidditch an Olympic sport?


And then, just because she couldn't resist...

Professor Snape,

I have a date this weekend, and I need some kind of prophylactic. Please send some with this owl. I know I should make an appointment to see you myself, but, well, I'd just rather not.

Thanks ever so.

Rapacious in Ravenclaw

severus snape, owl, luna lovegood, homsar, ron weasley

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