Closed RP: Henry and Camilla get...surprised.

Nov 05, 2007 15:29

McCormack, Monagle, and White 4 November 2007
9738 Oxford Way


McCormack, Monagle, and White
676 Knockturn Alley

To Miss Camilla Macaulay and Mister Henry Winter,

I write to inform you that your request for a marriage license has been granted. The proper documents are attached, one copy for Wizarding records and one for use in Muggle society, should occasion require it.

I am pleased to assure you that Miss Macaulay's previous entanglement presents no obstacle to your aims, unless Mr. Papen should choose to file claim with the Ministry, at which point I believe a colleague of mine may be of immense use in disposing of that problem. So far as the Muggle world is concerned, Mr. Winter now has a new identity--the appropriate documentation will be sent along presently. All pertinent details remain the same, save for family and place of birth.

The process of creating documentation for Mr. Winter would have been far easier had I been supplied with more detailed information. Perhaps you were not aware that on the Marchbanks side of the family, Mr. Winter has living relatives in the wizarding world, a circumstance that obliged me to be considerably more creative in devising a fictitious identity.

What preliminary inquiries I myself have made did not meet with a promising welcome. It would seem that the Marchbanks scion from whom Mr. Winter descends had been born a Squib. I surmise the unfortunate individual must have been disowned. In any event, Mr. Winter is ineligible to inherit any part of the Marchbanks estate. I have avoided re-establishing this family connection in the new records that as per your request I have created. Further inquiries into this branch of the family should be addressed to Madam Griselda Marchbanks, in care of the Wizarding Examinations Authority, whose acting head she remains.

The enclosed documents should provide all that is needed by way of identification and official paperwork. The marriage license has also been enclosed and I have managed to waive any necessity for you to appear at the Ministry in person for the signing of papers. Your officiant and witnesses should sign the license and attached affidavits, upon which time they may be returned to me.

Your generous remuneration has been received by my office and I look forward to the continuance of a long and pleasant professional relationship.


Quentin McCormack

owl, camilla macaulay, henry winter, rp

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