Posters appear all over Hogwarts again...

Dec 14, 2007 18:50

Merry Christmas!

Last year, we had a Secret Santa exchange that went pretty well, and I think we should carry on the tradition.

If you're interested, just sign below and I'll shuffle the names up and send you yours.

A lot of you know the drill: surprise your Secret Santa recipient with a couple of fun gifts and then we'll reveal all at the Christmas party.

(( As I warned earlier, it's the Revenge of the Secret Santa exchange!

As was the case last year, there is a magical imperative placed on these notes: if your name goes on it, you're stuck doing the Secret Santa exchange. Even if someone else ICly signs your character up - but do not do this without OOC permission!

Sign the post ICly, but add an OOC comment with an e-mail I can use to send you your character's Secret Santa recipient. (Also, if you play other pups and don't want to sock your Secret Santa, please make a note of it.)

This post will be open for 96 hours, or until this time on Tuesday, December 18th. Yeah, it's a while, but the death and resurrection of my iMac means I'll be busier than anticipated this weekend.

After that, I'll randomize the names, e-mail people their recipients, and I'll make a post in h_h_ooc with anonymous commenting enabled and screening on. Why, no this is not a blatant attempt to get people to use that comm! Why do you ask? XD

The date of the Christmas party post... is still up in the air depending on consensus and if I'll be around. Last year it was the week between Christmas and New Year's. Should be the same time frame, I'll be able to post the actual date by Tuesday.

Any other OOC questions? Post 'em here.))


(( ETA #2: POOL IS CLOSED! Give me a bit to shuffle the names. ))

mayday parker, rp

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