Application for Mia Fey, Phoenix Wright / Gyakuten Saiban game series

Jan 27, 2008 18:43

((Mia is taken from after Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations, so beware of moderate spoilers. I'll label major spoilers in the comments if at all possible. Also: important clues are indicated by colored text in the game. I will keep this to a minimum.

Permission has been obtained from the other active PW muns. Can you say "workninja?" I knew ( Read more... )

victor mancha, dairine callahan, charles macaulay, gert yorkes, toki wartooth, raptor, application, soichiro yagami, pearl fey, phoenix wright, mia fey

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defense_rests January 29 2008, 18:03:39 UTC
((OMG. I nearly snorted coffee out my nose at this one. So much win. Repost to fix reaction.))

Well. This was new. What kind of school let a dinosaur - no, a velociraptor if she was guessing right - wander around unchecked? Especially with Pearl here - her cousin would be maybe one bite for the creature.

Mia eyed the raptor cautiously, remaining outwardly calm. She was already killed once, and did not intend to repeat the experience any time soon. Unfortunately, she was not carrying any snacks on her person, and her badge and magatama might not be too tasty.

She reached up and undid the long scarf around her neck, her free hand resting on the back of the nearby chair (which, fortunately, was not bolted to the floor), never taking her eyes off the raptor as she did so. "Hello there," she said evenly. "Easy, now."

Screaming and running would do no good. If those old movies were any indication, there was no way she could outrun that thing with or without heels, and it would probably provoke an attack. Provoking the six-foot-tall predator was not a good idea. Distracting it might be, and if the long silken scarf didn't work, well, she would think of something that didn't involve getting maimed. Nobody else had seemingly noticed the dinosaur yet, either. For the first time ever, Mia didn't think that Franziska von Karma's penchant for carrying a whip everywhere was quite so insane.

Seriously. There was a velociraptor wandering around this place. The hell?


apex_raptor January 30 2008, 13:07:22 UTC
((Aww, sorry? XD I love your Mia, btw.))

Outward appearances could only do so much in fooling animals with acute senses of smell. So far as the raptor's nose was concerned, feeling fear and panic was almost on level with doing the old running and screaming routine; either reaction could potentially trigger the primordial, exclusively predator part of his brain, depending on circumstances.

Fortunately the applicant was handling the situation better than most might, without making herself out to be obvious prey. And so the raptor simply returned her unwavering stare, attentive to her every action.

His attention soon shifted to what Mia held, the diaphanous material, made interesting only by the fact she seemed concerned with it. He took a step forward, long tail swaying then twitching, betraying his curiosity. He could only decipher the human noises by their tone, which was perfectly calm and slightly at odds with what he was smelling, and his survival instincts helpfully reminded him of being vastly outnumbered by humans, so don't get chompy or there could be trouble.


defense_rests January 31 2008, 03:05:07 UTC
((Don't be, it woke me up better than the coffee ever could. And thank you - I'm still not sure I have her down right, so that's good to hear! Being intentionally vague here to avoid meta; I figure she's referring to the PW universe's equivalent of Jurassic Park, and hence wouldn't recognize any of the JP-muns.))

Mia couldn't help the instinctive reaction. Even she had some sense of self-preservation, and it was natural to be unnerved by an honest-to-God velociraptor only a few feet away. Her outward reaction was controllable, at least. But as the raptor stepped forward, it still made no move to attack, and Mia frowned, perplexed. She wasn't about to pat it on the snout or anything, but it didn't seem immediately hostile. The scent of fear and panic that it was picking up probably lessened a bit. "I don't suppose you can understand me?" It was a magic school, she was no longer dead, so who knew at this rate?

Either way, she couldn't just have a staring contest with a prehistoric predator for the next few hours. Especially not if Pearl wandered in. She'd only guessed what it was thanks to that movie that Maya had watched hundreds of times when they were young, and she wasn't entirely sure a scarf would be an adequate distraction. But it wasn't like she had anything else, really.

...and why was there a house elf hiding behind her knees? (Either that or an extremely short pervert, in which case they would be treated to a mule kick.) If it was a house elf, however, she had an idea. The last one had been very helpful with getting her evidence, after all.

Mia cleared her throat, continuing to dangle the scarf invitingly away from her body and not looking away from the raptor. "If you're not busy down there," she said calmly but meaningfully, "could you fetch, say, a dozen hamburgers?" First thing that came to mind. Of course, a hungry dinosaur immediately made her think of Maya. "Uncooked, please. I think our friend here is hungry."

There was an audible gulp, a scuffle, and a popping sound, and the presence behind her was gone. Mia sighed. "Yes, that would have been too easy, wouldn't it?" she admitted, still toying with the scarf so the material swirled invitingly, keeping the dancing end of it well away from herself. "Of course, I am the one trying to coax a dinosaur into chasing after my scarf like a household pet, so I really have no room to talk here."

It really was a shame, she mused. She'd been starting to look forward to being alive again.

((Mia doesn't know that the house elf will come back next turn, of course, or about the no-kill spell. And yes, this reply took me FOREVER.))


apex_raptor January 31 2008, 12:49:58 UTC
((I think your Mia's spot-on, for what it's worth. The little touches from the games (like red clue text) are fun too! Wasn't sure if you meant for the house-elf to return in my post or your next one, so I'll just go ahead and have it return in mine to save Mia's poor scarf. XD))

When Mia again made those human noises, the raptor's eyes moved from the scarf to her face, and as though he understood her words (he didn't), he gave a short growl. Then the dangling, twirling material pulled his attention back to it. Contrary to what the applicant thought, the scarf was proving to be more than adequately entertaining for the beast-so much so that he barely paid any mind to the cowering house-elf, which he normally would have chased a bit, or at the very least snapped at.

Crouching low to the ground, forearms held close to his body, he slunk a few steps nearer, eyes never leaving the scarf. Like an oversized scaly cat (household pet indeed!), the end of his tail quivered, there was a butt wiggle, the muscles in his calves coiled, and his jaws were agape in anticipation, revealing a very toothy grin. The most telling sign that it wasn't intended to be a lethal attack was the position of his twin 'killing claws'; both were held horizontal to the ground, instead of being flexed upwards as they usually were when he was aiming to gut his prey.

In the same moment he lunged for the scarf, the house-elf reappeared directly in front of Mia, holding a platter of the requested twelve uncooked hamburger patties. The raptor tripped over this unexpected obstacle, missing the scarf entirely (as well as the applicant, by sheer luck) as his momentum nearly carried him into the stone wall. He quickly regained his footing and whipped around in irritation, snarling and screeching at the befuddled house-elf sprawled on the floor and surrounded by hamburger.

His irritation dissipated when he caught the sweet scent of raw meat, and began happily hoovering snatching up the patties one by one in his mouth, swallowing them whole.


defense_rests February 1 2008, 01:29:11 UTC
((I've been a little remiss with the red clue text in the app so far - I know it's supposed to be orange, but switched to red so it would be readable. Hee, that's fine; I figured that her scarf would be replaceable. The magatama and badge? Not so much.))

"Oh!" Startled - by both the house elf's reappearance and the raptor's fumble - Mia let go of the scarf and stepped back hastily as the raptor lurched past her and rounded on the befuddled house elf in the next moment. This was not good. She had no desire to let one of these creatures get eaten either.

But her hunch about the raw meat proved correct, and she let out a breath of relief. The house elf scuttled hastily out of the raptor's immediate range, and she knelt down beside it. "Thank you. Are you all right?" The house elf managed a faint muttered affirmative before disappearing once again.

Mia shook her head, standing up slowly again as she watched the raptor devour the hamburgers. "Well, you definitely remind me of Maya now," she informed it. Her sister could make burgers disappear almost as quickly, after all.


Vote: Ravenclaw apex_raptor February 1 2008, 10:54:20 UTC
((...don't ask how the raptor knows how to vote. He just does. XD))

As the hamburgers steadily disappeared, the raptor made a content sort of growling sound. The meat tasted funny, and wasn't nearly as warm and bloody as he'd have liked, but it was the first half-decent meal he'd had since wandering out of that strange room reeking of butter. All things considered, life was pretty good.

Once he finished gorging, his attention returned to the applicant. Less wary than before, he crept right up beside her and gave a cursory sniff, as though making sure there weren't any hidden treats on her person. Apparently satisfied, he then crouched down and nosed at the rumpled scarf on the floor. It wasn't fluttering through the air anymore, so it was much less interesting.

The raptor stood, chirruped at Mia a final time, then trotting away, easily weaving through the crowd and slipping out the door. With him went a new scent-memory, and the next time he started craving hamburger meat, now associated with Mia, chances were she might one day find an oversized lizard scratching at her door.


Re: Vote: Ravenclaw defense_rests February 1 2008, 23:06:09 UTC
((Yeah, well, it's Hogwarts. "Don't ask how..." applies to most of the crack here. This was fantastic. ♥ ))

Mia sensibly kept her arms crossed and her hands to herself as the raptor sniffed her and then her scarf. She watched it depart with a bemused expression - and when it disappeared out the door, she let out a sigh of relief. Picking up her scarf, she took a moment to inspect it for stains and found none - the house elves kept the floors clean enough to eat off of literally in this case. A small group was already converging on the spot where the hamburgers had met their untimely end. In a few minutes, there would no longer be any physical evidence that a dozen hamburgers had met an untimely death-by-raptor.

...Well, now she knew the whole encounter had reminded her of her sister. That sounded much like something Maya would say. Although Maya might have been a bit put out at the loss of hamburgers.

Shaking her head, Mia wrapped the scarf around her neck again and tied it, letting it fall back over her shoulder again and brushing herself off. That was... no, there really were no words to describe that encounter. She made a mental note to find out what the school was doing about such creatures wandering its halls unattended - and a bit more about those house elves.

And perhaps having some raw meat on hand in case of an emergency might not be a bad idea.


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